Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mama's Little Circus Monkeys go to Sleep

I thought I would share something cute the quads do when it is time for naps & bedtime. I have been working with the babies everyday to learn sign language. They recognize when Mommy signs, but haven't started signing themselves quite yet.

I love how Shiloh is right there in the mix. At this point in time, the babies actually get excited about following me into their nursery to go to sleep. Oh how sad that day will be, when they begin to run away from Mommy instead!

post signature


  1. They are so precious!!! I have a hard time getting one to bed, you look like a pro getting all four down at once!!!

  2. Oh, that is awesome!! I love how they did exactly what you said! They are so stinking cute!

  3. You're the Pied Piper of naptime!

  4. That is impressive!

  5. They are adorable! I love that you are teaching them sign language, do you have a certain program that you're using?

  6. that is SO adorable!!! and you're 2 1/2 year old runs and hides from me at nap/bedtime!!! hope your little "followers" keep it up! :)

  7. how neat! sign is so good for them-- and for getting them "hooked on communication" :)

  8. I think there is something about multiples and how they enjoy following each other for activites. My twins follow each other into the bathroom for bath time. As soon as I start the water they come filing in around the corner! Not nearly as cute as 4 babies though!

  9. so cute!! so as soon as one wakes up, are they all up?

  10. That is amazing! You are much better with four than I am with one! They are adorable.

  11. That was too cute!! My son keeps saying, "Mommy, babies crawling- go night night!!" They are so precious!!

  12. I've been meaning to leave you a comment for weeks. I am in Lubbock and I found you on one of my friends blogs. You and your family are precious and ya'll are my favorite blog to read! I make everyone look at your page. I stay at home with my kiddos after teaching school for 6 years. Each day I say if she can do, I can do it. Keep up the sweet blogs. Go Red Raiders, hehe!

  13. Wanted to send a word of encouragement on the signing! I started signing when my little guy was 8mo and the only signs he picked up where "fan" and "light" (which are pretty unuseful signs in general for communicating with me!). I took some time off from it and started again at a year.

    He only picked up "food". Actually, verbally, he was just barely meeting what was "normal" but way ahead physically (stacking tons of blocks, running, etc). It's normal for one side to be ahead of the other. Anyways, fast forward to 16mo which is where we are now and he is signing more and more words as well as speaking others!

    It's like he's finally getting it. So, if one of the quads just doesn't take to it, don't give up as eventually, they will! He is pulling out a few signs I haven't used with him in a month and using them in context so somehow he was "getting" it when I felt like I "signing to myself". Hang in there!

    I feel like the signing has helped verbally because suddenly, he's understanding so many things we are saying to him and asking him! :)

    Take care!!

    PS I have had even more fun this year as a toddler than when he was a baby! There is so much fun in store for you this year!!

  14. How adorable! Love how they all scurry in there and don't complain! Thankfully my two are usually real good about bedtime, too and go down without a fuss. Kudos also to the signing! We've been signing with our two since they were 6 mo and they still sign quite a bit now, even though they talk lots!!

  15. They are precious! It amazes me that you get all 4 down together, that is talent! Blessings!

  16. Oh my goodness-I absolutly love how they follow you and quickly reach for their beds. They are so precious and I love their laughter and smiles while they get sleepy. You have trained them well!!!

  17. Hey! I've been reading your blog for a little while now and I don't think I've commented, but I really love reading all your posts! I LOVE this video...that is awesome that you get them all to go to bed so quickly and quietly. What an amazing mom you are!

  18. You rock girl! The whole 4 cribs in one room did not work for us...we have 2 in a room, one in another room and one in our closet (not joking...hence the big move coming up). We still get up 3-7 times a night with one or another. I don't know how you do it, but my hat is off to you. They are soooo stinkin adorable!


  19. My twins did exactly the same thing. We would say night-night and they would go straight to their beds to go to sleep. You are doing a great job of making it a positive experience. Great job Suz and Joe!!

    There may have been a brief time around the age of 3 that nap times got pretty rough - but night time has ALWAYS worked. Even at 8 1/2 years old - my twins still stay in bed when we tell them goodnight. Only on the rarest of occasions do any of my 3 kids get up after lights out.

  20. That is unbelievably cute! I can't believe how good they are.

  21. Anonymous9:30 PM

    So I must know...what happens when you close the door?! Do they babble themselves to sleep?!!? I can't leave my one child to go to sleep on her've put four into bed and walked away! :) Although with four little ones I guess you don't have much choice!

  22. oh, thats so sweet! They will love watching your videos like that when they are older! Keep up the signing! One day the signs will flow from their hands...and You'll be so proud! :)

  23. I MUST learn how to do this! Amazing! Do you give lessons?

  24. That is the sweetest video! And no one was fussy going night-night?? I think you should be renamed the Steeces Peaces cuz your kiddos are so peaceful! :) Sweet dreams! Lots of love to all of you!

  25. How amazing that they all willingly crawl into their room and don't cry when you put them in their beds! I guess they have company while they're falling asleep unlike singletons.

  26. I found your blog through my friend Corrie. I have twin boys who were born at 27w3d. They are now six and thriving. I just love seeing your little ones! They are beautiful!

  27. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Wow awesome awesome awesome, I have watched and watched it and gone awww everytime. Too stinking cute! Marie in NZ

  28. Great job! You have obviously taught them the wonderful skill of putting themselves to sleep. Its so good for them! And look at those little smiles, you can tell they are thriving with your goodnight routine.
    Good job with the sign! I am fluent in ASL and babies just love it. Don't worry, the receptive skills will come first, and expressive will follow. So lucky they are, they can sign with each other...and grow up with it!

  29. Oh how sweet! I did some signing with my kids when they were little too.

  30. That is amazing! You've probably answered this before, but do they always ALL go to sleep at the same time? How often would you say, that you're having to be up with just one while the others sleep? Next to never?

  31. suz...i thought i was watching us in that video! our quads do the same thing with me! it's amazing everytime! i too will be sad when they won't do it anymore. Our Ben likes to through his bear and blanket out too! I love how ours talk to each other after i leave the sweet! GREAT job girl! keep up the good work and i'll be praying our kids never decide to fight us on this!:)

    love ya

  32. precious, just precious! My two monkeys (twins) LOVE watching your videos. "Again, mommy again"! "Find more babies"! I always enjoy my visite "to your place". Such a beautiful family! Thanks for being so open and honest. You're a fabulous mom. m

  33. Anonymous11:50 AM

    OMG! that was soo easy! I can't put my ONE baby down to sleep that easily. You can just walk out of the room? Awesome! Teach me! LOL

  34. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I wonder if it is easy because they always have each other for company? Bedtime can be torture in our house at times.

  35. Anonymous2:08 PM

    That is so adorable! I love how they all crawled into their room.

    I'm working on signing to my girls as well. They're only 7 months, but when they see me do it they watch my hands with fascination. Hopefully they'll be signing soon!

  36. So cute! Cherish these days! BOY, I wish my kids still did that!

  37. Umm... can you please come to my house? Mine are 7 and 3 and it's not that easy for us!
    So cute!

  38. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Suz----How is it possible that these babies just keep getting cuter and cuter? Loved the video--so precious...Take care-Please kiss the little angels for me. Love you !

  39. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Your babies are so cute! I remember when my siblings would love to go to bed, now they run away! We all know sign because my uncle is helped when the kids were babies.
    I have a couple of q's if you are still doing the q/a: where did you get your adorable sweater? What is your favorite workout routine?
    God bless you!

  40. how fun - hopefully they continue to just follow when you say it's nap time.. lol all in a little row.

  41. I'm generally a lurker, but felt the need to come out of lurkerdom...
    First, can you come over and teach my two year old that? I'd really appreciate it!
    Secondly, in response to your mirror image twin comment on September 22. My husband and his brother are mirror image twins. And, sure enough, their hair swirls in opposite directions.

  42. Anonymous12:07 PM

    They may not grow out of enjoying naptime/bedtime. My seven year old daughter is a sleeper, always has been. I have to actually tell her that she CAN'T go to bed yet (for instance, when she's having a friend spend the night). Even at this age, she is still usually asleep before 8. So you may continue to enjoy some down time in the evenings for quite a while!!!

  43. Now, why would that bring tears to my eyes???? Your little ones are so sweet and kissable. I guess that's why.

    Thanks for sharing pieces of your daily routine. I loved it.


  44. You make life with quads look easy!

  45. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Your babies are sooo cute!
    It looks like you are a great mom!

    I saw an old post about e.l.f. makeup, I was wondering what you thought of it. I wanted to get your opinion before I placed an order. I love how cheap it is but I'm not sure about the quality. Are there any products you would recommend?

  46. you are an awesome mom! i love how they follow you in their room...too cute!

  47. Anonymous1:49 AM

    that is the cutest thing i have ever seen.. how they all just follow you on all fours. So cute! :)

  48. That is too stinking cute! You guys have it down pat!

  49. too cute!Just like ducklings following their mommy!


    Just too adorable :)

  51. The day will come (probably) when they'll be running, crying and screaming come nap time. BUT, I have ALWAY gone to bed early w/out being asked or told. My parents and siblings always made fun of me, my younger sister would stay up later, and now, as a married woman, 9:30 is still lights out!!!! And, now my husband makes fun of me, but I'm always well rested!

  52. How cute!!! Signing is AWESOME! I never did it w/my son (6 yrs. ago) but have been doing it w/my 13 month old since she was born and she now signs about 10 signs and understands even more!! It is soooo cute when she signs and it really shocked us. It's funny cause when she wakes up she is signing "milk" when we walk in the room and if she hears anyone say milk she starts signing it and saying "Ma Ma Ma"!! Keep it is so worth it.

  53. I am sure that you don't have time to read all of the comments that people leave you...but I just wanted to say how refreshing it is to read your blog:) I got here kinda on accident through a friend of mine and I laughed and I cried. I just started my own blog...I only have one entry but I am loving it!! Good luck to you and your sweet family...
    Heather Bryant

  54. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Hey Suz,
    Question: Where did you get the inclined bed wedges that you used when the Quads were little? My sister in law just had twins and one has reflux and I thought that would help. If you get a chance please email me.

  55. That is the cutest video! I found your blog a couple of weeks ago and finally got done reading it from the beginning. I just love your story, you are very blessed. I have a baby boy named Drew and his due date was October 10, 2007, he was born on October 11th (we just celebrated his first birthday). Thanks for sharing your lives with us, it is so much fun to read about.

  56. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Hey girl, you got to give me the scoop on that trick one day! I'm looking forward to the day I'll need it for my 4 little pumpkins! We may getting close to bringing Ty home in 2 weeks! I'll send you a note to your email. Lots of Love, Tina

  57. that is so cute! you did a good job teaching those babies to go to sleep---good job mama!

    (mine go down that easily too---isnt it just a blessing!) :)

  58. Your kidos are darling! How sweet is that??!!

    I wish I could get my ONE baby to bed at night!:0)

    Lets get to the most important part.........
    Where did you get that cute sweater dress you were wearing??
    I love it!
    I have two and love that I feel like im getting dressed, but still in functional "Mamma-wear"!!

    Take care!

  59. Those little monkeys are the cutest ever! You make it look sooo easy!! They are too precious!!!!!!!!

  60. Your little ones are SO adorable....

  61. Loved your video! Suzanne I am not sure you remember me, but my sister and I ran into you at Targer this summer. We had the horrible flight from Lubbock...etc. I found out that a girl in our small town (4,000 pop) had her ultrasound today and found out that she is pregnant with Quads. 2 identicals and 2 fraternals. We went to the same RE and she is our head basketball coaches wife. She is in complete shock, as you understand. I told her how wonderful you are and how I love your blog. I am hoping she contacts you in the next few days. She really needs to talk to someone that has been there. She is terrified. I had twins that were born at 29 weeks, but that is nothing compared to what you have done and what she will do. Thank you!

  62. That is awesome, and oh so very cute. I love how Miss Shilo gets in on the action too. Sleep tight precious babies!

  63. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Suzy-Q... Where are you?

    LOL! Miss hearing form you...


  64. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Hi Suz!
    Want to teach me some tricks???

    Miss seeing those Cute faces... PLEASE update soon =)

  65. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Hi Suz!
    Want to teach me some tricks???

    Miss seeing those Cute faces... PLEASE update soon =)

  66. They are SOOOOO sweet!

    Where did you get your super cute shirt and leggings? I want to raid your closet!

  67. So behind on my blog reading! Just got to watching this video. .. love that they all just crawled along after you! TOO CUTE!

  68. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I just found your blog and read from finding out you were pregnant to now and I am hooked. I also follow three other sets of quads and triplets its an obsession. My daughter is 2 1/2 and we started signing with her very early. We used a wonderful series called Signing Time! She absolutly loved it, and she learned so much that she still uses everyday!
