Friday, February 25, 2011

Pics From Our Cruise!

Hilarious to think that we went from this one day…(the day before we left)

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…to this the next week. Ahhhhhh!

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Joe and I on the chartered bus from his workplace. Want a scary experience? Imagine a big bus slip-n-slidin’ on ice for a 4 hour drive on a one lane road with on-coming traffic sliding too. That was NOT something I would like to experience EVER again! (pretty sure I was in constant communication with God during that entire drive). But we were on our way! 02 february 2011 053


Our room with a view!!!

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Our first stop: ~ the Progresso Resort Beach Break in Progresso/the Yucatan

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Back at the port with our ship in the background

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beautiful crystal blue water!

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Had to get these little guys for OUR little guys!

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they got a kick out of seeing their new presents  as world travelers in this picture

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Joe on the boat…ahhh, the peace and quiet!

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Joe and I headed to a nice dinner

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Our next excursion: the Isla Pasion by Twister in Cozumel. FREAKING AWESOME.

Our speed boat to the island (It did 360’s and was super fast! I LOVED it!)

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This island was absolutely amazing and completely secluded. We were the only ones on the island! (our group)

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Look familiar? (Corona commercials)

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My crazy husband, enjoying every second!

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Paradise- yippieeee!

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a little smoochin’ with my main man

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a walk along the shore

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and of course, the exciting trip back to the port in our Twister speed boat! (that’s our cruise ship in the background)

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We had fun at the Cozumel port!

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We pulled up alongside another boat. They were massive! So crazy. I think this picture is pretty cool.

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I had never pinned Joe for liking BINGO- but I’m pretty sure he didn’t miss a game while on board. Huge nerd. Winking smile

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Last night on our vacay…having a blast with my BFF.

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I even summoned the courage to sing some karaoke for the first time in my life while Joe tore up the dance floor! It was hilarious.

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We had SO much fun. A HUGE thanks to all the peeps at Joe’s work who made this trip possible. And to the army of people it took to watch our kids: Ed, Jess, Dan, Dani, Ashley, Liz, Tempe, and Ladelle….we love you and appreciate you, more than you will ever know.

suz signature


  1. SO glad that ya'll loved the Isla Pasion by Twister!!! We loved it too and your picture like the corona commercial was so good!!!! It looks like ya'll had as much fun as we did and ya'll deserve it!!! :)

  2. That looked FAN-freakin-TASTIC! Beautiful pics!!! You two crack me up!! Love you guys so dang much!!!

  3. I have never been on a cruise. I need to go on one!! Also, my blog "The Craziness We Call Life" is now at :)

  4. how incredible!!! looks like an amazing trip!! Sure is nice to see those pics amidst all the snow and cold here!

  5. I am totally jealous of those pictures! Looks like you guys had tons of fun!

  6. That trip looks awesome! I've never done a cruise and it kind of scares me but looks fun too. So glad you two were able to get away and have some fun!

    Brandy @

  7. Looks like you two had a great & wonderful getaway. The pictures were awesome. We are looking to take a cruise sometime soon also.

  8. Oh my goodness! First, you look amazing Suz!! Seriously woman! Secondly, the water is so blue. Unreal! Looks like you guys had an incredible time! LOVE all the pictures.

  9. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Your trip looks amazing! I'm so dying to see some sun right now!! But right now your pics will have to do... and they are great!

    Thanks for sharing!


  10. I'm so glad you did Passion Island! That was such a great part of our cruise. So beautiful!

  11. You guys are too cute! Looks like you had a blast - so glad :)

  12. Anonymous9:34 PM

    A woman named Kellie follows your blog. I am guessing you don't know her story. On Feb. 17th she was teaching kindergarten when she got the worst call of her life. Her 4 month old baby died in the care of the babysitter. Kellie is a wonderful woman who needs our help! If you could see her blog and feel inspired, it would be amazing if you could do a post about the auction they are doing on this coming Monday, the 28th. They are trying to raise enough money to (in the future) have another child and be able to stay at home with them full-time. Kellie and James didn't deserve what happened to them. Could you please help out a wonderful family in need by posting the link to the auction on your site? Thank you.

    The auction site:

  13. It looks like an awesome get away! You look great! Glad you got some quality time together.

  14. Love all your pics and cruising for that matter! Best way to vacay if you ask me. We're going on a Disney Cruise in November, and I HAVE to have that little black "nice dinner" dress. Where did you get it; you must tell? :)

  15. How crazy is it I was on the other cruise ship!! I read your blog all the time and love watching your family grow. I wish I could have met you in person!! Glad you guys had fun. My husband and I love to go on them.


  16. Wow-such great pictures and the water is just so beautiful! It looks like you guys had a wonderful time! :)

  17. PARADISE!!! Wow..makes me want to go on vacation!!
    Sounds like a wonderful and much needed trip!!
    So glad yall were able to go!!

  18. Wow, that looks amazingly fun. Glad you got to get away and enjoy yourselves!
