Sunday, November 27, 2005

Great Thanksgiving...good times

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving...I was able to take Wednesday off and drove to Waco on Tuesday night. My mom and I cooked all day much fun. I come from a huge family who all gather together in the kitchen and love to cook!--so it was neat to get to help my mom prepare Thanksgiving. (I've got a mean sweet potato recipe!:) My brother and sis-in-law from Memphis drove in--its always a blast hanging with them.

We drove to College Station for the 'ole game on Thursday night...we were out with all of Joe's family and friends and saw Reveille (aTm's school mascot) at the Wings N' More! That was pretty cool!
The student in charge of Reveille cannot leave her anywhere, she must be with him at all times...even if he is eating out at a restaurant with his family! The Ags played awesome on Friday (for once!) ;) was such a great game for us. Good times..

It's nice to be back home, I'm putting up all my Christmas decorations and listening to Christmas music (my favorite)!! I wish I could listen to Christmas music all year round! It puts me in such a great mood! SOOOO much to do between now and December 25!


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Suz-I'm so sorry I missed you on niece was born Monday so I was in a baby daze! I hope to get together with you and Lar for won't believe my bulging baby belly!
    Sounds like you had a great holiday. My Poppa Red would be jealous of you seeing Revielle (sp?).
    Love ya!! Marcy

  2. aww..likewise baby girl! missed ya! congrats on your niece!! (who's baby?) i want to see pics of your bulging belly! ;)

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Hey Sue this your cousin Sunni any way I want to ask you something but not on your blog email me please

  4. Anonymous10:58 AM

    forgot to give you Daniel's blog site there is a pic of our little one there
