Tuesday, November 15, 2005


my poor little pup...she was hacking and throwing up foamy yellowish liquid (bile, i'm guessing) last week (which FREAKED me out due to her elevated liver levels)...

so, i took her in to the vet for her second round of labs earlier than her scheduled date. her liver enzyme was STILL elevated (even a little more than the last time)...HOWEVER, the vet said that from her stool sample she had Giardia (an organism that loves to hang out in stagnant water) and all sorts of organisms and bacteria in her body! as crazy as it sounds, i was SO excited! maybe THIS is why her liver enzyme is elevated! so, the vet put her on 2 antibiotics and a liver-friendly dog food. scary that shiloh is SO active, no change in diet, elimination patterns, etc....i never would have known!

p.s. the whole elevated liver enzyme thing scares me b/c we lost our first dog to liver disease and it was horrible! anywhoo...good news! (i hope) we will check her liver levels again after her antibiotic therapy.

p.p.s. so sad that i blog about my pup so much...she is my little child! ;) i can't imagine how obsessed i'm going to be about my human children! ha!


  1. I'm very happy that the liver thing is not as serious as you first thought, and I hope this other infection goes away soon! I love your precious puppy...you can blog about her all you want! I'm sure I'll be blogging tons about my little son soon! =)

  2. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Dogs ARE children!!! I have three dogs and two human children, so I know. I am glad for your good news about baby Shiloh; she is darling.

  3. I'm glad to hear that she is doing better. And I completely understand your concern, our dogs our our children, too. Its fun to read other people's blogs about their "children," too. One of mine got really sick last week and they told me that sometimes they have to put dogs to sleep that have what she had and I was devestated thinking that she might not come home from the vet. Fortunately she recovered and I was soo happy when she came home.

  4. oh my gosh kim...i would be soooo sad!! glad she is better..poor baby.
