Friday, April 20, 2012

Paper Shadows

I must admit, I LOVED helping with this school project for the kids.

Sidenote: It makes me VERY weary of what my future will look like for the next 14 yrs of school projects x 4. HOLY COW! Time consuming! I should probably start sooner than the day before they are due, eh?


But this was a blast! We were to trace outlines of each child, and then the kids were to decorate the paper shadows how they see themselves!


I let them choose their body positions and got to work with my pencil. Here is Benny boy! I was amazed at how much it looked like him. Unreal.

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Ethan~ why holding his train, of course!

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Andrew- had to copy exactly what Ethan did (naturally), but added a friendly & enthusiastic wave! LOL (He had his mouth wide open in his characteristic perma-grin while I was tracing…I also, made his hair a little crazier)

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Yes, his legs are a little jacked up because the little grasshopper would not be still…

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And all you ever need to know about my darling daughter is from this outline. Confident body posture, hair perfectly in place. LOL. This girl….I tell ya.

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The kids hard at work---its like a giant coloring page of themselves! The kids had helped me pick out some brown yarn for their hair…but man, I just didn’t have the patience to glue down 4 heads of hair with single strands of yarn. Crayon would work JUUUUST fine!

Winking smile

(Sav, Ben, Ethan, Andrew)

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Ethan coloring his brown hair

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Sav and her blue undergarments…tee hee. She did an amazing job with her coloring…I was so impressed!

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Crazy Drew---it was like holding a cat down for a bath…he would have MUCH rather been playing with his trains. Lost interest after about 2 minutes. We had to work in shifts…

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Benjamin---my perfectionist.

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Ethan- SO proud of his paper shadow with his green train and green undies!

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I guess Ben wanted to make his smile as big as his Momma’s! Lol. Sweet boy. Love him.

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Drew Drew Drew…God love you. After hours of pulling teeth, he finally finished. Nevermind that it looks like he had a blue accident in his undies with his crazy eyes. Can you tell that he was just trying to slap stuff down so he could go play? LOL. This kid…

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She’s not proud or anything.

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Next up, I let the kids pick out their favorite outfits to put on the paper shadows. We took them to school and Miss Janie put them up in the hallway for everyone to see. They turned out pretty cute! And I LOVE the questionnaires that accompany each kiddo.

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E’s fav food: beans? uhhh…okay, buddy. And I LOVE that his favorite place to go is anywhere with Mommy! (melt me)



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Favorite foods, Drew? Salad and vegetables??? REEEEEALLY? That would be great- if you would actually eat them! ha.



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Ben’s interview is pretty accurate…right down to Favorite Place to Go: “Chili Pepperos”…translation~ “Chili’s”. I guess we eat out a lot! LOL. (Hey, you can’t beat “Kids Eat Free”!)



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I love that Sav has all her stuffed animals lined up on her bed with her at all times. I guess she really does get lonely in her room by herself. (One day she will love it, right? If we ever move, I’m actually thinking about putting her back with her bros).


And her fav place to go? Uhh…a trip to Mexico? LOL. Yah, me too Sav! and when exactly did you vacation there? (Miss Janie got a good laugh out of that one).


I love how she picked out a bow and necklace---that was ALL SAV!


Our Steece Paper Shadows! Aren’t they cute?

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And yes, the kids are all still the same height and weight. We don’t stick out like a sore thumb or anything.



Happy Friday, peeps!

suz signature


  1. These are stunning and Sav is just such a girl

  2. Oh so cute! And you say you aren't crafty! I have to disagree with you, those sketches turned out adorable.

  3. So cute!! I had to laugh when I read your comment about school projects. I taught first grade before having kids and now my oldest is in kindergarten. I used to love the "have fun and be creative" projects when I was teaching but now that I am a parent they aren't so much fun :)

  4. Your kiddos (and mommy!) did a great job! What a fun project and also cute to hear about all their different personalities!

  5. Oh, goodness! Your description of Drew's coloring made me laugh and laugh and laugh! Then I went back and read it again and laughed some more. =) I just love your kids...which is strange, since I've never met them or anything, but you know...=O

  6. Those are precious! Great job! :)

  7. It wasn't too long ago my kids were that young and I remember helping with that same project all the way up here in Wisconsin!

    Treasure those little bodies all fitting in that hallway working on their projects because soon they'll be nudging each other out of the way to get their school projects done.

  8. Uhhhh....ok....those paper dolls are SOOOOOO life-like!!! Hilarious!!! The last picture is so funny, reminds me of Flat Stanley :) Ever heard of him? If not, you 3rd grader loves to read his books. Stanley's bulletin board fell off the wall while he was sleeping & flattened him forever...cute books. Anyway, enjoyed this post of your flat children :) Good luck on those school projects & studying for tests...I do not envy you in keeping 4 kids focused on school, ugh.

  9. Uhhhh....ok....those paper dolls are SOOOOOO life-like!!! Hilarious!!! The last picture is so funny, reminds me of Flat Stanley :) Ever heard of him? If not, you 3rd grader loves to read his books. Stanley's bulletin board fell off the wall while he was sleeping & flattened him forever...cute books. Anyway, enjoyed this post of your flat children :) Good luck on those school projects & studying for tests...I do not envy you in keeping 4 kids focused on school, ugh.

  10. Most adorable homework assignment E-VA!!!!!!!!1

  11. Alexus12:10 AM

    Oh my word, those are soo adorable and really resemble each kid! Savannah and a Mexico trip, hahaha!, too funny! Her skin is always so tan, I was actually wondering if she was part Mexican?

  12. what a great idea!!

  13. TamaraL10:11 PM

    That is awesome!! I have to ask, how the heck did you get those outlines done? Did you draw them yourself?? If so, you are amazing!

  14. how fun! love it!

  15. Your children are just sweet as can be. Yes, we all know they have their moments too because you share those fun stories with us too:) But sweethearts nonetheless.

  16. These are so cute! Did YOU draw each body or the kids' teacher? Whoever did it is great and totally captured each child!

    That's pretty amazing that all 4 kids are the same height and weight! My twins aren't even close...Jacob is 10 lbs and 3+ inches taller than his sister!

  17. What a phenomenal idea. I love them. So cute.

  18. We just tried this with our 4-yo twins and 2.5 yr old (all boys); it was not nearly as successful as yours, but still cute! We had put it on our "summer bucket list" based on your blog, and now we can check it off. Btw, my twins started out 0.9 oz apart weight-wise, and still stay usually within 0.5 lb of each other, and within an inch. :)
    Love your family!
