Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Corpus Trip with Besties 2014

Suz has some backlogging to do…so sorry that these next few posts will be crazy forever ago.


We had a blast on our annual bestie trip to the Texas coast! We go every year with the Tarrants and my bro’s fam.

Ben, Ethan, Drew, Maddie, Sav, Carter, Kinley, and Sawyer

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The Texas beaches leave MUCH to be desired, but the kids don’t know any different! Me and my princess…

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My BFF. Love her to pieces! Don’t know what I’d do without my Lizzie Poo.

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Me and the hubs. I know, these are random pics before hitting the waves…

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The ladeeeez….the women who make our families function…(ahem)… Liz, Suz, Ashley

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My kiddos about to get eaten by a huge shark! Eeeeeeek!

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Joe taking the kiddos for a ride in the kayak.

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A group pic before dinner and bedtime!



Another day at the beach! SO much fun…

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LOVE these kiddos…best friends forever…

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CrAzY wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

06 June 2014 044



My sweet Benny Boo

06 June 2014 049



Aunt Ashley on the boogie board!

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Sav and Kin making sand castles

06 June 2014 059



Oh. Miy. Gawww……..Joe. Steece. Ladies…..back off, he’s mine! LOL. Such a goooob!

06 June 2014 062



Loved watching my little men playing football on the beach!

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Of course, when you’re at the beach, you have to take the traditional “ beach family photos”….tee hee…

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Love. Her.

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My man…

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My little men….love them so much…

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My BFFS…Ash, Suz and Liz

06 June 2014 091



The whole crew! 2014!

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The Steece 6!

06 June 2014 105



Seriously?….A Dad and his everything…LOVE this pic.

06 June 2014 109



Any family who has ever tried to get a group pic can relate to this… Sawyer CRACKS me up!!!! D.O.N.E. Love that kid! LOL

06 June 2014 121



The Steece and Tarrant ladeeeez…

06 June 2014 130



Such a GREAT, GREAT weekend!!!!! We were all talking about how much easier it was this year! The kids were older, this was our second year to the beach…it was effortless. Such a fun, annual trip! I LOVE that we do this. Cannot wait for next year!

suz signature

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