Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jess said “YES!”

The Steece family will now be complete! Uncle Ed proposed to Jess over Mother’s Day weekend in Austin and we had a HUGE celebration!

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Jess didn’t know any of this… but Kate had reserved a beautiful condo at the Lakeway Inn on Lake Travis. I’m telling you~ my mother-in-law needs to go into business throwing parties and decorating! She is SOOOO talented!

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So, Ed had planned for all of the family to be waiting quietly in the condo for the happy couple to arrive. He had already popped the question at a different location, and then blindfolded Jess, drove her across town, and led her to the front door…

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The door was cracked open just a little, and the kids all said: “Auntie Jess! Did you say YES?!!!!” (we heard Jess say, “YES! I said YES!”) and then Savi gave her a bouquet of flowers… followed by ecstatic cheering, clapping, yelling, etc.

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Aren’t they adorable? Jess and her siblings~ Eddie (yes~another Ed!), Jess, and Michelle

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Uncle Ed’s soon-to-be new fam!

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Andrew has always had a soft spot for his Auntie Jess! He is beaming!!!

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The outside balcony, overlooking Lake Travis (which is SO extremely low Sad smile). And yes, that is Ethan sporting his super hero cape. Awesome.

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My princess, her fruit kabob, and myself…

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My love…

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Savi and her sweet Aunt Dani

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…and then she crashed, folks. But have no fear~ it was just a quick little cat nap. (in the closet, mind you)

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Little Ebud (a Mama’s boy through and through, this kid)

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Ethan snuck into the room where Jess was making all of her post-engagement phone calls to BFFs!

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I must admit, we didn’t know how the kids would behave at this party of 60+ adults… but they were AWESOME! Love them.

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Another part of Ed’s engagement surprise, is that he had arranged for 20 of their best friends to come to the party. Jess started bawling when she saw all of her besties walk in! SO CUTE.

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Adorable. Ahhhh, to be young again! Winking smile

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Clowning around with my twinkies… (E & A)

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Love that crazy Drew! And sweet Ethan just smiling.

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The kiddos with Dad and Uncle Dan

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I happened to glance over and see Ben with this flute… “WHAT THA-…” I ran over there, to find it was just apple juice. Phewww… He was so proud of himself! ha

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Some of Ed’s buddies + Joe

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The Steece women! Jess, Kate, Dani, Sav, and me

And a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KATE! (It was also her bday!)

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Jess and her sweet parents

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Uncle Ed and Savannah

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The sisters with Ed

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…and now, the speeches…

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The beautiful Robbins ladies… Michelle, Olivia, and Jess

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The kids are still going strong at 10pm with their buddy, Kilby!

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What a fun night!!!

Thank you so much, Paul & Kate, for throwing such an incredible party!


We couldn’t be more excited for Jess to join our family. We just love her to pieces!!!

suz signature

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Ok I seriously thought Jess and Danni were sisters, they look so much alike!!
