Friday, March 29, 2013

A Steece-style Slumber Party

Last night, we had our 4 kids, the 2 Tarrant twins, and my 2 nephews spend the night! We always have so much fun.


Maddie, Ben, Ethan, Kinley, Carter, Savannah, and Drew

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They had a blast riding bikes and scooters in our front driveway…

Maddie, Sawyer, Carter, Ben, Ethan, Drew, Sav & Kinley

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…and then it was bath time: Boys in the tub, girls in the shower!

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(I mean, really, what’s 4 more kids when you already live with quads???….NOTHING!)


Love our friends and love that our kiddos adore each other SO much!




suz signature

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful that your children adore each other so much, but my opinion is that is a direct result of your parenting style. Respect and adoration for siblings is taught by how they see their parents treat other and themselves.

    You and Joe have done such a wonderful job in raising your four little ones. You do it with such grace and such patience. You should really be proud of yourselves.
