Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pool Party

The day after Ed & Jess’s big engagement party, we played at the Lakeway Inn Pool and it was mah-ve-lous, dahling.


Grampy and Drew, enjoying some grub poolside

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Jess and her cousin, Alex~ aren’t they cute?!!

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Our good friends, the Reeves, came out to play. Molly & Me.

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Ahhh, YESSSS! SO happy that my kids are seafood lovers!

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In yo face, Joe Steece! tee hee

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Mollster and Joey 2

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Joe, Reeves, and Ed~ enjoying their *manly* pina coladas…

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Me and the darrrrling Savi-wee-kuss

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We’re on this “thumbs up” thing lately… (girlfriend is just trying to make her Aggie Daddy proud…aaaaand its working)

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That evening we headed to a lovely dinner, courtesy of Dids and Kat. As I looked back for Sav, this is what I saw: “Look, Mom! A stick!” (that’s more like a friggin’ tree, there Savi…goodness gracious!) she sure does love nature, this one…

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I caught Grammy and Grampy holding hands. I just LOVE this.

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Speaking of holding hands… Sav was upset that she was behind everyone else, so Ethan ran back to hold her hand. OHMYGOSH. Melt me.

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Ethan has a heart of pure gold.

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Me and the happy engaged couple

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Sav (again with the thumbs up) and her adult male clone. I mean seriuously…they have the EXACT same eyes! freaky friday.

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Savi and her beautiful Grammy

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Cheech and Chong. (A & E)

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Sweet little Benny Boo. Love this kid.

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Some handsome menfolk… Grampy, Joe and Ben

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Ummm, Miss Michelle (Jess’s sis), can you please come and live with us? You have some kind of voo-doo magic over that there little firecracker…

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Yep, definitely played in the pool all day

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Gotta love it!

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Awesome weekend! Great memories.

suz signature


  1. LOVE them falling asleep at the restaurant at the end of the day, so sweet. Haha, I think my Kailey is going to end up being a handful like I hear your Sav is. I'll be needing parenting tips later!!

  2. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I SOOOOOO love this family. Everything you all do is so freaking fun seems like. I want to be a little clone and go into your suitcases each trip. This is what family is all about. Congrats to the engaged couple!

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    i SOOOO love this family. i just want to be a little clone and go in your suitcase every single trip. congrats to the new couple!!
