Friday, January 14, 2011

Sav’s Next Surgery~ Feb. 16, 2011


So, we met with Dr. Pinto (Sav’s urologist) to go over her test results from the other day.


My little baby girl will be having Ureteral Reimplantation Surgery on her R kidney on Wednesday, Feb. 16. We will spend a couple of days in the hospital with her while she recovers.


Sav’s surgical history:

- R kidney had a UPJ obstruction (almost complete blockage), she had surgical intervention: June 26th, 2009

- A couple of months later, Sav had surgery to remove the ureteral stent that they placed during her 1st surgery on her R kidney: August 17th, 2009

- 3 months later- throw in an eye surgery: November 24th, 2009

- Two weeks after that, her L kidney had Grade V vesicoureteral reflux (urine backs up from her bladder into her kidney), she had surgical intervention (A Ureteral Reimplantation) : December 2nd, 2009

- PRESENT DAY: Now her R kidney has Grade V vesicoureteral reflux…and she will have a Ureteral Reimplantation on her R side.



Dr. Pinto was surprised at her kidney function test results- because it was actually her LEFT kidney that is 10 times the size of her right kidney (after the ultrasound)…but the L is functioning. Doc said that he doesn’t know WHY her L kidney is so huge, but its working…so we DON’T touch it.

He DID say: “Don’t be surprised if Savannah gets obstructed on that L side and will have to have surgery in about a year or two...” (neato)


But her RIGHT kidney (that actually looks normal upon renal ultrasound) is NOT functioning properly. So, that is why I was so confused reading her test results on that last post!


ANYWHOO---if you understood ANY of that, cool. If not, sorry to ramble. Winking smile

We would greatly appreciate your prayers for the little missy. She has been having some painful urination, and has been waking up in the middle of the night- screaming in pain, with a soaked pull-up, etc. and it just kills me.

She’s such a fighter and if any of my kids would be able to come out of all of these surgeries- stronger- it would definitely be Savannah Leigh. God bless her.

suz signature


  1. praying for your sweet baby girl!! surgery is NEVER fun but she will be at a great hospital!

  2. It hurts my heart that the little miss is waking up in the middle of the night in so much pain, that's just so sad.

    She's in my prayers!

  3. Praying now and up until after the surgery. And for you, Momma. Bless your hearts. HUGS!

  4. I will be thinking of her and hope all goes really well with this next surgery. It must be so hard to see her go through that. :(

  5. Is any of that the same as Renal Reflux? It's sounds like it but I'm not sure. My 6 year old had to have that surgery at 11 months. But now everything seems to be working fine!

    Will be praying for your girl as she has and recovers from surgery!

  6. Hello there. I read your blog, but have never posted a comment until now. I just wanted to express my hope and prayers for your beautiful daughter!!! I love reading your blog and catching up on those 4 cuties!! Texas just became our home a few months ago...and I enjoy reading your blog and seeing where and what you do with your gives me great ideas of things to do with my own. Thank you!! Good luck to your daughter and prayers for her and her doctors!!

  7. (it's me, Jodi. Haven't commented in forever, but I still "blog stalk" you.... ha!)

    Oh girl, I SO feel your pain. Haven't something wrong with your kiddo is THE MOST PAINFUL thing to go through. I think all the time that I would chop off my legs if it would make Brooklyn's work right. (Or give her my kidneys, bladder, etc) We do all those bladder and kidney function tests with Brooklyn for spina bifida as well, and it is all so YUCKY. No surgeries yet for us with that, but I do understand to a degree. Blah blah blah.... anyways, just know that I am praying for BOTH of you as you head into this next go-round. It is obvious God has given that little beauty of yours a FABULOUS spunky spirit to pull her AND her Mommy through the yucky stuff. Praise Him for that... and all He has YET to do!

  8. I've been reading your blog for quite some time now but don't think I've ever commented. Just wanted to say I'm thinking of your family and praying for your baby girl. I am a mother of two boys (5 & 2) and this just tugs at my heart strings so much. Hang in there momma, all will be ok.

  9. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Praying for your sweet girl! It is so tough watching our litle ones go through so much. My little 3 1/2 month old boy has a cleft lip and palate. He sees an orthodontist each week to adjust his device before his lip surgery. It is a lot of work and stress, but I know it is all in his best interest. I'll say special prayers for Savannah and mommy too!

  10. Suzanne,

    Hugs for Savannah and for Mom too!
    We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers for relief and to be healed.

    Lucky for Savannah her brothers will keep her entertained for the next 4 weeks, may that time fly by until her surgery.

    What a big girl she has become, adorable... Our hope for her complete healing is what we will pray for.

    The Cappadona Family

  11. Praying for your baby girl....what a beautiful picture of the two of you.

  12. Hey Idiot!! I just starting reading your blog! I actually just got into the blog world myself, now that Brody came into the world! I was reading all about Sav's medical history! Oh my word bless her heart. She will totally be in our prayers!
    We have had a little experience with kidney issues. Brody has stage 5 Kidney reflux. He is on amoxicillin until he turns three, and at that point he will have surgery. It's scary stuff when your kiddo has health scares!
    I'm so glad I'm going to be able to keep up with you guys more! miss you and love you girl!

    My blog is Keep in mind I just started two days ago so I'm not a pro like you!!

  13. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Sending prayers to your sweet girl!

  14. We will be praying for her. Do you need any help with meals for the rest of the family? We met at the blog party last year and would be happy to help your family out in any way.

  15. I will be praying for your lil girl. She is such a doll in that picture, and what a tender thing to hold Mama's face like that!

    Now, if I may, I cracked a laugh with her urologist's name. I know in Spanish and English that word means a horse color or just "spotted". But in Portuguese, it is the everyday word for, well, penis. How is that for a predestined name?

  16. I know I haven't commented in awhile, but I definitely still read and just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for y'all!

  17. so much to take in for such a lil girl. Hoping and praying she comes out healthy and stronger. Prayers for you and Joe, too.

  18. Kristine9:51 PM

    Hi! I had commented a long time ago when I came upon your blog during one of your daughter's surgeries. I am so sorry that she is going to have another one. I can completely and totally relate to this unfortunately. My daughter Alexa who just turned 3 last month, had kidney surgery in September and a stent removal in October. That makes 7 surgeries total, the first one at 2 months of age. She was born with severe hydronephrosis with bilateral UPJ obstruction. Her left side is the worst and the largest, functioning at 39%. Which is not bad considering it was only at 18% at birth! We are blessed with a wonderful surgeon. She is doing pretty well and she will have her fifth renal scan this March to see how all is functioning. I wish nothing but the best for your little one and your entire family. I know how tough it is but it sounds like you have a strong, resilient little cookie on your hands just like my little one. Will keep you all in my thoughts! =)


  19. I had the same surgery when I was 11 years old on my left kidney. I had further problems when I was 16, 18 and 20, and had to have temporary stents put in and lots of painful moments. Maybe blood clots? Doctors could never really tell me for sure. Anyhow, After the last episode of severe pain and infections which antibiotics couldn't help, I turned to the health food store and bought some pure cranberry extract in a capsule form. It cured me! Seriously! I haven't had a problem since and now I'm 33. I keep a container in my fridge at all times and if I ever feel a twinge of an infection coming on, I start taking it again.

    Anyways, Sav's a fighter for sure. And I wish her complete success with this surgery.

    Maybe her left kidney is a super kidney! That's what happened to me. Although for me it was right!

  20. So so so so sorry. My almost 3 year old daughter has Grade 3 reflux, and has had 3-4 UTIs but has never had surgeries. So sorry for Savannah's pain and for your emotional pain. May God bless y'all during this time.

  21. Will be praying for your sweet girl! Hang in there.


  22. I will be praying for your sweet Savannah daily and lots of times on her surgery date. Poor little sad about her being in pain and waking up in the night :( I hope this relieves her pain fixes her. I'll keep you & Joe in my prayers as well.

  23. Savannah Leigh is such a strong little gal and completely amazes me. She will do fine, I'm sure. Sending LOTS of HUGS and PRAYERS your way. I realize this is scary!
    Love you guys!

  24. Awww, poor baby... I'll say some prayers for her. My son has bilateral hydronephrosis as well, but his has resolved. His Left kidney, however, is permanently damaged from the problem. We are now moving on to urology check-ups every 3-5 years (he just turned 4). Anyways, hang in there. We've done a few hospital over-nighters ourselves for some other issues, so I know what you are in for. I'll pray everything goes smoothely for your little princess!

  25. We'll be praying for you guys. May things only get easier for her from here on out.

  26. Feb. 16th. Got it. Will be prayin'.

  27. Anonymous12:16 AM

    praying for you guys and for sweet Savannah! I know it must be so hard on you and just praying for God to be near and close to you each in this! Take care!`Jodi

  28. All the best and good luck for Feb

  29. Oh Suz, this must be so hard. Will keep you all in our prayers.

  30. Thinking of you and your sweet little girl - hope that her surgery goes smoothly and she recuperates quickly. Not easy on her and not easy on Mom either - my daughter had 2 surgeries (intestinal) when she was under 6 months old - really tough to go through. Do take care!

  31. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Lots of prayers. FYI: the left kidney is probably larger due to the fact it is working overtime to make up for the R kidney's blockage.

  32. Wishing you and your family the very best of wishes from Arizona!

  33. Sweet girl! Praying for ALL of you!!

  34. I'm so glad I found your blog today! The link mentioned the kids being in the drivers seat and I got crew is about to turn 15! So, even though yours are not REALLY driving yet, I was blessed to find you! =) It's an amazing ride...cuddle those sweet babes while you can...teenagers frown upon being in your lap! Except for our daughter! (We have 3 dudes and a diva as well.) Blessings to you all!!! ~Jami

  35. Good luck tommorrow Savannah Leigh, you will be in out thoughts and prayers!
