Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lots of Pics to Catch Up On...

Wow...getting a LOT slower at this blogging thing, eh? I wonder what in the world I could be doing all day? ;) Guess what!!?? Our little quads (since 4 months of age) are sleeping 10-11 hours at night!!! WOO HOO! Sometimes we have to go upstairs to pat one back to sleep...but there have been many nights where we put them up after their 6pm feeding and don't feed them again until 6-6:30a!!! I won't get into it now, but I have read the book "Baby Wise" and it has completely helped us out. Having FOUR infants, we knew we HAD TO get on some type of routine schedule (and I pride myself in being SUPER organized). The babies are on a "flexible" schedule during the day where they eat, play, and, play, and nap...anywhoo, if you are interested in how to get your babies to sleep through the night as quick as possible, give this book a try.


We have had some very BUSY but BLESSED holidays with friends and family. I will post a billion pics for you to see! The babies are getting soooo big! The last weigh in a few weeks ago: Ben 13#, both twins 12.4#, Sav 11# (Our Pedi said that Savannah will begin to weigh less and less than her brothers because she is a female...and you can definitely tell when you hold Savannah after holding her brothers! She is so little and petite!)

I tried to capture the quads and their individual faces...if I had to show you the face they make the most on any given day, these are those faces:

Ethan in blue, Andrew in stripes (FYI, if you ever see the twins in a picture and one of them is wearing stripes, it is Drew...just a little something I do to distinguish the two)

Savannah's "deer-in-headlights" look....all day long! With those big, beautiful, brown eyes! BTW- Ben has blue eyes, the twins have green eyes, and Sav has brown funny is that?
and happy Ben...he is such a goober for the camera! He LOVES the flash and giggles up a is so absolutely adorable! ;)
The quads in the shirts that Uncle Dan and Dani made for them...don't ask ME about the donkeys- you can ask JOE and his group of guy friends from college..long story.
Dan and Dani with the quads...Savannah striking her "usual" pose ;)
Grandpa and Grandma Steece loving on their first grandchildren!
Never a dull moment in the Steece household...poor quad babies...they don't even know what they are in for...(or is it the other way around???)
Joe's boys in their little transformer outfits...Dad just LOVED getting these as a present! Joe got so excited when he saw that I had dressed all of them in these shirts!
Ohhhh Miss better BELIEVE I am going to put the most GIRLY, BIGGEST, FROU-FROU BOWS on Savannah's head! LOOOOVE girly girls! I know she will more than likely end up a tomboy, so I will make her as prissy as possible while I can! ;)
My little Santa Babies...gosh...never in my wildest dreams did I EVER imagine these FOUR LITTLE PRESENTS under my tree this year! I think back to last Christmas and New Years where I LOOOONGED for a baby SO bad. I remember feeling SO down and just prayed and WISHED SO BADLY that 2007 would be the year Joe and I could welcome a child into our family...GOD IS SO GREAT! We are TRULY blessed beyond anywhere our craziest imaginations could have taken us!
The love of my life...and our four little ones...Merry Christmas!
Papa and Granna Hoag loving on their first grandchildren too!
I LOVE making everyone who comes over here take pictures holding all four! This is my brother, Collin and his wife Ashley!
Big Ben is by far, the most stubborn baby...he will CRY and CRY and CRY, but will never quit on his own. The second you walk in the room, he just looks at you and smiles. It is SO hard not to smile back at him...the little TOOT!
Our little Aggie babies did NOT bring the Ags luck during their bowl game on Saturday...but aren't they just precious? We LOVE these jerseys from our friends Trey, Pam, Adam, and Christy!! Thanks guys! We loved playing dress up!
They even had their birth orders put on the back of them! How cool is that? Andrew, Savannah, Ethan, and Benjamin

And a HUGE thanks to the Steeces for our new patio!!! Ah WOO HOO!! We are HUGE "patio people" and love being outside...we love going out to eat and sitting on the, since we can't go out to eat very much anymore, the Steeces thought they should bring the restaurant patio to us! Here is the before and after:

Very cool! Thanks so much, guys!!!...having fun with friends yesterday.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

(Update) Neat Slideshow

Update: We are not on the main page anymore, so scroll down to the bottom where you see Video/Slideshows (, click on that....then there is a list of categories on the left hand side, click on "insight"...we are the first video that pops up!

Our friend Jill, who took the amazing newspaper pics in the NICU, came back to play with the quads and do a follow-up story for the Fort Worth Star Telegram newspaper.

She is the one who took the pictures below of us in front of the tree, etc. The story will run this Saturday, December 22! So all of you DFW blogger buddies, make sure and pick up a copy!

Here is the cute slideshow, fully equipped with my WONDERFUL commentary! (can you tell I'm being sarcastic??) Jill got some GREAT pics of me, Joe, the quads...and of course, Shiloh! ;)

Go to this site and scroll down to the video slideshows! It is VERY NEAT!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

Good tidings to you...

I'm so sad because we just don't have the time to send out Christmas cards this year (we haven't even sent out birth announcements for that matter!) terrible, right?! :( If we did send out Christmas cards, I guess they would look a little something like this:

This is the cutest video of Savannah laughing today! I was playing around with the babies after one of their feedings, and Savannah just started laughing SO HARD at I ran to grab the video camera. At the beginning there is a finger in the way, but it moves. Toward the end, check out Ethan's face. He is looking at us like we are crazy. (We get this look a LOT from E!) I don't know what makes her giggle so much, but it is adorable! (P.S. Aunt Judy, you will LOVE this!)

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