Thursday, June 27, 2013

Selling Our Home! EEK!

Yep…you read that correctly. Sorry for the massive delay in blogging. If you guys ever don’t hear from me for a while, that can only mean one thing---


I am drowwwwwning!!! Ahhhhhh!!!


Life has been spinning out of control at 100,000,000 mph and I have been totally struggling to keep up! My body is about to poop out on me~ it is SOOOO mad at me right now.


After years of stressing out/wondering if we should put our house on the market (to move closer to family, friends, Joe’s job, better schools, etc) & LOTS of prayer~ we felt that it was now or never.


Joe and I made this HUGE decision spontaneously one weekend & quickly packed up about 50% of everything we own…

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(When I make my mind up about something, WATCH OUT WORLD! I attack it at full speed! 110%… Blowin’ and Goin’ until my body completely gives out)



We threw our stuff into a uhaul, to sit in storage for a while (hopefully not too long!)..

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It was absolute craziness because I was working 3-4 twelve hour night shifts a week and busting my rear during the day to get the house ready (on little, if any, sleep). Not recommended, folks!

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Joe has been AMAZING~ helping the kids get ready for summer school in the mornings, packing lunches, picking them up from school, etc…all while working HIS job and working JUST AS HARD on the house. I’m telling y’all….life for the Steece crew has been NUTS!


Once we had removed half of our furniture and TONS of other stuff, I researched house staging on Pinterest and this Mama kicked it into over-drive.


First off, we painted Savannah’s bedroom so it wouldn’t look so “kiddie”.  Jah feel?


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The kiddos have actually been a HUGE help! This is a great age to involve them in the whole buying/selling of a house process. They have helped in many different ways: by tearing off wall decals, sorting through toys to give to charity, meticulously making their beds, and cleaning the house every day, etc. So proud of our little guys and gal.

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Sav wanted to run errands with me, bless her wee little heart. I took her to 4 or 5 different decorative stores , over the course of several hours, for various staging props. We were both exhausted.

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Liz, Ashley and Joe were also good sports~ I would take pics of everything I found…trying to decide if I should purchase or not. I kept a few of them. Sav was my little model. Loved it.

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Here are a few of our purchased items: a new porch bench and accessories…

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Freshly painted front door (courtesy of J. Steece) and a new crisp, clean wreath.

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My good friend and fellow quad Mumma, Jennifer King, noticed that I had removed the “Welcome to the Zoo” doormat. Yeeeeeah, I didn’t think that would give a good first impression. LOL.

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(OMG~ they are TINY!!!! Aww…okay, here is where I start to get sentimental about leaving this house. Nope. Not gonna go there. Cannot go there yet…Too much left to do. Gotta stay in “work” mode before I lose it…)



The random space above our entry way, which had been empty for 6 years~ finally had some buddies up there to make it a little more comfy cozy. (Uhhh, why did we not do this before, Joe?)




After lots of hours, blood, sweat, (no tears…yet)…our house was ready for pictures. Take a looksie-poo:

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The day before we officially put the house on the market, Joe and I headed south to the beach with our best friends and cousins (working on that post! We had an absolute blast!)


I guess our hard work on the house paid off, because in less than 24 hours (and by the grace of God)…we had TWO separate offers on the house!


God is good and HIS timing is always perfect, y’all. What an amazing blessing.


So~ we signed the papers and inspection was today. What a whirlwind. I’ll tell yah- Joe and I have never had to sell a house before. It is frickin’




Why didn’t y’all tell me?!!! LOL. I’m pretty sure Joe and I are both on the verge of heart attacks. I can’t imagine having your house sit out there for months and months. OMG. God bless.


If all goes well, we will be officially homeless by the end of July. YIIIIIIKES! That is scary to think about…


So, that’s what the Steece 6 have been up to over the past couple of weeks!


And house hunting like crazy.


Appreciate the prayers, blog peeps… more than you could ever imagine!

suz signature


  1. The house looks great! Congratulations on the quick sell, and best of luck finding your new Home Sweet Home! Just remember to breathe. =)

  2. WOW, looks awesome!! Congrats on the quick sell - what an amazing feeling to have all that hard work pay off! Good luck with the house hunt!

  3. Oh. My. Word. I completely understand the stress and exhaustion. Bless you girl. NOW...try to relax...just try! Can't wait to see what you move into...have you even started that hunt yet?

  4. congratulations on selling and good luck with the house hunting!
    when we were house hunting, we were told multiple times, "it may not be easy but it will be worth it".
    just keep that it will be worth it! good luck!!!

  5. Wow, you did a great job, you may have a new job in your future?? You can come to PA and do that to my house so I can sell it anytime you like!

    Fingers crossed for a quick escrow and finding the perfect home for the Steece crew.

  6. GREAT job staging the house! You'd never know 4 little kiddies live there. :)

    Good luck on finding your next home.

  7. Everybody says buying your first house is the most stressful time in life - WRONG, selling your first house tops that a million times over! Ours sat FOREVER and it was miserable, so congratulations!! It's beautiful and you guys did awesome, so it's no wonder it went fast - good luck with the house hunting!! In the end, it's all worth it, as I'm sure you guys will soon find out :)

  8. Wow congrats on all your hard work paying off so quickly!! Please share your tips on living in the house with kiddos while keeping it "show ready " all the time !!! We are about to embark on the same journey and dreading it!!

  9. Love your house and congratulations on the offer. Good luck on the house hunting.

  10. OMG you're incredible!!, your house looks like it's completely new on the market!.
    It's a little sad for me, because I've been reading your post for years from Spain, and it was like "my home" too... Let me be a little sentimental, now you can't because you're too busy ;)

  11. Alyson1:59 PM

    I feel ya! We sold our house in March and having been living in our rental house which is half the size. Luckily I "just" have twins :). Good luck finding a great house in a awesome location. After all the hard work you just went through, definitely don't compromise, wait until you find exactly what you are looking for. We are still waiting for such thing......

  12. Congrats on selling! It is very hard to leave the house you brought your baby(ies) home to but hopefully you'll love the new house even more. Thanks for the tour! Didn't realize how much of the house we hadn't seen over the years. I went to Butler right by North Davis and I think its still a good school if you're looking to move north. Happy searching!

  13. Steece Family....GP is the place to be =) or at least I think so. Congratulations !! I hope you find the perfect house in the perfect location. Good luck.

  14. Wow!!! You did a great job and you have a beautiful home. I'm sure the next one will be just as wonderful =)

  15. I'm going to be homeless in July too! We recently accepted an offer on our house and put one on a house in Keller. It took a few months to sell ours. No thanks to a plumbing company nearly scamming us $14,000 and taking time off to have a baby. Your kids are just a bit older than my oldest. She was such a help, especially after the baby was born. Yay for helpful kids and exciting moves!

  16. You know, I wondered what the boxes were about in the last post. LOL! Now we know! :)

    Praying that the offers you got were good ones & that it's totally sold soon.

  17. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Our house has been on the market since February. We moved across the US and are paying double... stressful -- absolutely. This 4th we will be staying home.. because, that is all we can afford to do. Best of luck finding the right place to make 1,000,000 more memories!!!

  18. Congrats on the sale. When we sold our house in Coppell it sold in 22 hours. We did like you and staged it. The only way a buyer knew we had triplets was the three cribs. There wasn't a toy in sight.

  19. we are in that same boat with our triplets. We need more space, but the thought of all the work to put the house up for sale has kept us from trying. Congrats on the quick sale.

  20. i hope you can enjoy your new house soon :)

  21. awesome news for you guys!! we are quickly outgrowing our house (2 sets of twins will do that to you!), and aren't far behind you. I'm already stressing about it. best of luck steece fan!

  22. From the looks of it, your old house is really saleable. Congratulations on those offers. You'll surely have a blast when you get to settle in your new residence. Please keep us posted of your fresh stories. PS: You have very adorable kids.
