Gotta LOVE 'em!
I think kids just look SO dern cute in footed sleepers!--makes me wanna hug and squeeze them.
And please keep Sister Savi (& the people involved in her care) in your prayers tomorrow morning as she will be having bilateral eye surgery. (FYI- they are cutting all four eye muscles and tightening them up so her eyes won't cross anymore) Precious thing is going to have double blood shot eyes for a while, but the procedure is quick and relatively painless. Thank God for modern medical technology!
Also- her 2nd major kidney (ureteral reimplantation) surgery is a week away on Wednesday, December 2nd! (enuf already?!?!) Would greatly appreciate all you prayer warriors lifting us up during that stressful time. So thankful for YOU!
Many, many prayers being sent Miss Savannah's way.
Sweet SAV is definatly in my prayers. Can't she ever catch a break?
Lots of love!
Keeping the dear Miss Thang in my prayers. Love those sleepers - here you only get them to age 1 and a half to 2 and no bigger.
Sav will be in my prayers this week. Hope all is well!
The footed pajamas are so cute! On the little boy I nannied for, we had to start finding non footed one piece pj's and putting them on backwards (zipper in back,) so that he would stay clothed (and diapered!)
I will definitely be praying for her surgery!
Footy Pjs!!!!! I love 'em. The little girl I babysit for wears them every night and theyre just so cute!
and of course prayers for miss savi tomorrow
We will continue to pray for Sav and for wisdom for her doctors and strength for all of you! Can't wait to hear the praise report:-)Definitely enuf already!!! Praying that 2010 has NO surgeries, hospital visits etc!!!
I am an avid reader of your blog but have never commented before! My 22 month old just had the eye muscle surgery 2 weeks ago, and she did great! Blood shot eyes lasted less than a week...little ones are so resilient. Sending thoughts and prayers to your family over the course of the next couple of weeks!
Poor baby!! Of course I will pray for her. I know how hard surgeries are on mom and dad too!! ((((HUGS)))
Poor Savannah, we will be praying!
We will be praying for the precious little princess as well as her doctors, and for her incredible mom and dad...Suz--you know I love you and I'm sending all the prayers and hugs across the way to you!! Please kiss the babies for me.. LOVE YOU...
Love footed pj's! Praying for sweet Sav!
Praying for Savannah! Hopefully the surgery will go quickly on her eyes. Definitely praying for a quick and painless recovery for the kidneys.
My brother had similar eye surgery years ago...He was old enough at the time (about six) to know that his sisters were creeped out by his bloodshot eyes and used them to his advantage.
We'll be praying for her!
will be praying for miss sav! i think that's why she has so much sass- so she can put up with all these surgeries!
LOVE the footed PJ's, too...precious picture! And you know I will be praying for sweet Sav - poor punkin! PLEASE let me know if there is anything specific I can do or pray for! HUGS, friend!
Your sweet daughter is in my thoughts and prayers. It's so hard when our little ones have to endure hard on mom and dad!
I'll bet you can't wait for all of the procedures to be over with!!! Cute pic of the kiddos.... we will be praying for Sav and her Doctors... and You and Joe!
yes, I LOVE the footed pj's, too cute! Your sweet Sav will definitely be in my thoughts & prayers. As will the rest of you! Hope Y'all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
I will keep her (and you'll) in my prayers. The pj's are just adorable! Happy Thanksgiving! Your friend in East Texas, Pam
I love footed PJ's, we just bought a couple of pairs for my nephew and he couldn't be any sweeter in them...Praying for Miss Savannah! Hope you family has a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Day!
definitely saying prayers for that sweet sav!!!!
Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!
praying, praying, praying...
praying for mama and dad too! rough to hve your kiddos worked on!
love that sav has been flashing that smile in all the pictures recently. all 4 of them are just precious. praying for savs surgeries, and for quick recoveries! have a blessed thanksgiving.
We will be sure you keep all of you, especially your little girls in our prayers!
My daughter has had both of those procedures done. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
Praying for your sweet little savi and for the doctors involved.
My mother has the same eye condition and had surgery back in the day. Wow, how the technology has changed over the last 50 years!
I always enjoy seeing photos of your quads. What a beautiful bunch of blessings!
We will pray!! I promise...
Phil 4:13
Prayers for Savannah! That lil girl is such a trooper, give her a big hug from all of your blogging buddies!
I think it's adorable and definately fitting that Ethan has the cars on his pajamas...
Hey Suz, I have a big question for you... my son same age as your kids is a hip hugger and loves to be attached to my hip.
Do any of your four kids want you to carry them around? What can I do to get him to know it's okay not to be on my hip so much, it's mornings and evenings that he is attached.... afternoons when he is playing he is okay but man he is getting heavy! Any ideas?
Is this a boy thing? My Nick has a similar personality to you Benny Boy.... UGH HUGH :)
Hey Suz! I've been a blog stalker for a while but never commented. I'm about 99% sure I saw your hubby at the A&M Baylor Game this weekend. We had a really awkward eye contact moment where I did a double take! He probably thought I was some crazy woman :o) It's so weird to see my "internet friends" in real life. Hahaha!
Saying LOTS of prayers!
Love you!
Thinking of you and your family!
Hello! I have been keeping up with your blog for a little while now and I help with the Cox quads! I was just gonna stop by to encourage you! I have had that same eye surgery four times, with my first being when I was 6 months old. I always recovered very quickly and my last one was in 8th grade. Thankfully, there is no sign of me having to have any more!! Little Sav is going to do great!!! I will lift her up in my prayers tonight and tomorrow!! Great job with your babies!!!
I too *LOVE* footed PJ's!! I was so sad when they didn't make them big enough for my youngest anymore!
I think Sav looks so much like you in this picture! Her hair looks like yours.
I will keep her and her Drs. in my prayers. Go Sav!
Definitely praying for Sav! Ugh, so many surgeries for such a little thing!! Praying for you and Joe, too. I know seeing your sweet girl going through all of these surgeries must be pretty exhausting, scary, frustrating.... Also, saying a prayer of thangsgiving for the doctor's knowledge and abilities! Hope everything goes smoothly!
I will definitely keep Sav and you guys in my prayers!!!
My four-year-old daughter just had that eye surgery in May. Things went great! Surgery was at 10:00...she came home around 1:00 and napped a couple of hours...spent some time on the couch watching movies while a little nauseous and dizzy...took another quick nap around 5:30...and woke up feeling 110% around 7:30 that same evening! She was running around and playing with her older sister the next morning like absolutely nothing had happened! Hope Sav's recovery is just as smooth!
Poor Sav and poor you! I know that must be so hard for you to see your baby girl go through that! She will do great and we'll have her in our prayers! God bless!
Praying, praying, praying for miss sassy Sav!! Hugs to all of you.
How did her surgery go? Shes such a tough cookie!
Thinking of you guys today and praying Savannah's surgery goes well.
Prayers going up for little Savannah and her family during her surgeries! We are from Lamar Avenue Church of Christ in Paris, TX and I am going to put her on the prayer list! 500+ members will be praying!
love me some footed pj's! brings back memories of when i was a kiddo!
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