She was not too happy with us...(you know its gonna be bad when she cries just from trying to put her on a scale to weigh her! Poor baby has had ENUF already with the surgeries!)
And yes, screaming and crying the whole way to the OR ("Maammmmaaaaa! Maammmmmaaa!") ugh. Rip my heart out. No amount of Versed seems to help.
Sweet little Savi gets TERRIBLE postoperative nausea/vomiting like her Mama and Granna. The nurses were amazed that she was vomiting as much as she was.
So...I couldn't help but laugh when Sav fell asleep with her popsicle in hand...reminded me of another time...a LONG, LOOONG time ago.
YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKES! Who is that woman?!?! (pretty sure I NEVER put this pic of me- the day after delivering quads- on the 'ole blog-a-roo!)
Dad was trying to pry the popsicle out of Sav's hands, but she had a death-grip on it. Out cold---but would grunt every time he tried to pull it away.
After spending more time than expected in recovery, we finally got the okay to be discharged (as long as I supported her neck and airway on the drive home)...Sav is definitely a light-weight when it comes to anesthesia! Here are her stylish new sunglasses that I bought just for her surgery.
-----WARNING! Not for the squeamish!-----
Here are the pics of her eyes now. They are both bloodshot red, mainly on the inner parts of both eyes.
Dr. Norman was great!! We go for our follow-up in a week (the day before her kidney surgery)---and should have a better idea of how her eye muscles are healing. Hopefully this is a one-shot-deal, but many times this involves a number of surgeries to get it just right. So praying for that as well! Thanks again---SO MUCH---for those prayers and positive thoughts.
Praying for your sweet little girl! And LOL at the popsicle pictures, too cute!! Hope Sav is feeling better soon, somebody has to keep the brothers in line (;
That poor baby! You can tell by her face in that first picture that she has had enough of these hospital visits! I'm glad it's over and hope it's the one and only surgery she will have to have on her eyes. Love the popsicle pictures of you and her!
Cathy in Frisco
Glad everything went well! My hubby had a detached retina a couple of years ago and had to have major surgery. His eye looked like Savannah's and it was so scary!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Best wishes to your little princess in the recovery process and for her next surgery. It's amazing what doctors are doing these days!! Hope your family has a wonderful holiday!
I love the pictures of you guys eating popsicles! Kiss sweet Sav for me! love you all!
Aww such a sweet girl! Praying that she heals quickly and her surgeries will come to and end very soon! Big hugs!
Wow! That brings back memories...I had 4 strabismus surgeries from the time I was 3 months until I was 7 years old. Hang in there! My mom always had to be the strong one because my dad would BAWL when they wheeled me away to the OR! I also had to patch for a lonnng time! But, now I'm 21 and strabismus-free! HOWEVER, I have worn glasses since I was 14 months old!! Anyways, I just had to comment because this hit so close to home! Praying for the sweet girl!!
Prayers for Sweet Sav's recovery!!! My son (now 15) had strabismus surgery when he was 4 and I had it when I was 1 (many, many years ago :)
LOL at BOTH popsicle picks!!!
Peace be with you all
My thoughts are with you and little Savannah. My husband had a terrible reaction coming out of anesthesia after the last surgery (8 hours of vomiting--fun times), but the anesthesiologist was able to give him a steroid shot before the surgery to lessen the effect after his spinal fusion last Tuesday and it worked! I hope she heals up well before going into another surgery. Poor little baby!
Just as cute as a button, that one! I hate that she had such a rough day. Hoping and praying the next surgery doesn't bring so much nausea.
Like mother like daughter. So cute! We're praying for a quick recovery and a complete fix this time around. Poor Sav. Such a tough cookie and brave girl.
it made my eyes water just looking at her poor little red eyes! i'm glad she came through surgery well and hate that she'll be having MORE next week. poor girl. i'll be praying for all of you!
Poor lil sister!!! Prayers, prayers, prayers!!!
So glad everything went well. Poor baby girl. Praying everything goes well for the next surgery.
Oh sweet Sav I just love you baby girl! Those pictures of bloodshot eyes remind me of Cullen's surgery. This too shall pass momma...hang in there.
please check this blog out
Praying for your sweet angel girl! She is so tough! (Lacey's friend)
I love your striped shirt!
Where did you get it?
SWEET baby Sav...prayers are coming you guys' way! Man...she still cracks me up with the death grip!
Ahhhh sweet Miss Sav! So glad the surgery went well. I'm cracking up at the mother/daughter popsicle pictures.....priceless :)
Love to you all!
Don't freak out or anything, but I was there this morning with my 3 year old who had the same surgery done. I recognized Joe with the A&M hat on backwards as you both walked in to see Savannah right after surgery. I did a double take LOL!
I've followed your blog since those cuties were born and have read it front to back. I haven't read in awhile so I actually didn't know ya'll would be there this morning too. It was hard not to squeak out a "hi", but I figured that would be too weird especially having the little ones hurtin'.
I was the mom (blonde, in green) that kept ending up on the floor at the other end of the recovery room. My little guy came out screeching from recovery. Was worse then I expected so it through me and I ended up on the floor LOL!
glad to know Sav is doing well. Ben's got the whole red eye thing too. He slept most of the day. We also had Dr. Norman. Luv him! By the way, if that little doll is Savannah's, the nurses found it just after ya'll left.
I hope I didn't just freak you out. :)
OHHH poor thing!!! Bless her heart! ;(
Thinking and Praying For your family and little Savannah. She seems like such a sweetheart and I hope she has a speedy recovery!
Oh poor baby! Glad everything went well and that popsicle picture of you is priceless.
Praying for a speedy recovery. The popsicle pics are hilarious!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
I feel for your little angel. I was in the hospital a lot as a child and remember that fear and dread. My mom says I thought all men were doctors and developed a fear of them. But back then, they really didn't cater to children like they do now.
Prayers going up for your sweet daughter.
You and your husband are some of the best parents out there.
Super Sav! I can already see a difference in her eyes so lets hope the first time is the charm! What a sweet picture of her and that popsicle!
Poor Sav and poor Mom and Dad. I know it's hard on you guys to. Hang in there. Hopefully the end is in sight for surgeries. I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys. I am cracking up at the popsicle pictures, like Mother, like daughter!! I hope all of you have a Happy, Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.
Bless her sweet heart!
My best friend's little boy had this surgery at 6 months and then again when he was 2 1/2. His eyes were blood shot for a few weeks and then he was back to normal. Glad to hear that she is out but so sorry about the post op tummy troubles.
The popsicle thing is HILARIOUS!
poor baby girl! i hope she feels better soon. we will be praying!
on a side note, we have a similar popcicle picture :) hehe!
Poor baby! I hope she is feeling better soon.
Come by and enter some great giveaways!
Poor baby! I am so glad that everything went well! Praying that this is the only surgery needed to correct it!
I will email you after my shoot ;) Got your message! They will look great ;)
So glad that all went well with Sav's surgery. Hope she's feeling 100% soon.
On a side note: we may not agree on College Football teams (Hook'em Horns!!!) but I LOVE Joe's hat in the pictures (Go Astros!)!!
So glad to hear it went well! That is too funny, like mommy like daughter!! ;) Hope Y'all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
happy thanksgiving to you and your crew!
thankful things went so well with miss sav's surgery
I feel so bad for the poor little thing. Glad it went well and hoping it will be the only one. I'll be praying for her next surgery to go well too!
Just too cute with the popsicles
Hi Suz, I just wanted to let you know I am so glad the surgery went well! I love the pics of you guys with your popsicles, that is just too cute! You are a great mommy! Hope you guys have a fantastic Thanksgiving!
You probably already know this being a nurse, but it is the Versed that does my poor little fella in every time - makes him miserable, makes him really cranky, can't walk, just miserable! We now try to do anything we can without it if possible. Maybe they could try not using that and see if she would do better? Hope there are no more surgeries after her kidneys so you won't have to find out!
I've been reading your blog since my oldest son was born, and I just love your sweet family. My son is almost four & is about to have the strabismus surgery (with Dr. Norman!) next Thursday. I am freaking out! This will be his third time under anesthesia this year. Luckily, he doesn't get sick like Miss Sav. I was just wondering how long Sav's eyes were blood red? And was the surgery a complete success? I know we won't know for a couple of months whether his muscles are working in sync, but I just want to hear some good news. We've been patching this poor guy for 10 months now, and he has been a champ about it. I'm just ready for him to see in single vision all the time ;) I've been very optimistic about it, but of course as the surgery draws near, I start to panic and wonder if I'm doing the right thing. Any words of wisdom would help, and I'd love some prayers for my sweet boy!
Betsy Black
(Nurse Ashlie's SIL!)
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