Monday, July 02, 2012

Gettin' Ready?!!

You guys gettin' ready for the 4th of July?!! WE ARE!

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Super excited for the big Arlington Parade on Wednesday! (the largest in the country)

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And Mama is super excited to try out some fun July 4th appetizers and snacks for the kiddos!


(Pinterest…you complete me)


I’m currently compiling a list of your MM questions and will begin answering what I can!


Happy Monday, peeps!

suz signature


  1. CUTE kiddos! Waiting on answers...started today!!

  2. Adorable kiddos!! The Fourth of July is one of my all-time favorite holidays. Hot summer sun, swimming, parades, picnics.. Does it get any better than that?

  3. Anonymous10:49 AM

    You look! You look so fresh and you have that sparkle in your eye. CHecking out Metabolism Miracle today...

  4. CUTE outfits!!!! your kiddos are getting so big!

    You look beautiful :)

  5. What great photos! I'm going to try that diet after #5 arrives.

    I've got to ask. Where did you find the "Welcome to the Zoo" door mat? I had to laugh. Our house is like the zoo with our crazy 4.

  6. My son and his family live in Arlington and LOVE the parade every 4th of July! I have YET to make it!

  7. We are planning to attend the parade as well :) Have a great fourth!

  8. I LOVE Sav's dress! My kids were not dressed patriotic at all this year for the holiday. It was so darn hot that they all wanted tank tops and their patriotic stuff was just t-shirts. Sarah had a tank-dress but was running a 2K so a dress really wasn't the best option for her, either! ha! oh well...we still had a fun day!
