Thursday, September 04, 2014

Why Not Home?

Hi friends! Meet Jessicca Moore.




Jess is one of my best friends from nursing school!

08 August 20141-001


I. Love. Her.


After giving birth to both of her children at home, Jess (a family nurse practitioner) was troubled by the judgement and misinformation surrounding the decision to give birth at home. She wanted to educate and empower women and families with access to information that would help them reclaim this often lost rite of passage.


Jess is currently working on an exciting documentary entitled “Why Not Home?”. I am beyond proud of her!


The film is about nurses, doctors and hospital midwives who chose to birth at home. She is not trying to sway mothers one way or another, but aims to de-stigmatize home birth and give accurate information…a balanced view, if you will.


Obviously, because of my high risk pregnancy with quadruplets, the hospital was the only place for me to deliver…but I believe that for many women, it is worth looking into other options.


I have always been leery of home births~ What if something goes wrong? What if the Mom can’t stop bleeding? What if the baby has problems?


Jess has done tons of research on the subject and I, for one, cannot WAIT to check it out! I’m especially interested to hear from medical professionals on the subject… to learn the reasons behind THEIR decision to chose birth at home over the hospital.


You can watch a video about the documentary here:


More information from the producer/director:

Ninety-nine percent of babies in the US are born in hospitals. Many other industrialized countries have higher out-of-hospital birth rates, spend less, and have better quality outcomes for moms and babies. Why?

This feature length documentary currently in production, looks at risk, safety, and the experience of childbirth in America.

By featuring women who attend hospital birth, we hope to engage a broader audience and get beyond the polarization and intolerance that is all too prevalent in the media surrounding home birth. Our team has put in countless hours over the past year, shooting, editing, researching, reviewing transcripts, now we are reaching out to the larger community for support. In order to complete production and post production of this film, our team is launching a Kickstarter campaign on Labor Day to raise $86,000.

If you believe in informed choices, independent voices, and culture change surrounding the experience of birth, please join with us by becoming a backer. We have some great rewards you won’t want to miss!


suz signature


  1. This is so interesting to me and I can't wait to see the documentary! I had our daughter Hannah at a hospital and with complications and an eventual csection it was definitely the best decision for us but I'm very curious to hear what she says about home births in general and what happens if the birth plan suddenly takes a turn. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jessicca Moore1:39 PM

    Thanks Suz! You can also watch our pitch video and check out the rewards for supporters at Love you!

  3. Awesome. I gave birth at home & loved it!

  4. I love this! Three hospital births, one freestanding birth center birth and a home birth here. After our last baby was born at home my husband exclaimed, "We should have had them all at home!"

    For us it was a beautiful and amazing experience. I am looking forward to checking this documentary out!

  5. Lindsay3:03 PM

    I gave birth to both our children at home and I am a doctor :) They were both great uncomplicated births and I believe the home is a wonderful place for a child to be born. I look forward to her documentary!!

  6. Lindsay3:03 PM

    I gave birth to both our children at home and I am a doctor :) They were both great uncomplicated births and I believe the home is a wonderful place for a child to be born. I look forward to her documentary!!

  7. Can't wait to see this come out!!! Going to check out the site now!
