Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Steece Kiddie Christmas 2012

Before the kids opened their presents, we headed over to the Lakeway Trail of Lights.

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Feeling festive with Diddy

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Drew and his penguins again…

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Awwww, Diddy stealing a kiss from his bride…

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Ahhh, the races around the Christmas tree…always entertaining!

(Ben, Ethan, Andrew with his backward shoes, and Sav)

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Andrew wins by a landslide!!!

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Grampy wants in on the races…

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Still no match for the Drewster!

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Me and my man

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Oh, the anticipation!

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Uncle Dan dancing to the sweet tunes of his crazy bouncing Santa hat!

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Gig ‘Em, Ebud!!!!!

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Take a good look! The starting full back (Ben), QB (Ethan), and safety (Drew) of Texas A&M’s future…  (a Dad can dream)

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…but more plausible would be 3 train conductors Winking smile

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Savi loves her girly stuff from Auntie Jess!

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Ed, Sav, and Jess

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The girls in our holiday martini hats!

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The fellas and their festive head pieces

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My buddy!

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Go ‘head, girlfriend! Look at you and those wedge heels!

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A pretty new Holiday Barbie! (takes me back)

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A super cool new Lionel train!

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And the “entertainment” of the evening was Uncle Dan and Joe’s vocal Christmas melody…complete with synchronized dance moves.

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Hittin’ those high notes… bwahahaha

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Too much fun…

suz signature


  1. Love your walk through Christmas!

  2. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Oh how I wish you'd post video of the men singing and dancing.
