We are also trying to do away with the morning nap (10 to noon), but my kids CRAVE sleep! They still WANT to sleep twice a day! (for 2 hours or more each time)...so, I'm not complaining...but now that quarantine is over, I have them out of the house all the time. I'd like them to get used to one long nap in the afternoon...
So we were trying to stay busy and stopped over at my bro's house to drop off some baby stuff and love on Mr. Carter, aka: Bundle-O-Love. Then we headed up north to meet Joe at a consignment sale and have lunch. Upon leaving...
...like I said, FUUUUUUUN TIMES! poor thing was SOOO tired...I wanted to curl up and cry right along with her!
Thank God Joe was still close by! I blew my tire a few blocks away from the busy interstate and called the hubby to "hook-a-U-iee". (U-turn) Poor Joe had so much fun changing a tire during his lunch hour, in his nice work clothes!
We were actually able to pull into a Walgreens right after the blowout (perfect coincidence? I think not) and I purchased some bribes & bubbles while we waited...
Sav actually stopped crying for about 10 minutes
Ethan was enjoying the nice breeze
Drew devoured his sucker in like 2.2 seconds...the kid is a machine, I tell ya...machine!
Ben just enjoyed being outside where he could point out the planes flying overhead every 60 seconds
Ahhhh beautiful job, Babe!....so....tires are cheap, right?....
Plan a vacation? or buy new tires?........Awesome.
And the ride home?...lovely, until I had to wake up 4 perfectly happy sleeping babies, unload them, make them climb upstairs while screaming from exhaustion, diaper them, and finally put them down for their long awaited naps...my ears were RINGING! FUN FRIDAY! I'm going to go pass out now.
What a trooper! I wonder...will we ever see you frown? You know how to make the best of every situation.
ReplyDeleteLooks like so much fun! NOT!! Nice to know that your hubby is a hero like mine... (who is always coming to my rescue) That's true love! Relax and have a really good weekend hun.
Portland, OR
Suz...i just love the way you tell a story! You are so easy goin' you just roll with the punches. Those little ones get cuter and cuter everyday. Sorry you got a flat but Yay Joe was so close. Hope you have a better Saturday!
Oh my goodness, this had me in stitches!! KIND OF at your expense, but the pictures and captions are TOO GOOD!!
ReplyDeleteI've been a fan for awhile now, but finally had to comment -- I'm friends with Jordan Penick (Adams), and actually sent her your blog to read because I saw Molly on here (she's all, umm, she's MY FRIEND!) ... too funny. LOVE your blog, & your kids are a ball of preciousness!
Whewwey, glad you survived that one! :) Have a great weekend!!
I'm so sorry this happened, but I am so glad you had a camera to document the whole event! I just love the quads in that stroller, what are you going to do when they outgrow it?!?!
ReplyDeleteUGH! That stinks! The pictures are too cute though, as always. Hope your weekend is better!
ReplyDeleteOH MY! I don't think I could have stayed sane if that happened to me!
ReplyDeleteI bet it's a story that will be funny in a couple ... years.
So, you can handle 4 babies on a regular basis and you can't change a flat tire!!!! I have to say I'm surprised. I guess you have some more studying to do before you get your official "Supermom" title. Thank goodness Joe wasn't far away. I am always afraid of running out of gas when I am out with the girls. I guess that is a little easier to prevent than a flat tire! Hope your weekend gets better!
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me but I love reading your blog...I whine and complain sometimes with my 3 babies and it is refreshing to see you have such a great attitude, encouraging & energetic spirit to share with all of us weary Mommies. I hope you have a better weekend!
ReplyDeleteSorry you had such a rough day! Hope you have a better weekend!
ReplyDeleteOh no! I feel so bad for you! Rough day...?
ReplyDeleteYour Friday compares very much to my Wednesday! My motto is "This too shall pass!" Glad it all worked out for you and you made it home safe, sound, albeit sleepy! Happy napping!
ReplyDeleteYou poor thing! I dont usually post but I read your blog all the time! I love reading what you do with 4 when I only have 1! My son is 18 months (born Sept 26, 2007) so we are pretty close in age. I cant imagine going through all that with just one little one, I can only imagine how tired you were after dealing with four over-tired babies! :) You deserve a super star mom trophy or something, or maybe just a well-deserved massage! Hope your weekend is better than your Friday!
ReplyDeleteThis is the friday I had exactly two weeks ago. A perfectly happy shopping trip to my favorite place on earth...TARGET! I come out to a complete to the rim flat. I ignore it (thinking I can make it to discount tire), load all three kids in and pull out of my space all the while sounding as if I am dragging an 18 wheeler behind my SUV! NOT FUN! Thank goodness for the emergency goldfish I bought for the little darlings in Target! Glad you got home safe! I am sure the quads slept great, they are so cute! I am already makin' a killin' at the JBF sale. How about you? ( Met you dropping off our stuff Wed night)! Jen Hoelscher
ReplyDeleteI bow down to you. Taking four kids under 2 to the grocery store. I don't enjoy taking my 3 kids, who are not the same age. Oh the fights that happen.
ReplyDeleteHope your kiddos were able to get back to sleep.
Been reading awhile but haven't commented much. Maybe I'll start commenting more.
oh my gosh, you poor thing! That tired me out just from reading about it!
ReplyDeleteWow. I do not envy your day one bit. I would be mentally exhausted myself! I could go for a lollipop now though...
ReplyDeleteawww.. my poor suziQ!! i love you! I hope you have a wonderful RESTFUL night....do something for just you!!! maybe a little reading!*wink* :)
ReplyDeletelove ya
jenny B
what a coinsidence! i too had a flat tire today. 2 year old, 5 year old twins and one of their friends with me. we happened to be at the mall with 2 other moms and their kids. so we were able to play in there playground area until hubby came to change the tire. he was not close by so i made sure to pay CLOSE attention so if i can change it next tie.i hope there won't be one!
ReplyDeletePoor, poor Suz!!! I am so sorry momma!!! Hope you have a better weekend! Love you! Huggggsss!!! (Little Sav crying...break my friggin' heart!)
ReplyDeleteI hate that you had such bad luck with the flat. Do you not have OnStar? They are WONDERFUL. I had a flat in mine and they came out and changed the tire (no extra charge as it's included in the monthly OnStar subscription).
ReplyDeleteplease tell us HOW you grocery shop with the quads- can you hook baskets on their stroller?
ReplyDeleteYou have a good attitude about it all. But it just goes to show that God does have a sense of humor!
ReplyDeleteHope they slept well and that they get to bed early tonight. You need a break!
Welcome to motherhood! What excitement
ReplyDeleteWhat a story! At least they napped after that experiance :) First the sonic trip now the grocery one too. Handled it like a pro though :) Those are sure big tears from Miss Savannah! Have a great weekend!
That "blows"!!! Can't believe it! It's that stuff that always get me, like hello? do we not have enough to deal with seeing as we have 4 little ones under 2 years old? These are the things that will be the most memorable and one day, you'll get a great laugh out of it. After a good stiff drink and some rest. ;)
ReplyDeletePoor Suz!!!!! What a day!!! Hope you have a better weekend!!!
ReplyDeleteOh the joys of being a mommy. You handled the situation a whole lot better than I probably would. What a great mommy you are. Keep blogging, I love reading it. Your family is precious.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, Suz!
ReplyDeleteI sometimes want to cry with my twins when that happens to me. It is just so hectic and you feel so sorry for them!
I think of you often when I am exhausted! Today we turned TWO, and it seems to be getting easier. Well, I only have twins. YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR!
Praying for a peaceful Saturday.
Oh geez that stinks! Sorry your weekend started out like that. :( For what it's worth I find bribery usually works with my twins too! Hehehe
ReplyDeleteI love that you take pictures ALWAYS! The pic of you with the thumbs up, I was cracking up!! You are FRIGGIN' AWESOME!! And, Joe, you couldn't take your shirt off and show us a little sweat? Kidding, kidding!!! Y'all are kick tail parents!! Luv Ya!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a day! I have days like that... where I am thinking, seriously?
ReplyDeleteYou really do always make light of the bad situations. Optimism is gift! I love that you are trying to get out and about, having been stuck inside for two rsv seasons I know how much sunshine and the getting make you feel human again! Good for you, cuz either way that many kids is a lot of work.
Poor lil things. We had a similar cranky sleep deprieved baby situation tonight thanks to a change in time zones. But good job getting 4 kidos out of the house at once.
ReplyDeleteHi there Mummy Suz, Im a reader from Singapore.. I enjoy reading the way you blog! In SG, we hardly see and Quads, im really amazed by how much you mummies went through for the children! Ur quads are lovely, and so are u.. Take care and say hi to the quads! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so lucky your kids are sleepers! When I left work on Thursday I saw two cars in the hospital parking lot with flat tires before I got to my car. So what do you think I did? I called the hospital switch board to try and get to security so maybe these poor people working the night shift could have someone come take care of the tire for them while they were working. What response did I get? They will just have to call security to pump up the tire when they are off their shift!
ReplyDeleteAww that stinks! But you made it! Way to stay strong and push through (did you feel like there was any other choice in the moment?) I'm kidding. You totally rocked it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they can repair the tire instead of having to replace it. We've had two flats in the last year or so and both were repairable (for about $30!) Hope this is the case for you!
Oh man.
ReplyDeleteI've been there with one kiddo (and the hubby in nice work clothes changing my tire on his lunch break, no less!), but I can only imagine going through that with 4!
I bet that you are quadruply thankful for that cool stroller. You would have been in a real pinch if you would have had to hang on to everyone during that tire change. Glad it all worked out. Isn't God good...even in the trials of life, he always provides...suckers and all!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, so sorry. BUT, I absolutely love your personality and that you thought to take pictures so you could blog about it. :)
ReplyDeleteBless you.....thanks for giving me yet another scenario to contemplate and plan for...just in case!
ReplyDeleteKudos to a cool mom under pressure and a dad...Joe to save the day!!!
I just saw this bus/stroller on a stroller site & thought of you & all the other quad momma's out there - I think it's pretty cute
ReplyDeleteDon't know if you're aware of it or not. http://www.juststrollers.com/stroller-brands/winther-strollers/wintherturtle802kiddybusstandard4seat.cfm
Crazy friday for you!! I can imagine that you were ready to pass out after getting home! Its so crazy how you never know how your day will turn out. I guess we just roll with the punches, and you seemed to do a great job with that on Friday!
ReplyDeletesuzanne! i don't know if you scroll 42 comments down, but i just had to tell you that this post had me laughing my face off!!! i absolutely loved it! seriously the funniest blog i've ever read! so, seriously, i have no idea how you do it! i remember the first time i took the kids to the grocery store as a mom of TWO, before i got out of the car to go in, i had to breath into my toddler's brown paper bag (for his snacks) as i almost hyperventillated! you are one tough texas woman!!
ReplyDeletealso...i was reading the post before this and was wondering how long you tried to get PG. was it a year? i am assuming this b/c i think i remember hearing or reading that you got PG on your first dose of clomid. it took me 12 months to get pregnant. the doc wrote me a Rx for clomid, then when i told him it was day 7, he said you have to start on day 5 and that we would start next month...never had to do it! got PG that month when we weren't trying (you know, i had given up and was looking forward to clomid)!!! God is so good! no woman should ever have to experience infertility. it's the worst feeling in the world.
Oh that was a nice surprise! I have given up on grocery shopping with the kids - I do it on the internet.
ReplyDeleteWow. What an adventure...not to be repeated! I've done the tire blow out with three kids in tow, and only one being under two years...you put my little adventure to shame!
ReplyDeleteWay to make lemonaide from those lemons, mama.
ReplyDeleteWould you believe we had a flat tire last week too! Creepy! We didn't have quite the drama yo did, but we had a little. Flat tires and quads always equals drama! Glad it wasn't any worse!
ReplyDeleteYou get my vote for super mama!
ReplyDeleteWeirdly enough, we had a similar incident on Saturday. While I was working, Ryan had to take Clara to the ER (bad flu) and Chloe was with my parents. After he got back from the ER and pharmacy, he had to pick up Chloe, head home, and he drove over a nail and the tire went flat. :S. I kinda had to laugh ... poor guy had 2 kids with the flu, and a flat tire. lol.
Oh, that does sound awful...at least it wasn't in July or August!! We just recently had to put new tires on my car and the cost is INSANE!!
ReplyDeleteoh what fun you had on friday! lol!
ReplyDeleteI so feel your pain! Been there done that! Sorry you had such bad day at least Joe was still close.
ReplyDeleteUGH, that is miserable! Thank God Joe was still close by. So glad you are all safe and hopefully caught up on some sleep by now! Praying for you, girl! Squeeze those babies for me!!
ReplyDeleteGlad you survived the flat tire. This happened to me too on the side of the turnpike with 2 kids. I wanted to let you know that I left you an award on my blog.
ReplyDeleteCould you please tell me how you manage all four of them at the grocery store by yourself? I have 2 year old twins and rarely take them without help. If I do, it's because I only need a few things. You must be wonder-mom......
ReplyDeleteLove your blog and this post!
ReplyDeleteI have a possibly stupid question that one of your pictures made me think of ... how in the world do you get all the quads in their car seats in the 'burb? The 2 Britax seats in the middle row look like it would be impossible to climb over to get the other 2 in the back! I know this probably sounds dumb, but I seriously wonder how in the world you do it ... and without the others running around too?!
I gotta say, it's pretty refreshing how you always find humor in these less than enjoyable times. But on the other hand, you kinda make me feel like a total griper for complaining about my issues with 1 little ol' guy. I DO NOT know how you do it!
ReplyDeletePS. Your kids are cuter with every post. I just really want to give them hugs!!!
what a day! I'm sure you handled it about four times (get it?) better than most people would.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say, I have been there with switching to one nap a day. I finally had to stop trying and wait a couple months and then it went much easier for my daughter (3 months older than your kids). One thing that did help was letting her get a VERY short snooze (15 min or less) in the car in the morning, then waking her up and staying busy and watching for a good time to put her back down after lunch. I can't imagine doing it with four kids... but I bet you can. :0)
Oh have I been there! I was nursing still ( nor formula) just nursing, when I thought I would run to Target and back in less than 2 hours before his next feeding. I was doing so good on time and when I came out to the car - flat tire! I was in a panic... my hubby had to come try and change in while I nursed in the car.. in the rain.. it was awful!
ReplyDeleteGlad you had some sunshine and no nursing deadline =)
Hi Suz,
ReplyDeleteI am a frequent visitor and sometimes commenter on this blog and would like to say I feel your pain. I have two year old twin girls and a three yr old boy and I understand completely how stressful a trip to the store can be. We live in the Texas hill country but I have a cousin who is getting married at Robert Carr Chapel at TCU in two weeks (April 18, 2009) We are going to take the kiddos to the Ft Worth Zoo on Sunday the 19th and were just wondering if you, Joe and the kids would like to meet us there. You can shoot me an email at mandy_muelker@hotmail.com if that sounds like something that you guys might be up for. Hope to talk to you soon.
We love the "pop pop" in our house. It works great at getting my 2 year old to wait on something,
ReplyDeleteI love this post!...it's so real life! Unfortunately real life isn't always the funnest! :( But you and the quads looked really cute! That's always a plus :) :)
ReplyDeleteOH NO! That really stinks! I'm glad you have such a good attitude about it! I think if someone tried to take my picture after all of that I would punch them...ha ha!
ReplyDeletei love it!! not the flat tire just your humor! too cute :)
ReplyDeleteYou just crack me up! Love it!
ReplyDeleteOh happy day! Sorry for the bum afternoon, Suz. It's just one of those things that you can't anticipate happening, and it DEFINITELY doesn't fit well into the schedule (especially a quad schedule that is in the process of getting re-vamped).
ReplyDeleteOn a completely different note, it seems like the kiddos' hair (esp Ethan and Drew) has lightened up SO MUCH in the last month or two! Are you giving them highlights, girl?!
Here's to a flippin' fantabulous next Friday! Cheers!
Love you like crazy!
You and your beautiful children are such troopers!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say "Yeah!" to you and your husband for keeping your children rearfacing past one year.
My own daughter rearfaced until age 3 1/2 years and is still harnessed even though she's 4.
Great job keeping your little ones safe!
I guess I shouldn't complain about my 3 pitchin' a fit when they're inconienienced!
ReplyDeleteWay to keep a positive outlook...you're my hero & inspiration!
As a fellow parent, you might want to check out this short video clip. It could save your childrens lives. It sure saved mine. God bless your beautiful babies.
Suz..I just thought of you. Have you seen the bumpy name orbit labels for sippy cups?? I sell them in my boutique and was placing an order when i thought of you. I haven't ever seen the kiddos with labels around their sippy cups so I wondered how you differentiated them. You can see a pic of them on my blog today. www.munsons.blogspot.com.
ReplyDeleteThey are getting so big and cute as ever! Have a happy easter weekend!
oh my! your rough day, made a hilarious blog post!
ReplyDeleteI love how the boys just go w/the flow, and the little princess is bummed she missed nap time. SO cute!
Now, that's an adventure. And not one you want to repeat.
ReplyDeleteYou are a ROCK STAR! I will NEVER complain again when it's just me and my nap-less 16 month old. I can't imagine how tired you must have been. I am inspired by your good attitude. You can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens you! Including being a patient, loving mommy!