Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baby Hope for the Weary

I know what it feels like to struggle with infertility...I have had the sleepless nights and the monthly BAWL SESSIONS when I would realize that I wasn't pregnant, yet again. It is heart breaking...it is one of the worst feelings of intense pain that you could ever imagine. You never think that you will have problems getting pregnant...

Three ladies, three very different OBGYN medical backgrounds, and 8 babies---all within 2 years of each other:

Me (with the quads)
My sister-in-law, Ashley (with baby Carter)
My cousin Jackson and his wife, Jill (with triplets: Gabe, Isabella, and Jack -- BORN EARLY THIS MORNING! Feel free to leave them some love!)

I will not go into each particular scenario (out of respect/privacy for blabbing such personal information of others), but we have each struggled with infertility...we have been there, ladies! You all know my story and can find it on my blog---and you can check out Jill and her story by visiting her blog HERE. I write this to give you hope and trust in God and His plan for your life, wherever He may lead you, whatever the outcome.

Today we are rejoicing with Jackson and Jill as they welcomed their three precious babies into the world- with NO complications whatsoever! Praise God!

Anyone who has known me for any period of time have probably heard me talk about my many "cousins" from Georgia---ad nauseum!(I group all of you cousins together btw, you know who you are!) I LOVE them SO much! We do not get the chance of getting together very often anymore and we miss them dearly.
This was the last time we saw Jackson and Jill- December of 2007 (the quads were 4 months old) My brother and new father, Collin, Jackson, Jill, and myself

And here is a beautiful pregnancy pic of Jill that my extremely talented photographer and "Georgia cousin", Candice took. Her work is amazing...and it definitely helps when you have gorgeous subjects like JILL!

With Carter's birth on Sunday and the triplets birth this morning, the miracle of life, following infertility, has been on my heart in a major way. God is SO gracious. And I just want all of you who are struggling with infertility to know that I am praying a very special prayer for each and every one of you today.

Hugs and positive thoughts!!!

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  1. You couldn't have written a better post at a better time. And it's amazing how you need to hear things like this at a certain time. We have just finished our
    8th iui and are waiting to find out next week if it worked, otherwise i think we are hopefully going to move on to shots or IVF. I have so much hope after reading stories like yours and seeing your adorable kids.. Thanks for sharing your story!! Happy Tuesday. Not sure if I have posted before but have been reading your blog for a while!!

  2. Hi Suz~
    Great post. Congrats on all the new babies.

    If you have time, please go by http://theotherhuse.blogspot.com/2009/03/maybe-tmi.html

    Rachel could use some love and prayers re: infertility.

    Plus, she writes a terrific blog!

  3. As someone who has also walked that infertility road, it warmed my heart to read about these new babies. Congrats to them!

  4. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Congrats...on your expanding family!!

    I will keep all these babies in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Infertility is so tough. It is so wonderful when these stories have a happy ending because as we all know not everybody is so lucky. Congrats to all!

  6. LOVED your post! I too remember each month when we the stick would be negative & we would not be pregnant. It was SO rough! It was not until I started sharing our story did I find that there were SO many people in the same boat as us than I ever thought! PLUS once you tell people what you are going through there are more people to pray for you! That is SO awesome that Jill had the triplets with NO complications! YAY! It is great that every one has each other to turn to when they are struggling. Congrats to everyone!
    Love, Cathy & the quads

  7. Thank You so much for this wonderful post! We are just starting our 2nd round of Clomid, and we are hoping & praying for the best. I have read your blog mostly the whole way through, once I found your story I had to go back and see how it all happened. I am so happy that you did overcome infertility, and have been blessed with 4 beautiful miracles. Your title says it best: Prayed for one, blessed with four. I love that!!!
    Have a wonderful Tuesday amd God Bless you and your beautiful family!

  8. Your post has me balling MY eyes out. Such impeccable timing. I've been thinking about you and your pregnancy a lot since yesterday. We took clom.d this cycle and I can't help thinking of your four perfect kiddies. I've been following your blog since just before their birth and you make quads look fun and doable - even though I KNOW there is lots of work and stress involved (I've been a nanny for premature twins for almost four years).

    I'm so happy for Jill, her blog is adorable and I'm excited to follow her family.

    Thank you for your post today Suz, it really spoke to me and I'll spend the afternoon praying that we'll be next on that list of success stories.

  9. Thank you for the post and kind words! I cannot explain the peace that I feel about having a baby right now. It's been 3 years of crying, putting things on hold, forking over the $$, and SO SO SO much more (you know!). But for some reason as we wait to make our next step, I feel a peace and know that everything will work out in GOD's time. I dont like waiting, but I am OK to let God lead me (us) and carry me through this! Thanks again for your words!

  10. I too am in the midst of an infertility struggle - it's been an uphill battle getting my body ready to try - but we are starting our first clomid cycle as we speak... it is comforting to know that women survive this battle - and that God indeed is so amazing in his grace through the storms of infertility. It's hard - you know as well as the rest of us, but keeping our faith in him and using him as our compass - truly is the only way to keep your sanity during times like this. Thanks for your post!

  11. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Wow, congratulations to Jack and Jill! they are a gorgeous couple and I cannot wait to see those babies of theirs!

  12. Brandy, Tennessee12:46 PM

    You never know who your life's testimony will influence. My husband and I struggled with infertility. With failed fertility treatments, we turned to adoption...not as an alternative, but because we felt that was what God had for us. We were ecstatic about it. We adopted our son at 6 weeks old, he was born in Virginia. We were in Heaven...sleepless Heaven, but nonetheless, Heaven. Then, after a series of circumstances...God blessed us by allowing us to conceive 2 years later. Now we are are proud parents of almost 6 year old Christopher and 3 year old Caroline. God is Good, All the Time. Just be willing to follow Him, He will show you His blessings when you yield your heart and life to Him. And he will also change the desires of your heart that will follow what He has for you.

    Thanks for sharing, I check in on your clan very often.

  13. I've been there and done that too. I am still amazed that Clomid didn't work for me and you got four on a lower dose than I was on!! :o)

  14. Suz,

    I have posted once before, but this post came at a perfect time today. Dissappointed again today, that another month of not being pregnant. I found your post hopeful and helpful today!!! Love reading about your darling babies!!

  15. I know the longer journey to parenthood also. When you know things can go wrong and have experienced disappointments, you appreciate the joys and successes soooo much more.

  16. That was great! I have been there as well, and it is a long stressful road but God's timing is the best. I am raising 10 month old twin girls thanks to IVF. I would really like to be able to e-mail you and ask a few questions about raising preemie's born at 30 weeks gestation. My girls were actually born at 29 weeks and 4 days but I would like to be able to get a time line for when some of the milestones are hit. When you get a chance if you could e-mail me at brown020704@yahoo.com

  17. I read your blog from time to time and I loved your message today. My husband and I conceived our daughter through IVF after 3 years of tears. So many women out there need words of encouragement to help get through those tough times. Thank you for your kind message!

  18. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Love this post. I also struggled with inferlity. The one question that really bothers me is when people ask so when are you going to have one or another one? I was successful after a 4 yr struggle and people don't realize that it isn't easy for everyone.

  19. Infertility...ugggghhh what a horrendous time in a person's life. You cannot explain that pain to anyone that has never experienced it. This was such a heart warming post...there is always hope ladies! I am praying right along w/ Suz for all of you out there carrying this burden right now. So glad the triplets are healthy Suz...God is GOOD!!! =)

  20. I don't think you could have known how much I needed to hear these. I'm sitting here, just having received the news that another cycle of fertility meds has failed, and I am broken. I was even sitting here wondering if God really wants me to be a mother or if I'm ever supposed to have children at all.

    Thank you for offering hope and encouragement and evidence of what can lie ahead :)

  21. I have been following your blog for a while. I am not sure if I have posted or not??? Your kiddos are adorable! Thanks for the great post. My husband and I have been there, done that, and are still trying! We moved to IVF in January, got pregnant, and miscarried. Your post gives me a lot of hope. Thanks and congrats to the new MOMMIES!

  22. Congratulations on the new additions to the family!

  23. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Thank you so much for this post. It was exactly what I needed. I have had to sing "I will praise you in this storm" to myself daily for the past two weeks. It is hard to stay relaxed when your heart wants a baby so bad it hurts!

  24. love it.... i know the struggle and you could not of put it better! congrats to all your family!

  25. I love this post and thank you, my husband and I have been ttc for 3 years. You are an inspiration to us and proof miracles DO happen!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO much!!!! You are amazing!!! :)

  26. I, too, have walked the road of infertility and received the blessings of God through my IVF miracle twins. I often say that if I can help ONE other person go through those struggles, then I will understand the reason we struggled. I will also be saying a special prayer for every one else facing these challenges.

  27. Suzanne,

    Your latest post really hit home. I am having one of THOSE days today, and I decided...hey, let's blog. Well, I read what you posted, and it really did make me feel better. I never knew what a struggle this would all be, and how difficult it would be both physically and emotionally. Sometimes I think I am bi-polar because I am happy with work, Adam, etc. and then I see another friend who is pregnant or a darn birth control commercial, and I lose it. I even get teary eyed at diaper commercials. Your struggles, and those of others like "US" help me understand that all will happen in His time. I just have to be more patient and have more faith. I know we have lost touch, but I want you to know that your advice, support, and help are truly a gift from God. If it weren't for you, I would have never known about all of that Co2 that the doctors pump into you...and I would have just thought I was really fat after surgery...LOL!! My post-op appointment is on Thursday morning. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for the support and for being a friend. At some point in time, I would love to see you again and meet your husband and babies. Until then, Thanks! J

  28. Geez Louise girl, I miss a few days on the blog and I missed 3 POSTS! You are on a roll. Baby Carter is too stinkin precious! So excited for the new triplets...can't wait to see. Your crew looked so cute at the NICU reunion and waiting for baby Carter :)

    Love you,

  29. Anonymous8:22 PM


    I am a long time reader, first time commenter! You could not have posted this at a better time. I am getting so frustrated with this struggle and glad to know there is hope. I can't even read anything about babies/pregnancy without crying. Thank you!

  30. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I have tears in my eyes right now. Thank you for your words of encouragement. It means so much to those of us out there that need to be lifted up during a very difficult time.

  31. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Please know that your words in today's post lifted my spirits tremendously. My husband and I have suffered through many years of infertility and it gets harder and harder each day. It's so nice to hear from others who TRULY understand, that there is hope.

    God bless you and each of the newest additions to your family.

  32. My goodness there are a lot of comments here... I just couldn't read today and "walk away" without posting a small comment. My daughter is the product of IVF with ICSI. We tried three more times after and we're still not pregnant. We moved from England emotionally spent, financially stretched, and done trying. Recently I've found myself questioning if I want to try once more. Like others have said, your post is timely. As I toy with the idea of "one more time" I know it really means two more; one IVF and one FET. Come on God beat us to the treatments!!!

  33. BEAUTIFUL post mama! Just beautiful!

    I love you so much, AUNTIE SUZ!

  34. God is so very faithful! Congrats on the new babies to love!!!

  35. Many many blessings, that is for sure!

  36. What a fabulous post! I have been following you for quite some time, but I am not sure if I have ever commented. My husband and I have been struggling with infertility for almost 5 years (treatments for the past 1 1/2 years). I love checking in with your blog each day/week - your wit and humor and of course, those precious babies...I love it! I'm also neighbors/friends with the Michaels quads, and I know you have talked with them. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers of everyone struggling with infertility.

  37. i have struggled with infertility and miscarriage but am now blessed with two beautiful children. thanks for this post--infertility affects so many but is rarely talked about. god bless you and your family. i love reading your blog!

  38. LOVE this post, mama.

    3 blog posts in 3 days...what is UP!

  39. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I came across your blog awhile back and have enjoyed reading about you and your adorable kids! My husband and I have been TTC for almost a year now. I'm trying to do my best to stay positive and know that God has it planned and that His timing is perfect. But I have my days, especially lately because I've had quite a few friends having babies. But I'm hanging in there and continuing to trust in God and know his timing is perfect! So thanks again for this! You have an amazing heart!

  40. At this point, I'm not even sure how I ended up on your blog. I think the good Lord knew I needed some encouragement today. I went through almost four years of infertility trials in the past. My life has changed so much since then including a messy divorce, finishing college, moving halfway across the country and starting over basically. Thank you for giving hope to those of us still facing the trials. You are so BLESSED!!

  41. WOW! Our God is amazing. You do not know me personally, and I clicked on your blog from another friends blog for no apparent reason. What an encouragement to me during a very difficult time! Thank you!

  42. WOW! Our God is amazing. You do not know me personally, and I clicked on your blog from another friends blog for no apparent reason. What an encouragement to me during a very difficult time! Thank you!

  43. Great post Suz! I will join you in praying...

  44. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Thanks for your encouragement. I have struggled with unexplained infertility for years and years (going through multiple cycles of clomid, IUIs, IVF and a couple adoption losses as well). It is hard not to get bitter and angry and ask why this is happening to me. But I appreciate your prayers for all of us still struggling.

  45. I'm new in leaving a comment to your blog, but I have been reading it for some time now. This post really hit home for me. My husband and I tried to have children for years and we tried every kind of fertility treatment. We finally turned to IVf last year and had our twin sons in December. Infertility is the hardest thing you never imagine that you will have to go through. Thank you for your post and I will join you in your prayers.

  46. Anonymous11:26 AM

    A friend of mine shared your blog with me about 6 months ago. It is on my favorites tab at work and I love reading it often! Thank you for your positive attitude! Your entries make me smile and recently I was able to pass on your encouragement to my friend , Caron, who had a fertility treatment and will know April 13 of the results!Thx for your prayers! God Bless You and your sweet family!
    Blythe, Plano, Tx :-))

  47. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Thank you so much for your message of hope. I am not far into the journey yet (10 mos), but irregular periods (6-12 weeks) it makes the waiting hard. I have only a tiny glimpse into what some have endured for years. I hope each person who wants a child is rewarded.
    -Suzanne M.

  48. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I stumbled on to your blog a couple of weeks ago and have been reading it off and on since. Yesterday's posting hit close to home and I was crying by the end of it. We have been trying for almost a year and have an appointment at the end of the month to find out more. It gives me hope to read your posting and read the other comments people have written with their struggle with infertility. It is very hard to discuss with other people who have not had problems with it. Thank you.

  49. Thanks for that post, Suz. I don't usually comment but I love to read your blog. I was referred by my sis, Chelley (thelifeofchelle.blogspot.com) because we both struggle with infertility. I am due to give birth to a precious baby girl in 2 weeks after three years of infertility. This is near and dear to my heart and I also hope everyone who struggles with this recieve strength and hope.

  50. I struggled with infertility for almost 3 years. Finally went to see a specialist only to discover he was retiring. Went a head with treatment only to find out the medication was not covered by my insurance. The specialists office gave me one months of drugs and said that would all they would be able to do. The doctor was retiring in one month. I had one month to get pregnant, to which they all said "this rarley works the first month". I found out I was pregnant the next month. . .with triplets! The morning I found out I was pregnant (no idea there was three) I decided to relax and watch a movie. It was a cartoon, Shrek The Third where they have triplets, 2 boys and 1 girl. It just so happens I had 2 boys and 1 girl! All very healthy, and now very mobile 9 month olds! All coincindence, I dont think so! =)

  51. That is so sweet Suz that you still think of people who struggle with infertility so much. I'm sure many days it seems like so long ago to you, now that you have those adorable kids of yours! I have been following your blog for some time now and just LOVE it!!!
    My husband and I have been going thorugh the infertility journey for over six years now. It's so hard so many days and sometimes it just feels like you can't go on it hurts so much. I don't know what we would do without the Lord in our life. He is SO good! Blessings to you!


  52. I'm also one of those BTDT girls with infertility. Thanks for such an encouraging post. Congrats on the new additions to the family!!

  53. Jennifer Craig12:33 PM

    Suz-I have followed your blog for almost two years...my son is 6 wks older than your 4, and he is the end result of 3 years of infertility treatments. Almost three weeks ago, my daughter was born...an unexpected, beautiful blessing that actually happened without any medical intervention...so there is ALWAYS hope...but I had to comment today because, in reading your post, I scrolled down and came across the picture of you and your brother and your cousin and his wife...and I KNOW Jackson!! My husband and I have known him for many years, and I now realize the "mom of triplets" admitted to the hospital the same day we went in to have our daughter was Jill. What a small, small world! Please pass along my congrats to them...and keep reminding people to never give up hope...

  54. Thank you for sharing your story. It's an inspiration to know that after all your struggles you have those 4 smiling, happy faces to greet you each morning. It has been difficult journey for us, infertility, health issues putting us on hold, sometimes it is so easy to want to just give up. But no matter what God has a plan and a purpose.

    God bless your family and all the wonderful new editions.

  55. Great post Suz!! I too know that pain! Numerous miscarriages then God blessed me with the twins and then the quads! I don't ask what he was thinking since I ask for 1 more and wanted a girl! He blessed me with her and then two precious boys! He gave them to me in his time and that is where we have to learn that everything comes in his time not ours.

  56. Thank you SO much for sharing this! It encouraged me so much to hear of God's miracles in the midst of infertility. :)

  57. Anonymous3:44 PM

    What a great post! I found your blog through a friend, and have been following it for over a year now. However, it has been a while since I have checked in to see what your quads have been up too and to see this post just warmed my heart. My husband and I have been battling infertility (trying for #2) for 16 months. We found out we were pregnant after our second IUI a couple of weeks ago, to then have a miscarriage. This post gives me so much hope. And the only thing that has helped the pain is to know that God has a plan for me and I have to be patient.
