Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Savannah’s Nest

Yesterday was Pajama Day (+ bring your favorite book & stuffed animal) at school.09 september 2012 239

Ben brought his small football pillow & Reveille book

Drew brought his Finn pillow & a Thomas book

Ethan brought his Francesco pillow & a Thomas book

Savannah brought her Baby Lila & “If you give a Moose a Muffin” book


We are LOVING school and having a blast. The kids are really learning a LOT, which is so cool to see.


Last night, before heading to bed, I checked on the little girl princess (and was trying to locate the Shi dog). Shiloh had been sprawled out right beside Sav but had moved by the time I grabbed my camera.

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Savannah cracks me up at night. She spends her time: sneaking out of her room, spying on Mom & Dad, drawing/ coloring/ creating, changing outfits a billion times, lining up her toys, etc….until she finally passes out in awkward positions or places.

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So blogging has slowed down a wee bit, I know. Joe and I are almost finished working on our kitchen (in between passing around stomach bugs…yet AGAIN. Good times).


Several weeks ago, we started ripping down our lovely pineapple wallpaper.


(picture from 2007, when we were about to bid on the house)

Joe is hanging all of the window treatments tonight and then I will post some “after” pics. Nothing crazy different, but cozy and we love it.


Hope you guys are all enjoying this magical fall weather ~my FAVORITE time of year!

suz signature


  1. Awww, I love that Shiloh was cuddled with Savannah. Your kiddos are adorable... as always!

  2. Oh my goodness, that tiger is freaky realistic!

  3. Love how their personalities shine through by what they choose to take to school!!!

  4. Speaking of Sav... my son is going to have his intermittent exotropia (his eyes drift outward, rather than inward like Sav's) fixed in December. i went searched for Sav's old post (seriously have been reading your blog for as long as you have been pregnant- my little girl is a few months older than your kids) and found it... but wondered if you wouldn't mind emailing me to let me know how it went afterward and everything. my son is about to turn four, and i don't have friends who have gone through this surgery with any of their kids. but i remember Sav did! would love any information you may have- suggestions for how to make it easier on him afterward, etc.

    thanks girl! my email is bennett (dot) emily (at) hotmail (dot) com :)

  5. Haha! This is totally my 5 year old daughter - being a "sneak girl" spying on us in the living room, organizing random things in her room, getting completely naked and then falling asleep in random positions. Love it!

  6. Excellent costumes! I bet they had a blast!!

  7. I am a lurker and I love reading your blog and keeping up with your kiddos. They are the same age as my son and I tell you, you must have a lot of energy to keep up with four 5 year olds. On a different note, I found on pinterest that if you drink one cup of welch's pure grape juice a day, it will help prevent getting a stomach bug. I have been doing this with my kids and so far we are 2 months stomach bug free. I don't know if it really works but so far so good. Might be worth trying with four little ones:)

  8. My 7 yr old daughter does the EXACT same thing! She destroys her room trying on outfits, writing, drawing, knitting, gluing, etc. after she "goes to bed." It kills me.

  9. Aww Savi is so cute all sprawled out on the bed! Too precious!! Can't wait to see pics of your updated kitchen!! I love new things!!
