Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Our Wedding Album

8 years ago today, I married the love of my life, my very best friend.

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  1. Precious! Congratulations!

  2. They are beautiful!

  3. I loved looking at your wedding pictures, happy anniversary! :)

  4. I've never commented on your fabulous blog before but I totally had to just now because I felt like I was looking at my own wedding album-- you must have used John Pack for the photos?! We got married at 1st Pres in Waco in 2001 and I recognize SO many of the poses!! Too funny!! Happy anniversary!!

  5. Congratulations!! You two are so sweet - you just look SO in love!!

    We celebrate our 10 year anniversary next month. Crazy!!

  6. Who would have known on this day, 8years ago, that your life would be filled with 4 beautiful children!!
    Thanks so much for sharing these pics!
    Looked like a perfect day!
    Happy Anniversary to both of you!!

  7. Aw, happy anniversary and many, many more!

  8. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. Those were some amazing wedding pictures, something to cherish for many more anniversaries to come.

    The McCleary Quads

  9. Such an awesome accomplishment, You Guys! What a ride, eh? Love all those sweet pics. =)
    Hope you have a great day celebrating!

  10. Happy Anniversary! I love your wedding pictures!

  11. Happy Anni, to the Steece's! We will celebrate NINE in October! WOW! How much life will have changed by then! Love, love!

  12. Happy Anniversary!!!

  13. Beautiful pics!! You look soo happy!

  14. I just found your blog and became a follower! Love this post, great pics! Thanks!

  15. Love the pictures~ I think the last one is my favorite! Happy Anniversary! :)

  16. Happy anniversary and many more to come! All the pictures are precious! Love it!

  17. Happy Anniversary! Lovely photos!

  18. Happy Anniversary!

  19. Absolutely beautiful Suz, thanks for sharing!! =)

  20. what beautiful pictures of beautiful you!
    it is evident what a joyful day it was and just the beginning of your precious marriage. loved seeing these! happy anniversary:)
