Friday, March 29, 2013

A Steece-style Slumber Party

Last night, we had our 4 kids, the 2 Tarrant twins, and my 2 nephews spend the night! We always have so much fun.


Maddie, Ben, Ethan, Kinley, Carter, Savannah, and Drew

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They had a blast riding bikes and scooters in our front driveway…

Maddie, Sawyer, Carter, Ben, Ethan, Drew, Sav & Kinley

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…and then it was bath time: Boys in the tub, girls in the shower!

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(I mean, really, what’s 4 more kids when you already live with quads???….NOTHING!)


Love our friends and love that our kiddos adore each other SO much!




suz signature

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ashley’s Mural for the Library

I am SO extremely proud of my super talented sister-in-law, Ashley, and her artistic abilities. She just finished this beautiful mural for the children’s section of the Woodland West Library in Arlington, Texas.

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We made her do this- haha. She is adorable.

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This weekend there was a big dedication of the new children’s library… we ate on some treats.




All of our kiddos were there to join in the celebration. Here is Kinley and Savi… always up to no good, these 2! SO much alike.




Sweet baby Sawyer, could he be any cuter???!!!




Ben playing in the kiddie area

















Gorgeous little kids! My beautiful nephews~ Carter and Sawyer




My BFFs. Seriously don’t know what I would do without Ash or Liz. They are my every day sanity. Love them so much. Ashely, we are so proud of you and your work!

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suz signature



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Friday, March 22, 2013

Our Mini-Spring Break Fun!

Wait, people actually do fun things on Spring Break?…Yah, we are not cool enough for that yet. Maybe when the kids start Kinder, we will take advantage of a week off from school (I know MOM will definitely need that break! ha).


Joe took off Monday and we decided to make it a long, St. Paddy’s Day weekend in Austin, with none other than our EXTREMELY IRISH GRAMMY and GRAMPY!


Sav and Ethan about to hit the pool. I guess this is what life would look like with twins? (looks so weird! not used to seeing only 2, ha) I always wonder if all 4 kiddos look similar, like…that you can tell that they are siblings- and this picture definitely gave me my answer. They look so much alike! Crazy.

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Didn’t know my camera had a “fish-angle” setting…lets play around with it, eh?

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My little fishies still know how to swim after a 6 month hiatus! Pheww, b/c this Mama did not want to pay for swim lessons x 4 again! Winking smile

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Everyone has been talking about how much the kids are growing! It has only been a month or two, and G & G could tell such a difference. The boys are getting some seriously long legs. Makes me kinda sad.

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Full of life, this one. Every family needs an “Andrew”. Love him.

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Oh Sav, and her awesome hair styles.

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Grampy decided to get in the mix…. GOOD LUCK, Gramps! Love these pics. Sav is swimming toward the guys like a shark- Drew’s face is priceless.

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Having so much fun!

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Ethan’s face kills me in this one… head back, laughing with all of his might.

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Hilarious. They can wear you out quickly, huh, Grampy? God love you.

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And now begins the water wars… the dudes in the pool vs….

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Savi in the hot tub…

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The boys and their “not-so-quiet” sneak attack… Joe is under there somewhere…

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Sav opted for higher ground and attacked her enemy with great force and precision…

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Can anyone guess who “won”? Was there ever any doubt? I’d take little miss Rambo on my team any day.

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My view the entire weekend… pretty soon, this will be overlooking sand and gorgeous ocean water!!!! (We will be going back to our honeymoon destination~Puerto Vallarta~ for our 10 yr anniversary trip! And with some of our besties! Can’t wait!)

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We headed to the Oasis (on Lake Travis) later that afternoon

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The kids found a super cool little spaceship to play in…

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cutie patooties…

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Ethan, Sav, and Drew~ exploring the land

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After lunch, we enjoyed some live music in the courtyard. The kiddos made themselves quite comfortable as they enjoyed their little treats.

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Then we got in the burb to drive back to G & G’s…

and 5…4…3…2…

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(ahhh, a beautiful sight!)



We had dinner that evening at The Hills.

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Grammy, Savi, and Suzy

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Pretty sure this lil gal has her Grammy wrapped around her finger!

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Some handsome Steece fellas

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Gotta love days of swimming all day long!

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Cool fire…

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My little Mama’s boy~ Ethan

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Trying to get a photo with Dad, and Ethan photo bombs it…

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…and yet again~ the little green gremlin strikes again

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there we go!

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Sav and Andrew with their sun-kissed faces

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G & G looking super cute and coordinated

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Me and my Benny Boo

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The next day, we swam all day and hit up The League for dinner. How cute (and big) are these kiddos?! They are proudly sporting their Irish heritage from adorable shirts that Grammy sent them.

Andrew, Ben, Savannah, and Ethan

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I had even painted Savi’s nails to celebrate the day…

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We won’t talk about how 10 minutes after these pics, they all came off in the pool! Ha. Owell…

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The chitlins with their Grands… (S, E, D, B)

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The whole group!

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A cute little gal gave Sav her glittery leprechaun hat! So sweet. Love this pic.

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Cheech and Chong (E & A)

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Dad and his mandatory green beer

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We had such a great time in Austin (as always)! Thanks so much for the fun weekend, G & G. We love you! Happy St. Paddy’s Day!

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(S, E, A, B)


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