Thursday, December 05, 2013

iPhone Pic Updates…

I never thought I would let my blog posting slide as much as I have! SO much to catch up on…life is just so insanely busy right now.


What better way to catch up on things than to sift through my iphone pictures?


My little Kindergarteners’ school pictures




A proof (bad quality) of the quad squad. I need to order these. So cute.




Sav’s Star Student poster




Ethan came down with strep and had to miss out on his school carnival




While trying to fill his Rx at Walgreens, he projectile vomited all over my back/rear and on the pharmacy floor. Poor dude! I swear it was like something out of a movie. We were trapped inside a Walgreens bathroom for about 30 minutes until he thought he could make it to the car without hurling. Crazy night. (no one else got it, thank GOD!)




Joe got the kids a nice hoop off of Craigslist! Not gonna lie~ ‘ole Mom & Dad have enjoyed a game or two of “H-O-R-S-E” on the new digs. Fun times.




Sav caught the nasty stomach bug going around her Kindergarten class. Thank GOD no one else got it. She had to miss out on her Thanksgiving feast at school. I thought she was never gonna stop puking~ poor thang!




I was super bummed to miss all of the kiddies’ class parties, but Auntie Liz offered to come to the rescue and the boys were thrilled!




Apparently the guys thoroughly enjoyed the pumpkin pie. Who knew? (Drew) I’m a pecan pie gal, myself.




Shiloh dog- my ride along buddy to drop the kids off at school every morning




Frolicking in the leaves of our front yard…enjoying this crazy Texas December weather (followed by ice storms)




Ben helping all of the other children in our church stack the boxes to be sent to kiddos in need. (The Magi Project)








Ice cream with our cousins after watching Carter’s soccer game!




The carnage that led to us having to replace BOTH of our furnaces and air conditioning units. Downstairs had a unit from 1991, and the upstairs had the original unit from when the house was built in 1981! WOWWWWW! Merry Christma$. We might be broke, but at least we have heat!




One last beautiful 80 degree day before the Ice Storm…my boys feeding the ducks




At the park with our cousins and friends




And this little crazy boy (Drew) is supposed to have ear tubes and an adenoidectomy tomorrow morning. Seeing as how there are 5 layers of ice on our slanted driveway, I’m thinking that is not going to take place. Will keep you posted.



I’ll post some pics from Thanksgiving that my Dad took. I’ve been terrible lately about taking pictures! My Mom was able to make it home for a couple of days. She is halfway through her radiation treament at MDAnderson in Houston. Thanks so much for the prayers.


Stay warm my friends.

suz signature

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading your blog for the longest time....even tho my own illness does not leave me time to add to my blog! Wonderful pics! Prayers going out for your family and sweet, sweet Momma! By the by, please make sure your kiddos don't feed the ducks's not good for 'em!
