Monday, January 20, 2014

A Day in the Life of Suz Steece

Wow. I have completely slacked on my blog posting! My last post was December 10th?!!?! That’s nuts. Probably my longest blogging break to date!…


I’ll be honest, it warms my heart when y’all start asking where I am and if everything is okay. You sweet, sweet internet peeps.


The Steece house has been crazy busy.


Here is a quick look into the life of Suz on a daily basis:

- wake up at the crack of dawn, take shower, get ready for work

- wake kids up, get them showered/dressed

- make breakfast and lunches

- drive kids to school

- drive immediately to work

- stand on my feet all day, taking care of patients (*which I LOVE)

- leave to pick up kids from school

- get home, immediately do homework with kids and readers x 4 (which takes a good 1.5-2 hours)

- start on dinner

- eat dinner as a fam when Joe gets home

- clean up, send kids to get ready for bed

- read books to kids and bedtime prayers

- kids asleep

- by this time, I’m so flippin’ exhausted that I am in bed by 9pm at the latest!

true story.


This is a crazy busy season of life and I don’t want to miss a second of it.


…sooooo, the ‘ole blog has slowed down a wee bit, but I will try to be better. There are SO many memories that I want to capture on this little online family journal of ours.


I’m currently working on all of my Christmas posts right now. And Mom just finished her first round of chemo last Thursday. Lots to catch up on.


New posts will be up over the next few days.

Love and hugs,

suz signature


  1. Pat Scott11:37 AM

    Suz, I am covered up right now, but in Feb. I would like to come over 2-3 days a week and listen to the kids read, if that would be okay....and helpful. Pat Scott

  2. I'm so happy to hear from you again!! :)) Hope your sweet mom is ok,tell her she's on my prayers when I ask for health to everyone who's in need (my dad's very sick too,he suffers from hepatitis type C).I send you loads of energy,and a great hug.

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Gosh you are amazing! I missed you, too. Do you work full time now? I'm just so impressed you can fit in work at all!

  4. Glad everything is okay and you are back. I have been checking every few days!! :)

  5. Glad everything is okay and you are back. I have been checking in every few days. :)

  6. I can't believe you get 4 kids showered every morning before school! Rockstar mom! My 3 get a bath every other night LOL

  7. Anonymous1:31 PM

    So glad to see you back, I was checking, glad all is well, Kate in Ireland xx

  8. I admit, I was checking every few days too - wondering what was going on! Glad to hear all is well - LOVE what you did for your mom with the decorating. What a wonderful daughter you are - it's a tribute to who your mom is that you are so sweet to her.
