When I was a wee little girl, my Mom always made me the same soup when I was sick. I remember being off at college, and making the soup for myself when I was under the weather. When I married my hubby- guess what... yep, he got the very same soup when he was sick. See where this is going?
There is something so incredibly comforting about recipes and traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. It isn't just the food itself, but all of the loving memories that are associated with my favorite sick day meal. Ya feel me?
Now my kids enjoy this recipe that has been circulating in our family for years and I'd love to share it with you! It is so ridiculously easy and yummy that it will blow your mind. (Never mind the sodium content, heh heh)
Tomato Consumme Soup
1 can of Tomato Soup
1 can of Beef Consumme Soup
Directions: Add both soups to a small saucepan. Heat over the stove on low heat, stirring occasionally until warm.
Favorite add ons: shredded cheese, bacon, Goldfish, Mini-Saltines, fresh ground pepper
Oh, and serve with a yummy grilled cheese sandwich for dipping, of course! I always try to use a nice, big, crusty loaf of French bread for our grilled cheese sandwiches...
PERFECT for dipping!
I am a SUCKER for a Grilled Cheese Sandwich & Tomato Soup! Even if I visit a fancy schmancy restaurant with amazing meats and fish~ if I see this on the menu, I will order it EVERY time! It is my absolute favorite.
You guys should TOTALLY try out this delicious and EASY meal the next time you or your loved ones are under the weather. It is also PERFECT for a cold and rainy day. You will not be disappointed!
This post is the 3rd and final post of my Children's Mucinex blog review program.
Click HERE for Tips on Staying Healthy During the Cold and Flu Season (Post #1).
Click HERE for Tips on How to Fight the Sick Day Blues (Post #2)
Children's Mucinex is the #1 children's brand for relieving congestion* and provides fast acting relief from your child's worst cold symptoms. Try Children's Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold if your child needs relief from stuffy nose and chest congestion. Always use Children's Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold as directed. (*Based on IRI unit share data for the 52 weeks ending November 2012)
Share the love, peeps! Click on this link for a $2 off coupon.
What would you buy with a $100 CVS gift card?
(Answer this question in the comments section below for your chance to win a $100 CVS gift card!)
No duplicate comments.
You may receive 1 total entry by leaving a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post.
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older.
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.
You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 2/6/2013 – 3/31/2013.
Be sure to visit the Children's Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

I would buy allergy meds for my son!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I would seriously stock up on Mucinex, kleenex, cough drops and a good magazine! LOL
I would use it to pay for the ever rising costs of our prescriptions.
I would just use it for my typical toiletry needs...TP, kleenex, meds. I'm on a strict budget for 2013, so I'd try to stick to normal spending. Except maybe I'd treat myself to a new bottle or 2 of Essie nail polish :)
I would use it to buy allergy meds for my son as well as toilet paper, shampoo, laundry detergent, and other necessities. I'm an unemployed single mother so it would sure help out!
I would use it to stock up on meds for my kids and laundry detergent for me!!
Nail polishes and makeup!
Try I'll be trying to earn my Extra Care Bucks!
I would buy kids stuff!
Thre are tons of things there I would buy, first would be goodies for my kids easter baskets
Gear for my Quads!
Diapers and wipes for my foster babies and candy for my candy dish at work!
Yum! Cannot go wrong with BACON and SOUP together!!! Love to make bacon (NO Bacon Bits; that is NOT bacon) to top our homemade potato soup with... yum!
If I had $100 GC I have no idea!!! Makeup, gifts for people, gum?! Our CVS has lots of fun goodies!
I love your blog! I went to Baylor and used to live in Mansfield, so I recognize and love so many of the places you write about.
I would use the CVS gift card for RX meds. I am so blessed to stay home with my kids now, but that means we have private health insurance, and it's NOT good. We have a high RX deductible for each family member, that doesn't get met until close to the end of the year. A recent case of pink eye cost me $75 plus a doctor's visit. OUCH!
I love your blog! I went to Baylor and used to live in Mansfield, so I recognize and love so many of the places you write about.
I would use the gift card for RX drugs. I am blessed to stay home with my kids now, but that means private health insurance. It's NOT good, and we have a high RX deductible for each person that doesn't get met until close to the end of the year. A recent case of pink eye cost me $75 plus a doctor's visit. OUCH!
I would buy baby formula! :-) It is so expensive.
I would stock up on meds and daily hygiene basics (toothpaste, soap, etc.) It all adds up so quickly!
Medicines, gifts for other people.
I would buy shampoo, conditioner, other toiletries, contact solution, vitamins, the list goes on and on . . .
I'm a poor college kid, so I'd for sure use the gift card to buy some nice shampoo and conditioner for a change!! Maybe I'd even splurge on some red lipstick! :)
Toiletries and cards
Diapers...always diapers (oh and wipes!)
I would buy some vitamins and cards.
I'm a couponer, so I would probably wait on a good deal and stock up on either diapers or OTC meds for the family to cover us for the rest of the winter. So ready for Spring.
If I had a 100 CVS gift card I would give it to my daughter who is in college.
I would buy allergy meds, vitamins, and bandaids. We use an insane amount of bandaids. :-D
Diapers and wipes for our new baby, children's allergy medicine for my toddler, children's motrin to have on hand for our two older boys, sunscreen, and maybe a little bit of new makeup for me!
I would use it to buy my meds & treat myself to my favorite candy bar - Butterfinger!
Great recipe!
I would purchase our normal toiletries and our prescriptions.
Great recipe!
I would use it to purchase out toiletries and prescriptions.
Everyday household items!
Tammy mamabunnytam@yahoo.com
I would use this to offset the insane costs of allergy medicines (x3) that my kiddos take!
I would get ready for mothers day and father's day with gifts from CVS
I'd get body lotion and Claritin for hubby.
I would probably buy mostly allegry meds and then save some for fun "surprises" to bring home!
I would stock up on basic toiletry items and re-stock my medicine cabinet. Half of the medicine items probably need thrown out and replaced.
I'd buy new makeup
I'd stock up on diapers and wipes.
I would buy hair care and moisturizer.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
I would buy allergy meds for my son
I'd get hair care products and my sister's vitamins and allergy medication.
I would stock up on OTC med's for my family and I.
Thanks so much.
I get a new supply of Loreal spring cosmetics and treatments.
I would get paper towels,tissues,
vitamins,Lysol wipes, Tide, Downy
Cathy Truman
beauty products, health supplies, kids bday party goods
Buy lots of diet sodas on sale
I would buy meds, makeup, and other beauty products
I'd stock up my medicine cabinet and also buy some vitamins and supplements.
Shampoo and make up for daughters'
I would stock up on toilet paper and cleaning supplies.
I'd buy personal hygiene products.
It's allergy season here so we'd stock the medicine cabinet with things we need for the sneezes & sniffles
teechbiz at gmail dot com
Necessary items like toilet paper, shampoo, dental products.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
All sorts of goodies lke shampoo, toothpaste, and of course, some candy! :)
i'd stock up on cold medicine, razors and toilet paper.
I would buy food
Lots of luxury items like cosmetics, hair & facial stuff. Girly stuff.
I would stock up on contact solution, makeup, and paper products
Thanks! Janna JOhnson jannajanna@hotmail.com janna@feedyourpig on gfc
I need some allergy medication for the spring!
I'd buy vitamins to stay healthy!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I would buy soap,shampoo and toilet paper
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would stock up on needs for my 5 month old Quads!! I could get some meds that we may need in the future!
I'm on unemployment so I could really stretch that CVS card and stock up the house with their great weekly sales.
ky2here at msn dot com
makeup and hair care products
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
makeup and cleaning supplies (very romantic)
I would buy a room dehumidifer
Diane baum
I would buy some cold meds cause my whole family is sick.
Totally stock up on toiletries!!!!
toiletries vitamins and food - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I would buy vitamins and hair care products.
i'd buy groceries and makeup
thischickwins at gmail dot com
I would buy new cosmetics mine are pretty old
I would buy nail polish and stock up on vitamins and ibprophen and other items we use often.
asketcher2 at hotmail.com
health and beauty products
almanyc_1 at netzero dot com
toilet paper and household goods
Medicine for my son, beauty products, and cleaning supplies.
ccboobooy at gmail dot com
I would stock up on toiletries.
brat52101 at yahoo dot com
I would stock up on paper goods!
A warm bath & Hot Chicken Noodle Soup. kari_944(at)yahoo(dot)com
I'd restock Advil and Mucinex.
aleksnearing gmail com
moisturizing soap, contact lens products, some candy and cards for upcoming birthdays, etc
Kathryn C
I would use it for my 5 year old's monthly Advair prescription.
I would buy tissues, toilet paper, Gatorade, medicine, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, and hand sanitizer.
makeup and allergy meds!
I would stock up on cleaning supplies.
I would stock up on some meds in the house
I would buy hair products and vitamins
s2s2 at comcast dot net
Tea and groceries.
Probably a combination of things, like migraine meds, toothpaste and lipstick.
Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
vitamin,toilet paper, and diapers
I'd start with some of the OTC meds we've run out of and then probably head for the shampoo and soaps. After than, one can never have enough toilet tissue stocked up. I also love my CVS's candy section... tough choices here! :-) Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com
Shampoo& conditioner!
I would shop the sales and stock up on household basics - paper products, dental products, shampoos along with cold and allergy meds.
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