Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nursing Reunion 2008!!

Its that time again! Me and my nursing buddies from college get together every year for some quality girl time. We travel to each others homes and have been to California, Tennessee, Missouri, Texas, and this year--Washington DC! Last year, they were sweet enough to come help me feed babies every 3 hours (not my idea of a rockin' good time! ha) I remember Jess and Sonya (the two girls without children at the time) energetically agreed to take the 3am feed...from what I hear- it was quite an experience! I laugh so hard that I can't breathe when I hear them tell the story!

Alisha w/ Drew, Sonya w/ Ben, Suz w/ Sav, Jess w/ Ethan...October 2007

We missed Maurine and Wendy last year---so I cannot wait to squeeze their necks! Here are some pics from 2006 in St. Louis

I'm not gunna lie...it gets harder and harder to leave these precious little munchkins. I have never taken a big trip by myself without them...a little nervous- but know that they will be in MANY good hands!!! It will be SO weird not to be "needed" or to have four tots crawling all over me at all times.

As difficult as it is for me to leave--there are definitely things that I am looking forward to: playing with some of my best friends, sharing stories about nursing school and laughing 'til it hurts, NOT being on a schedule of any kind, SLEEPING IN!, holding precious little newborn babies (Alisha and Maurine have newborns!)--I keep telling these ladies that they are going to have to pry their little infants out of my arms! I miss teenie tiny babies! Did I mention that I'm looking forward to some extra SLEEP??!?!

So, I'm busy packing, making lists/instructions, cleaning, preparing food, etc....you probably won't hear from me for a while, so you guys have a fantastic week/weekend!

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  1. Awww...you go and have some fun! Just don't forget your faithful bloggie friends! LOL. Seriously, I will look forward to a newsy post upon your return with stories from your time away and PLEASE share stories of what went on at the homefront without you there!

    Tell Joe - no home improvement projects i.e. ER trips while you are gone. Just kidding!

    Have fun!!!!

  2. i am quite jealous that you get to laugh with sonya till your stomach hurts (happens every time with her, doesn't it!) and please hug that sweet belly of jessicca's for me.
    --april (your visitor from togo, africa)

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Have a great trip! Just think how excited your kiddos will be when you get back!

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Have fun!
    Love your blog.

  5. I clicked the link and thought it was too funny that there were only 5 comments on that post...you've become a blogging queen and phenomenon since then! ;)
    I hope you have a wonderful trip! Enjoy EVERY second of it!!
    Cant wait to hear all about it!

  6. So fun! Where in DC are you going to be? I live right outside of DC, it would be so fun to run into you!

  7. Enjoy your time alone!! Have fun!

  8. I stumbled upon your blog - very fun! Your little ones are cuties. Your post about the baby Aggies made me a little "home"sick. We were Aggies for two years while my husband went to A&M for grad school. I miss B/CS!

  9. I absolutely love your blog! I'm amazed by your story and what all you guys have gone through! I've added it to my weekly reads. Hope you have a fabulous time away! Get that extra sleep you so well deserve!

  10. Have a wonderful trip! Enjoy sleeping in and having fun. Seeing newborns again-so jelious! The kiddos are in GREAT hands!!! Have fun.

  11. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I am one of your blog lurkers and I love to hear the updates. My inlaws go to your church and they have been blessed by the care of the sweet people there as you have.
    I live in DC close to the National Mall and Chinatown. You will love your trip!
    FYI---the National Book Festival is going on this weekend on the Mall closest to the Capital. You guys should check it out!

  12. Hi Suz! I read your blog almost daily. It's always so uplifting and you make me laugh constantly! I love your sense of humor about all life throws your way! Your children are such cuties and I have enjoyed watching them grow up the last year! I will be a mom in just 2 days so all the advice you give, as well as all the ups/downs of parenting are very encouraging to those newbies like me! Thanks for being willing to share with all of us! =) I was writing on this post in particular because I graduated high school from Rolla with Maurine--Cheryl (Welsch). Small world! How ironic that last time you saw her, she had a newborn as well! =) I hope you gals have a lot of fun. I know you all need a much deserved time together! May God continue to bless your beautiful family!! =)

  13. That's awesome! Have fun!

  14. Wow, have fun! I'm sure you'll miss the quads but I bet you need some "you" time. Enjoy visiting your friends!!

  15. Anonymous9:51 PM

    That sounds like so much fun! That is awesome that yall actually carry that out. I hope my nursing friends and I can stick with the same plan :) Nothing quite bonds you like the nursing program at Harding, haha. Have fun and enjoy your extra sleep!

  16. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Hope you have a lovely time.

  17. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Have a great trip! Try not to worry too much because those little sweeties will be in great hands, but your a mommy and mommy's are supposed to worry a little bit. Looking forward to the next post about your friends and the trip!

  18. Washington, D.C.? SUZ!! That's where I live! Come see my triplets! Seriously! :) (No, really, I know you'll be busy with your reunion, but if you found yourself with a little time, you're more than welcome!)

  19. Get some sleep for me!! Have fun!

  20. Have a great time!!! :)

  21. You are going to have a blast and I don't even know any of you. Girl time is sometimes the best remedy to almost anything. You are very fortunate to have a bond like this and that you each get to see each other every year. That is so cool that you make a point to get together, even though you guys have your own families and are spread out all over. I can't wait to hear stories and see pictures.

  22. Have Fun!! Try to enjoy yourself and not worry about the babies. Breaks like this don't happen much so you just need to enjoy yourself. They will be fine and when you get home you can love on them all day long.

  23. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Good luck with your trip!!!! you totally don't know me. ive been reading for a few months now.. i "stumbled" on your blog kinda by accident and got hooked! Anyway, you guys were in my dream last night. Just in case you wanted to know! :) The babies were about 2 1/2, and Darling! Except that i couldnt tell em apart.. i just thought i would share. i know its kinda creepy!
    take care. :)

  24. Please tell everyone hi from me! I would love to know how Wendy's doing and where she is these days...

    Have fun! :)

  25. What a good time! Savor every peaceful moment of sleep you get:) I know you will miss your four babes, but it is good for your sanity to get away every once in awhile:)

  26. Sounds like a fun trip!! And hmm...you're missing teeny babies? Ya know, you & Steve could always have another one. :)

  27. Hope you have a great trip.

    ps I still have a hard time going away from even my oldest kids....
