Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Drew is Home

Sorry guys!! You have probably guessed by now that Drew is home...(based upon my delay in blogging). I had some issues trying to download his videos, but rest assured that I WILL put them on here as soon as I can. It has been SO much fun with all of them home!!! Lots of work, but loving every second of it! Check back later for pics and videos!


  1. Yeah! The clan is all together, how wonderful!

  2. AWESOME!!!! That is wonderful news! Melanie Smith (Brandon, MS)

  3. YEAH!! I figured that he was home since you had not posted!!LOL!! I know it is hard work but you will survive!! It does get easier I promise! Email me if you need anything.


  4. Yeah!!!! All The Babies Are Home! Let the fun begin! Blessings to your Happy Family!

  5. Congratulations!!! How wonderful to have your how family together at home! I'm sure things are crazy right now for you guys, but we are all so glad to hear that little Drew was able to come home and be with his siblings again! God bless!

  6. Brad says, "Sweet, they're complete!" Jen says, "NICU forget You!". Isaac says...oh wait Isaac doesn't speak English, nor do his other 3 brothers for that matter! HA!!!
    I'm so thrilled for ya, quad sister! Call me if you get a chance sometime.

  7. Great news Suz! Look forward to seeing pics and video.

  8. What awesome news! I am looking forward to seeing pictures of them all at home! Hope they keep to some sort of schedule for you!

    God is amazing, and has done amazing things with your quads. You two are blessed beyond measure! :)

  9. Oh, and I do a little bit of bloggie design, and if you want to add a little jazz to your page, I'll do it on the house! check out my lil' design page http://jennisajoy.blogspot.com

  10. CONGRATS on bring home all 4 of your BABIES! Have fun!

  11. Congrats Suz! I too, like Deanna, had taken an educated guess that Drew was home! That is really great news. I can't wait to hear more about everyone!


    Jamie - McMoms

  12. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I can't express how AMAZING it was to hold all 4 babies in my arms the other night.
    It was truly one of my top 10 favorite experiences in life.
    By the way, everyone writes about how good you look from the pictures they see. I can tell EVERYONE out in BLOG world that she looks even better in person! NO JOKE!
    Can't wait to see you and your babies again!
    Love you!

  13. Anonymous6:26 PM

    What fun to have all four home. I know you must be extra , extra busy. Take care and rest when you can. God is good and He will take care of you all (6)...Mom told me about the car. How nice , now you can carry everyone. Blessing to a wonderful family... Donna and Johnny

  14. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Congradulations!!! Post the birth story when you can!!!!

  15. Three things.... #1: Keep your camera charged, #2: Keep your video camera rolling. #3: Invest in many scrapbook materials. Alright, so you'll be too busy to scrapbook. Anyhow, enjoy your time with all four munchkins at home. CHEERS TO HEALTHY BABIES, HEALTHY MOMMY, AND WONDERFUL DADDY!

  16. NOT that you overwhelmed (cause we all know your not:) Just remember to praise the Lord for this time that He has you in (we have all prayed for it). Its funny to think of the over flow of blessings that we all talk about- just think you are getting to experience it first hand:) Your both doing an awesome job! Enjoy and anything that does not get done today can wait till tomorrow. Enjoy X 4!!!!

    Blessings to the Steece family,
    The Dovel's

  17. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Yeah!! So glad you have your whole bunch home together!

  18. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Congratulations on your 4 bundles of joy.
    Sending you prayers from Australia.


  19. Congrats on having the whole crew home with you!

  20. Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you.

  21. Yea! Everyone is home now where they belong :)

    Congrats!! Enjoy and try to get some rest!

    I tell you what...little Savannah is going to be super protected when she gets older! When boys start to try to date her one day...watch out! She has a daddy with a deep voice and 3 brothers! No need to get out the shotgun...all you need to do is line all four boys outside the house, daddy and brothers, and the boys will be shakin' in their boots! haha

  22. Congratulations and good luck! Hope the schedule that the hospital started with them is reasonable to continue at home. That helped us with twins and I'm sure it'd help with quads. Enjoy your little ones!

  23. Anonymous8:31 PM

    YAY together again! We are so excited for you. I was so happy to have my triplets together the first thing I did when I brought the last one home was put them all side by side and stared. I wouldn't let anyone hold them for a while because I wanted them to be together! Silly I know but I bet you understand.

  24. Wow! They're all home now. Can't wait for when you have a few minutes for updates.

  25. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Congrats girl, that is great!I look forward to all the tips you will have for me :) Enjoy every minute with them!

  26. I can't believe the time has already come to have all 4 of your babies at home with you! WOW! Amazing, miracle, unbelievable are all words that come to my mind. Hope your first few days as a family of 6 are going as smoothly as possible. Praying for some rest for all of you!

  27. I'm really happy for your and your four, tiny, healthy babies. Keep up the positive attitude. Some days will be tough to enjoy, but you can always find something to be thankful for (like that their cries are assurance that they haven't stopped breathing). Soak it all in!

  28. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Congratulations & God's Blessings to the whole family! I was guessing that Drew came home!! Can't wait to see photos of the babies together again!!!
    Get some rest...we'll all be here just waiting & lurking until you have time to post photos!!
    God Bless Again x4!
    Cindy Broder, McMoms

  29. So thrilled for you!!!

  30. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Congratulations. Hope all six of you are having a great time (and getting a reasonable amount of sleep...).

  31. What a blessing, the day you have dreamed about for many years, but never dreamed it would involve 4 babies. God answered your prayers bigger than you could have ever imagined.

    I don't know that you realize it, but you are such a great example to all moms out there. You experiened the great physical effects of carrying four babies, c-section delivery and immediately jumped right into to motherhood with such a sweet excited spirit, with your hair and makeup done to perfection. You aren't just talking the talk, but you are walking the walk with such class. You put a lot of singleton moms to shame. Your joy and excitement is so evident and you are such an inspiration to others. God Bless you and each one of your precious little ones.

  32. How wonderful! I'd say something like "enjoy this time..." and so forth, but you know that and I am willing to bet, have been told that a million times! HA!

    God is good. :)

  33. Anonymous8:04 AM

    YEAH! I'm so glad all four babies are home with mom and dad! You'll are great parents, they are very fortune children. Take care and get rest when you can. Your Friend in East Texas.

  34. I am so happy that all of the babies are home! Now you will be busy, busy, busy, and we will have less time to blog! Have fun with your little angels!!

  35. WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!! They are all together again and at home sweet home. Praying for you and the whole family as you embark on this wonderful journey. You can do!!! Remember you can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens you!!! I'm praying for you girl!!! I'm so impressed with your wonderful attitude and zest for life!

    Megann Cain, just another fan in Birmingham, AL

  36. Congratulations!!

    I miss reading the updates on the blog, but you definitely have your hands full now! Good luck! :)


  37. Yeah for Drew and Ethan being home! That is awesome. Home is where they should be...together...so glad it happened so fast! I bet your hands are full, but so is your heart. Hang in there! Get rest when you can! They are so sweet!!!!

  38. Anonymous11:28 AM

    This is my first time to your blog , and i love it, your babies are really cute! if you dont mind im gonna add you to my blogroll and you can add me too if you wanna.
    have a great day

  39. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Just checked in to see if there were photos: they are so cute!! Thanks for sharing & get you plenty of mommy rest. Yes, I remember the days when I just stared in awe at my twins - just couldn't believe that they were here. After 6 years I still stare at them in awe!! Enjoy the ride!
    Cindy Broder, McMoms
