Saturday, June 08, 2013

Building Forts

So, we are getting our house ready to put on the market! It is exciting, but there is lots to be done. The kids have actually been helping ‘ole Mom out a LOT~ going through toys & books, taking down wall decals, cleaning rooms, etc.



They have been so excited to have these giant cardboard boxes lying around. During my intense cleaning/organizing frenzy… I stopped to build this massive fort in the front room.




They LOVED it! Look at those grins…




They spent all day in the “Kids Club Fort” as they called it~ ate lunch and watched some movies on the ipad.




I’m not going to lie~ I would love to say that I was solely trying to be an awesome Mom… but I also knew it would keep them occupied (and out of my way) for the entire afternoon! Ha!


Mission accomplished.


Good times.

suz signature


  1. So cute! Why are you guys moving?

  2. You keep mentioning stuff about moving, but you never told us why or where you are moving to. Inquiring minds want to know! :)

  3. Aw love your house! Where ya goin?!

  4. Love the forts idea! We are thinking of listing our house in the next year and I'm taking notes :o) Why are you moving? We are hoping to find a younger neighbourhood for our kiddos!
    ~Alissa in Ontario, Canada

  5. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Yeah, where/why are you guys moving?? Your house is awesome....... getting settled before they start K is a good idea. Inquiring minds want to know. Have fun while you are getting the house ready to put on the market; keeping it clean while it is on the market - not fun. Maybe you can have lots of sleepovers at Liz's :)

  6. Y'all are cracking me up! Nothing is wrong. We love our house. Just moving across town so kids can go to school with their cousins and friends... Also closer to our workplaces. Will update as soon as I can. We've been crazy busy, as you can imagine!!

  7. you're an awesome mommy! My boys would love that. Good luck with the move! ~Jenn

  8. I miss your blog!! Update soon if you are able :)
