Friday, March 08, 2013

A Surprise Celebration

So, I’ve been planning a little surprise get together for about 2 months now. Last Friday was our 10 yr anniversary, and Saturday was Joe’s 34th birthday. A strong, solid marriage is a reflection of the friends you surround yourself with. There is no better group of peeps that I would want beside us than these folks…

Joe knew that I had something planned for this evening, but did not know the specifics (where we were going, who was invited, etc.)

He couldn’t have been more thrilled!
Sam, Sheedy, Riley, Joe
01 march 2013 029

Sheeds and Evans
01 march 2013 018

Joe, Riley, Suz
01 march 2013 019

Christy and Katie
01 march 2013 020

My main squeeze…
01 march 2013 021

01 march 2013 022

…this face… love it.
02 february 2013 086

Eddie and Jess!
01 march 2013 023

Me and my BFF’s~ Liz and Ashley
01 march 2013 025

Vero and MBoa
01 march 2013 026

Jess and me
01 march 2013 027

Ashley and Col
01 march 2013 030

me and my bro
01 march 2013 031

Classy wine bar, live music, great friends… Perfect evening!
01 march 2013 032

CT met us at Esparza’s!
01 march 2013 034

The dudes! Joe, Chris, Collin
01 march 2013 036

Me and my Lizzie Poo
01 march 2013 037

Collin and Ashley
01 march 2013 038

Veronica and Sam
01 march 2013 041

Riles, Jess, and Ed
01 march 2013 043

Auntie Jess and Uncle Ed
01 march 2013 044

Joe and Riley
01 march 2013 046

Thank you SO much to all of our friends who made it out to celebrate with us. We love you so much. It was such a special evening and we loved having you there.

Saturday morning, Joe headed out early to play golf with his bro, and his brand spankin’ new golf bag (courtesy of yours truly)…
01 march 2013 047

That evening, we took in a show at a fancy schmancy theater with reclining seats…
02 february 2013 093

and topped off our weekend with a nice, romantic dinner…just the two of us.
02 february 2013 090-001

PERFECT weekend! Thanks so much to Mom & Dad for keeping the kids~ which is NO easy task! We truly appreciate you.

And to BOTH sets of our parents:
We are beyond grateful to you for being such amazing examples of love, friendship and marriage. We LOVE you and are blessed to have you as parents.

Happy 10 yrs, babe!…and many more!!! xoxo
suz signature


  1. aww what a great way to celebrate your anniversary and joe's bday!! happy 10 years!! with lots more to come! xoxo

  2. Everyone looks so HAPPY!!!!

    Congratulations :)

  3. What a fantastic weekend!
