Monday, October 20, 2008

Catchin' Colds and Catchin' Up!

Needless to say...we have been very busy around here at the Steece house! Blogging has had to take somewhat of a back seat lately...but we are feeling much better! (Ironically, after I typed that, I remembered that I'm taking Sav to the Pediatrician today for a fever/ possible bladder infection) But you would never tell by these pictures that my Dad took last weekend when they were here!

Ben & Sav having fun with Papa

Drew with his Granna...swinging upside down...boy LOVES being upside down!

Sweet little Savannah in her cute little outfit from Grandma Steece!

This is definitely Ben's "I'm-up-to-NO-GOOD" face...can you tell?

Precious Drew...such a sweet, sweet baby boy...he makes a little gurgling sound when he's happy and content!

As you can see by Ethan's drool marks, there is lots of teething going on around here!

Savannah...poor girl is constantly surrounded by trucks and cars and such....gotta get that girl some dolls! ha

Momma with her little this pic

Savannah is going for a new look....very posh....practicing her "model-face". I put her hood up and she loved it. We were all crackin' up at her b/c she played like this for hours...

Auntie Lori and Janae, from Houston, stopped by for a visit. OMG, I miss you SO much!!! Thank you so much for coming to play with us! Tell everyone hi for me...Love you! (Lori with Savannah and Drew)

Ethan looks like such a big boy in this picture...they are really starting to loose that "baby" look and are morphing into toddlers---right in front of my eyes. (so bittersweet)

Savannah wants HER turn on the firetruck!

Papa and Ben...gosh....see what I mean about looking like big boys now? SHEESH!

Once again...Ben pushing siblings around in the will keep them occupied for hours!

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  1. They are just so cute!
    Isn't it amazing how fast they turn from babies to toddlers.

  2. They really have morphed into toddlers. Hard to believe. They grow so fast!

    such cute kids!

  3. WOW...I was just thinking after seeeing the first couple of pictures how big they look. 100% toddlers....very cute toddlers!

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Those faces are so sweet, they make me smile so big every single time!! Ben's mowhawk is awesomely cute!

  5. I have been reading along for a while and love to check in on your beautiful babies. Question: Where did you get your gate for the top of the steps. We have to spindles at the top of ours and have been looking for a good gate without any luck. Thanks!

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Thanks for the pics and updates....the kids are so precious and you are so blessed! Are any of them walking yet?

  7. Suz, I am finally caught up on your entire blog. I have no idea how I came across it but sure glad I did. You look so familiar to me and then I learned Joe is an Aggie. WHOOP!! Class of 2000. Anyway, I love reading about your beautiful children and all your adventures. God Bless.

  8. Sav is already a girl with the pink on, so what if she plays with trucks and trains? The pictures totally crack me up. The boys are so funny with their expressions. Hope the sniffles go out the window and Sav feels better. Have a wonderful week!!!

  9. Too cute! Love the spiked hair!

  10. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I have been keeping up with your blog for quite some time and just never commented. For some reason I just felt the urge.. Your babies are so adorable and such a blessing. But even for me (whom you don't even know) it is so bittersweet to see them already so big!! Well just thought you should know you have a beautiful family!

  11. You really do need to get Sav some dolls or princess stuff. Very cute pictures, I hope everyone is starts feeling better soon and dont go to crazy during the RSV season.


  12. They ARE getting so big! :-) So cute! Hope the colds go away soon, and the teething isn't too bad!

  13. It is so cute they push one another. Ashley LOVES to push Jenna on ride-on toys. It is so funny to see!

  14. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Poor mama, you can tell she needs some rest. That is clearly a school bus. :-)

    They are growing so fast!!! Glad everyone is on the mend.

  15. anon---omg...i am laughing SO HARD right now! you are so ridiculously correct! MAMA NEEDS SLEEP! i called it a firetruck, not only ONCE, but TWICE! jeeeez louise...

  16. Your love for your precious children shines right through your posts.

    I'm glad everyone (except Sav?!) is feeling better!!

  17. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Look at all those teeth! Wow! You're right, their little faces are changing. It doesn't stop though. My twins are in second grade and I can look at their kindy pictures and back then they still looked like "babies". Now they really look grown up. Boo hoo!
    Do all your babies have brown eyes?
    I can tell your house is a lot of fun. I can see why so many people love to come visit.
    Cathy in Frisco

  18. Did I somehow miss a post about their "firsts"? First words, first time to crawl, first time to walk? Miss you Suzanne! All your former youth group girls think about you a lot!

  19. Suz~
    Just too cute! Don't you just marvel daily at what gifts they are? I know that there are extremely tough days, but you have FOUR HEALTHY babies. I marvel at my TWO healthy babies and what a gift FOUR is! God is sooooo faithful!

    I am sorry you have been sick! My family wondered where you were. We are praying all health to be restored QUICKLY. I can't imagine 4x the sickness.

  20. awww...we love you guys! i just wanna squeeze those TODDLER cheeks! i'm totally lovin Savs "model-face" i was Laughing out loud when i saw her! SO CUTE!
    love you guys! hang in there!


  21. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Little Savannah's pose as "Posh Spice" was right on the money! I LOVE IT! I have never commented, but have been following your blog for almost a year now. A friend of a friend of yours was on, which I was the member of a birth group for Feb '08 babies. She directed us to your blog. My daughter, Peyton, is 8 months. I'm originally from Dallas, TX, too, so I love all the TX details--makes me feel closer to home. Y'all are an amazing family and I continue to wish you all the happiness in the world!

  22. Cute pics. I love the toddler age. Between 1-2 they are learing so much. I remember a while back you mentioned having the prof. photographer over again. Having you seen the proofs yet? Enjoy your week.
    Lindsey in San Diego

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I love ya'll so much!!! I can't believe how fast they are growing. Your so right.. BITTER SWEET!! That last pic with Sav in the pink pants.. OMG!!! LOVE the BIG GIRL look!! Kiss those babies for me mama.

    Miss you.

  25. so cute, and so happy! how fun to have grandparents to dote on them, its priceless for them to have that. I love the pic of you with Ethan, its a keeper for sure!

  26. I have been following your blog for a while now. I love hearing about life with four babies. I just have one who is 17 months, don't know how you do it. You seem like a wonderful mother. God bless you and your family.

  27. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I have followed your blog for a few months now, and I can't believe how grown-up the babies look in these recent photos! Its amazing how they have changed in just a few months!

  28. Hello! I have no idea how I stumbled across your blog but am sure glad I did! Your beautiful family is just absolutely precious, and I find your endless ray of sunshine and optimism so refreshing and admirable. I am barely making it just taking care of the one human baby and two big mutts that we have. Thank you for sharing and hope the beautiful Savannah feel better soon.

  29. They're losing their baby chub! Must be all the crud they've been passing, or....THEY'RE GROWING UP.

    They look more and more like their parents with every post. Lucky kids!

    Hope everything turned out okay with Sav. She's gonna give her mama premature grays!


  30. Anonymous12:07 PM

    When I saw the pic of Ethan with his drool marks, I thought "Wow! He looks like a little teenager!"

  31. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Glad everyone is feeling better. That picture of Savannah with the hoodie is priceless. You will probably see that face more and more as she get bigger and wants her girlie ways. So cute!
    I can't believe how they've grown in the last couple of months. Amazing! Thanks for sharing all those pictures.

  32. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I have been reading your blog for a while, yet have never commented. I have 3 boys, ages 10, 7 and 4. My 10 year old is lactose intolerant. He has outgrown it somewhat. By this I mean, he can now eat dairy in moderation. When he was younger, getting him to eat soy products was a challenge. His pediatrician suggested giving him orange juice with calcium. It isn't exactly dairy, but has as much calcium as milk! Just a suggestion for you. I love your blog!
