Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Aggies

Before Joe and I headed to the Texas A&M vs. Miami game this past Saturday...we snapped a couple of pictures in my parents backyard. (No, the babies did not travel with us to the game...not yet anyway!)

Drew, Ben, Savannah, & Ethan

Here is the 10 second step-by-step playback of what happens immediately following an attempt at a picture of the quads sitting all together:

On your marks, get set...............each adult holding a child places them on the ground at the exact same time, I jump back and begin snapping pictures like crazy...looking at the camera? not on your life...but all looking the same direction at Shiloh running around like a mad-dog....I'll take it!

They quickly lose interest in Shi and Ethan starts to move

Followed by Ben

Now they are all on the move

and seriously, no more than 10 seconds after the initial placement on the ground---this is what you see...all four babies going in 4 different directions

Love this pic...(Drew, Sav, Ben, E) If you look at the cowlicks on the identical twins (on the ends) , they are completely opposite---thus strengthening my belief that they are mirror-image identical twins.

Shiloh being a good dog and distracting them again (Ben & Savannah have the exact same hair!)

Little Miss Joseph

Mom and Dad were still able to have a good time at Kyle Field...despite the inevitable. (Ags lost) What was the best part of the game (sadly)?

Why, the fighter jet fly-over of course! ;)

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  1. Glad you guys were able to get out. Love the play by play of getting pictures of quads!

  2. Wow! That looks like fun! And I thought getting infant twins photographed was hard! Oh well - that is all in the past now. All too soon you will find yourself with the quads in 3rd grade - or worse yet 9th grade - like my kids!

    Good photos though! Love the captions!

  3. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Yay for the US military and our defenders of freedom! That's my favorite part too.

  4. I've been reading forever, but never posted. I just had to this time, though! Why? Because my son is wearing the exact same shorts today as all of yours are in the pics! Old Navy, huh? Gotta love 'em!

  5. Too cute! Photo shoots aren't fun with two, can't imagine even trying with 4 :) Thanks for sharing again!

  6. Anonymous2:36 PM

    How in the world do you do when you're home and the crew going in different direction? You rule! God is beautiful ;)

  7. REAL C-U-T-E!
    They look so funny scrambling all different directions!

  8. Awhh they look adorable!! Glad you had a great time!

  9. what cuties! it's great you were able to get out and have some fun.

  10. Your sweet little Aggies could almost make someone want to be an aggie fan.................ok maybe not, but they are so precious!!!!

  11. LOVE the pic of all 4 of them splitting up after 10 seconds! So Funny :) And that first picture is a TOTAL winner! You should definitely frame that!!!


  12. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Way too cute!

  13. the two of you are too cute.

    the four kiddos are too cute.

    put ya'll together... well, it's just cuteness overload ;)

    we had a rough gameday saturday, too. poor ucla :(

  14. I am jealous that you were able to get to Kyle Field (even if it was for a loss). Last year we were living in Norway during football season and this year I am nursing a newborn and can't be gone that long.

  15. what a beautiful family photo. Which two are identical? I know it doesn't include Savannah. hehe

  16. Trying to stay positive but it looks like we may have to wait another year for a decent Football team. It is the coach's first year so we will try and cut him some slack. Cute little kids! So how is Shiloh doing with her bladder problem? We had a
    Bichon with bladder crystals and I know it can be an ongoing and expensive problem.

  17. You know, as soon as you mentioned that the twins were different handed, I just knew they were mirror-image identicals. The cowlicks just prove it!

    Your entire family is just beautiful.

  18. Love the pictures. They are so cute. Glad you guys had a fun time.

  19. Hil-ar-ious picture of the 4 of them off in different directions in 10 seconds. I don't know what is funnier, the crying pictures or this!

  20. Those pictures are SO adorable! I'm a Baylor Bear fan, but your quads could make me love the Aggies being as cute as they are in their Aggie gear!

  21. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Suz, I had never heard the term mirror image twins. So, I googled it and found something I am sure you already know, that with mirror image twins one is left handed and one is right handed. Let us know if that holds true for your twins. Interesting phenonmenon.

  22. Hey Suz! I've followed your blog for a while now and just had to comment on this post! Why? B/c my hubby is an Aggie AND a jet pilot, so it cracked me up that the fly over was your favorite part of the game! :)

    The pics of the kiddos are just too adorable!

  23. Glad you both had a nice day out! You deserved it! The pictures are so cute and your captions are hilarious! The kids all have their OWN personalities!!!

  24. maryd- YES! drew is a leftie and ethan is a rightie! very interesting!

  25. kelly- ethan and andrew are identical twins

  26. Gosh, they all look so much alike!

  27. Being the mother, daughter, niece, sister-in-law, and aunt (5 times) of Texas Aggies, I gotta say I love that family picture! Gig 'um!

  28. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I could just gobble them up they are soooo cute!!! I thought trying to catch of pic of my twins was difficult... They are 18 months now and it doesn't get any easier to catch them together. How quick is the shutter time on your camera? If you want to catch all 4 it better be super-woman (AKA Suzanne) speed. Bless you all!!

  29. Anonymous9:42 PM

    You should make a Shiloh post! I have a beagle, too. His name is Toby. They are the greatest dogs, huh?

    The babies are adorable! And getting so big!

  30. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Go TECH!

  31. Anonymous10:09 PM

    They are just soooooooo very cute! Love the family pic of all of you!!The pictures of the twins is perfect because it shows reality and how it is today. Love it!!!

  32. I love the Aggie pics! My hubby & I went to the game on Saturday too, I must agree that the fly-over was the best part! And definitely the loudest I've ever witnessed! (we were sitting in the zone). Hope ya'll had fun despite the poor showing of our Ags!

  33. Love these pics!! I love the where they are all standing at the fence kinda looking over their shoulder! Yeah, they really all do look a lot alike!! love the captions do a great job blogging. I love to read!!

    Kelly McCarver

  34. What adorable pictures eventhough those kiddos were off in different directions!

  35. Wow, they are all starting to look so much more alike, maybe it's the Aggie clothes! Precious pictures what a wonderful life you have! A friend in East Texas, Pam.

  36. Anonymous9:38 AM

    You guys are so cute! I automatically looked for Savannah's hair bows in those pictures! She's a doll baby either way though. That girl needs some pom poms to cheer with!

  37. Josh was at that game too! He had never been to an Aggie game and his friend had tickets. I told him to look for you, but he never saw you. Loved watching the footage of you stroller skating, btw, and also so so sorry about all of your sicknesses! Hopefully that will be it for y'all! It's so hard when both parents are sick!!

  38. I have followed your blog for a while now. Sorry I've never commented before. Being an Aggie, class of '01 (Whoop!) I just wanted to comment on how adorable your quads look in their Aggie gear. Gig'em! p.s. I'm friends with bogger MommaJen and that is how I found your blog. I just love your story :)

  39. I can't imagine what it would have been like to take the four of them! Chasing after each a different direction?!?! Glad you and your hubby were able to enjoy some good Texas football together.

  40. I love the way they all 4 scatter in different directions in no time! Glad you guys are supporting the Ags too! It's tough when they are struggling! The kids are adorable in their Aggie gear!

  41. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Oh my's just so hard to believe they are old enough to stand up now. They are just too stinkin' cute for their own britches. You could use that top family picture as your Christmas's a beautiful picture.

    Have fun at your girls weekend. I'm jealous!!

    Cathy in Frisco

  42. Anonymous1:50 AM

    I would have to agree with you n the mirror image twin thing. And Sav and Ben do the same thing, looking backwards and Ethan and Drew do the same thing. Strange how that works :) Totally cute as always :)

  43. Yep, that is what it looks like with trips also. 20 monthes and not looking like we will get much in the way of pictures together any time soon. They are just precious.

  44. are brave!! God Bless!

  45. I just went back and read almost everything. They were very tiny when they were born. Man, look at those healthy babies now. They are the sweetest blessings you have received so fan. Well, besides your love, Joe.

    I hope to continue reading and watching these sweeties grow.

  46. You have a beautiful family! I loved the pictures in the "trying to photograph four moblie babies" series. And the one by the fence. So sweet!


  47. Absolutely hillarious, Suz! I have the hardest time getting my one child to look at me while snapping a pic, I can't imagine 4! They are sooo cute in their Aggie wear and you look hot, too, mama!

  48. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I joined the blog community a few week ago and a friend told me about your blog. I love checking out your pics because it reminds me of when mine were that little. I have five boys and one princess. I wish I would have started blogging years ago.

  49. haven't stopped by in a while! the blog is too cute! the babies are adorable.

  50. Anonymous2:47 PM

    They are such cute little Aggie-to-be's!

  51. My gosh - how fun! I just found your blog through Google Reader recommendations, and when I saw that you guys are Aggies too - I had to subscribe! I am amazed at you having 4 - I've got a friend named Allie that lives in College Station that has twins...her stories are hysterical - I can only imagine yours!
