Sunday, September 02, 2012

1st Day of Preschool for the Quads

They just turned 5 yrs old, but we decided to hold the kids back one year. They will start Kindergarten in the fall of 2013.

Here are the pics I took for their teachers’ survival kits on the 1st day of school (a cute little teacher box full of Advil, stress relieving lotion, notepads, pens, chocolate, etc.…you know, the essentials).

Ethan and Savannah are in a class together

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…and Ben & Drew

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I have been ready for school to start for about a month now! The kids have been going NUTS. We desperately need to get back into a routine…can I getta AMEN, Moms?!!!


But I must admit---they were GREAT on the 1st day of preschool!

Ethan, Andrew, Savannah, & Benjamin

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Got this nifty idea off of Pinterest and it turned out SO CUTE! (I’m going to take a picture like this every year on the 1st day of school).

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I wanted to take a picture of the kids from behind, and caught them holding hands---the whole way into school! It was absolutely adorable. (B, S, A, E)

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Why do all kids have to stop when they see a water fountain? KILLS ME.

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We met up with our BFF’s~ the Tarrant twins! Kinley and Maddie on our way into school!

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Sav and Ethan getting all of their stuff out like big kids and putting it away…

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Benny and Andrew, peering into their classroom, waiting for their turn to go in.

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I always take off work on the first day of school- pretty much because it is a crazy day…AND, I use it as a little “ME” day before I start working again.

So, Liz and I made a trip to the beauty school and let the gals “practice” on our hair (CHEAP!)

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Ahhhh… my natural hair color. Haven’t seen this in years! So nice. I wonder how long it will last? tee hee hee (I have tons of gray, so I usually keep it pretty light)

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Granna and I picked up the kids and treated them to a nice little after-school ice cream surprise…

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…followed by popcorn and a movie!



Mom, thank you SOOOOOOO much for answering my S.O.S. and coming to help this week. I couldn’t have done it without you. We love you so much!

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suz signature


  1. Kelsi4:17 AM

    Oh Suz i would NEVER have guessed you had any grey hair! You do a wonderful job of hiding it! And, you look JUST like your mama in that pic of you at the hair salon. :-) I noticed you haven't cut your boys' hair, are you letting it grow out longer?
    They look SO happy at school. So nice to see them dressed a bit differently, and showing some individuality. That Ben is such a handsome little guy! He will be a heartbreaker one day!

  2. I am in awe that you all are up and ready and at school on time. You go girl#whatawoman!

  3. Could they be more adorable?? I'm a teacher and I swear this generation loves hearing Michael Jackson. I play it for Transition Music sometimes.

  4. You will be so happy you waited to start kindergarten until they are 6! We did that with our Aug bday girl and it was the best decision ever! School is much different than when we went - they do everything a lot earlier now - our daughter has done so well so far(she's in 4th)and you can just tell being older is the main reason why! She has more confidence and is able to handle social situations and the academic load with ease...Enjoy this last year of preschool!! I have a 2nd,4th and 6th grader and the start of every school for me is always bittersweet - so happy to be back on a routine but sad to see them growing up so quickly :)

  5. Could you post on why you decided to have the kids wait to start kindergarten? My daughter has an August 4 birthday and even though she just turned one I worry about that already.
    PS. I read the whole blog from quads birth through present last month, have loved the pics and stories. My DD is a great sleeper but I'm up all night reading :)

  6. Amen to the need to get back into a routine! We only start kindergarten this week and I can't wait...the kids are super excited too! LOVE the picture idea - going to do that, makes great memories. Lovely pics of your kiddos, as always - they look very cute!!

  7. the kids favs crack me up! Love it. So excited they are all at school together. Love you guys soooo much!

  8. Katie9:08 AM

    They all look so grown up!!

    How do you get them not to argue, I know my kids argue over everything and I've only got twins? (:

  9. Anonymous9:36 PM

    First of all....I love reading your blog. You are such an inspiring mom. But ...I am posting more for just a question/curiosity. You mentioned taking the day off when it is the first day of school for the quads and then you went on to mention that you also took some "me" time before going back to work. As a you get the summer's off with the kiddos?

  10. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I love to read your are such an inspiring mother! I am posting more for a question/curiosity. I am a nurse as well and just wondered from a comment you made in your last post... do you get time off from work during the summer months to spend time with the quads? I just noticed you mentioned "start working again." If so, I would love some tips on how you managed to get a schedule around your children's schedule. I personally struggle with not being able to spend more summer days with my children and just looking for some tips :) Thanks and keep reading about your sweet family!

  11. So glad they are off to a great start!! I'm totally with you on waiting the year. My twins are November birthdays and in Michigan, you can start as long as your bday falls before Dec. 1. We were encouraged to send them last fall but did Developmental Kdg and they are now in full day Kdg this fall at age 5.5. I'm SOOOO glad we took that year for them - lots of growth for them and they're off to a great start this fall!!
