Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kidney Testing…Never Ending Saga

Please be praying for the Diva tomorrow (Wednesday, 6/13) as she will be having YET AGAIN, ANOTHER FREAKING SET OF KIDNEY TESTS ALL DAY LONG at Cook Childrens Hospital.

06 june 2012 010


We THOUGHT we were finished with all of this after her most recent surgery (February 2012 Pyeloplasty)…but she developed a kidney infection a little over a month ago, which has ALWAYS meant that something isn’t working right. Hopefully we are wrong this time. I just don’t know how I would be able to tell her that she needs more surgery (and not sure that MY heart could take it again)…


So please pray. As you can see, Sav is DONE with the “fixing of the kidneys” thing! Bad kidneys, BAD.

05 may 2012 190-001

(not to mention, all 4 kids have strep throat right now. weeeee!)


Click HERE for a nice little recap of Sav’s surgical history (and it doesn’t even include the ‘12 Pyeloplasty. Sad smile


Thanks guys. Means the world to us.

suz signature


  1. Allison2:47 PM

    Poor baby! I will continue to pray for Sav and her kidneys! Bless your heart, kidney testing and 4 with strep! Momma needs a breather! I hope everyone is on the mend soon!

  2. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Holding good thoughts for Sav and her wonderful family.

  3. Prayers for Miss Sav and the rest of the crew! Thinking healthy thoughts for all!

  4. Prayers for Sav! And ALL of you!

  5. Count on our prayers, Mama! Love her to the moon! Gotta say that kidney pic is PRICELESS, though!

  6. I will be praying for her and your family... Keep strong...

  7. Praying for lil Sav and the whole family. You rock so much!

    (On the diet post - I had to stay away from dairy, gluten and other stuff to breastfeed my twins, and I never felt better! Living on 3-4 hours of sleep a day was nothing to me. I am happy you have found your way, you do look more amazing than usual in the after pics :))

  8. thinkin of you and lil sav

  9. Sav, if mommy read this to you she will let you know I am writing from Spain! just to let you know you are a smart and brave girl!
    it doesn't matter what doctor's tell you, mommy and daddy will take care of you anytime anywhere :)
    tons of hugs and kisses to a sweet flamenco dancer

  10. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Hugs for Sav and your family.

  11. Prayers you and Sav.

  12. prayers for y'all...just reading this but praying now!

  13. Prayers your way! That pouty face picture is adorable!!!!

  14. Anonymous10:11 PM

    My daughter was born with hydronephrosis. It took 5 surgeries to correct her issues. We too are hoping that it is the end of surgeries. It is so sad to hear her pray for her own sick kidneys. Praying for Savannah too!
