Thursday, September 13, 2007

Little Ethan is HOME!!

So funny...yesterday I was on my way up to the NICU to visit the boys and give them pep talks before their car seat tests and low and behold, I get a phone call from the neonatalogist while in the car. Ethan passed, but Andrew didn't and I could take E home with me when I get there! CRAZY AWESOME! ;)

Ashley worked her magic with baby Ethan again...Drew decided he wanted a little time in his own crib by himself! He is getting tested again today. (Funny that the firstborn-Drew-will be the last one home, and the baby-Ben-was the first one home)

Our smallest baby, home at last...the token front door pic! (We've run out of hands to hold the other two babies in our arms as well!)

And yall thought Ben's clothes were big on HIM! Sweet little Ethan gets swallowed up in his "preemie attire".

I LOVE this pic of the three of them! Look at Ben's triple sweet little chunk!

They look so peaceful and happy together! Guys, I'm not lying when I tell you that they all three sleep all day & night. (I think it is because they are preemies and should still be in my stomach until October 9!). I'm sure in time they will get more fussy, but right now they are making it VERY easy for us (well...I guess I SHOULD say that it is not as hard as we thought it would be...YET! Now, check back with me in about two months and we'll see if I'm singing a different tune! haha! They are still a TON of every three hours)! I'm curious to know what Drew will bring to the dynamics of the group! (crossing my fingers...but he tends to be fussy!)

Watch for Ethan's smile when I kiss his cheek! Shiloh is finally getting used to the fact that every time I walk through that front door, I've got yet ANOTHER kid in my hands! She's just SO excited about all the play pals she will have in a couple of months...


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    YAHOOOO for you! That's fantastic! I'm yet another reader that enjoys your blog. I guess I find your blog so amazing because I only had one at a time and I just can't imagine having an instant huge family :O) God's blessings are upon you!

    Tracie in FL

  2. Congrats on getting 3/4 of the babies home! One to go! You guys have done an amazing job of getting them home so quickly!

  3. I read your blog all the time, but have only posted a couple of times. That's great news that little Ethan is home too! Congrats on having these 3 little bundles home with you! They look so content and happy. Little Andrew will be home before you know it!! I was completely shocked by Joe's voice too! I didnt expect that deep of a voice! HA!!! I too feel like I know you guys just from reading your blog! I found out very early in your pregnancy from some girls that I go to church with in Sherwood at Sylvan Hills Church of Christ. You went to Harding with them. I think we all feel like stalkers keeping up with your family. I was cracking up when I read one of the comments saying they talked about your family at lunch like everybody knew you personally. We do it too!!! HA! Your family is so adorable! Congrats again!

  4. Yay, I don't check here for a day or two and wham...more babies are home! AWESOME!

  5. It looks like Ethan is smiling pretty big in the one with them sleeping in the crib too. He's a happy baby! Congrats on getting him home!

  6. Oh yea! I am so excited to hear just about everyone is home. I really enjoy reading your blog. Your babies are so precious! And you make me sick, you look incredible!!! I hope I look that good after delivering just one baby in January. Take care and enjoy every minute, even the not so fun ones, they grow way too fast!

  7. Little Ethan IS swimmin' in his clothes. Savannah looks so girly already! She will demand respect from her brothers and pay them back for squishing her in the womb! One more to go!!!

  8. That is AWESOME!!!! Just one more to go and you will have all four snuggled tight in their crib!! Congrats!! So So happy for you and Joe!! Melanie Smith

  9. Anonymous2:44 PM

    What a little POCKET PACKET!!!! He may be little today, but just you wait.

    May God's blessings continue to rain down on your family!


  10. I can just see Shiloh thinking 'oh good! She had a healthy litter!'

  11. YEA! He is adorable! I love the one of all three of them sleeping together. It looks as if Ethan is happy to be at home with his brother and sister!

  12. Yay! Congrats AGAIN! Your family is so amazing, and just to think of how great ALL FOUR babies have done and are doing... I just marvel and the Goodness of our Father. May He continue to shower all 6 of you with blessings galore!

  13. I love Tracy's comment about Shiloh thinking to herself that you are bringing home a healthy litter! If dogs could talk, I'd love to hear Shi's thoughts:) SO happy to hear another good report and hoping that Andrew is close behind. Nurse Ashley is probably snuggling with him in the NICU all day long! I always found the Baby Bjorn helpful in those early days when I didn't have enough arms to hold everyone.

  14. WOW! How fun! I can't believe that they are coming home so quickly! Y'all will be one, big, happy family under one roof before you know it!
    Jen H.

  15. Awwww! This was the first of your videos I've been able to watch. Usually I get my updates at work and I feel wierd watching videos there. So cute how he smiles in that last kiss. Makes me more determined to have another one. Congrats on having another one home.

  16. Yay!!! I get sooo excited when I see an update. They are too adorable!!! 1 more to go!

  17. WOO HOO! What a great surprise I found when checking your blog today that 3 of the 4 babes are now at home! That is FANTASTIC! I am so happy for y'all and feel like I've known you forever, even though we have never even met! :) Thanks for sharing your joy with me. My babies aren't babies anymore, and I really miss those days--sometimes! Anyway, I'll be sending a little pep talk by way of prayer to Drew so that he'll be home with y'all really soon! Take care!

  18. That is great!! How exciting!! Andrew just wants to have the Nurses all to himself. My daughter Madyson did that. She stayed an extra 3 weeks longer than the boys, and she enjoyed getting spoiled by all the nurses! I will be saying a prayer that Andrew is home by this weekend. BTW you look great and so do the kids. I love how Shi gets acquainted with them. That is great. Count your blessings that they are sleeping! You are right when it gets closer to that due date they are going to start being awake more and by then they might be rolling around and getting into things.

    Deanna Turner

  19. GREAT NEWS!!! I'm so happy to hear that yet another sweet babe is at home:) My goodness Ethan is so tiny! I bet Drew will be missing his other half. HE better hurry up and pass that car seat test. Suz, you look so natural with all of them. I knew you would be a pro of quads! Glad things are going so smoothly for you. Hope it continues for their first year:)

  20. How cute is the picture of the 3 at home where Ethan (i think he's the one in the middle) is smiling. It's like he's thinking "ahhh, i'm at home". So cute.

    Congrats! Only one more to go:) It's amazing how well all of them have done! We all know who to thank for that don't we?!

    And Suz, seriously, you look great! I only had one baby in my belly and I looked rough for a long time after I gave birth! :)

    Have fun!

  21. Anonymous4:19 PM

    How happy was I today when I checked your blog to see that little peanut Ethan come home! That is awesome!!!

    I am so happy for you all!!!

  22. So happy for you to have another baby home! One more to go! Looking forward to seeing your whol family together at home! God is so good!

  23. Congrats to you all! Be prepared that they get big so quickly! my son was 5lbs when he was born and 18lbs at 4 months! Ethan is a doll! Can't wait for you to get the final piece of the puzzle home!

  24. poor shiloh. for the next few months she's going to freak out every time you leave that you'll come back with another baby. hehe! she's going to love it in a couple of months though. congrats on having baby ethan home.

  25. It is no surprise how well your babies are doing at home just look at their roll models! You are going to do just fine, your not the freak out over everything type (I hope you take that in the way intended) Just wanted to say your great parents and you have come into this awesome blessing with the best attitude AND gratitude. It’s easy for us old pros to want to give our expert advice but I can see you clearly have it all under control. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy (and one more in a few days enjoy) :)


  26. Anonymous6:15 PM


  27. I am so happy for you! Enjoy them only sleeping and eating bc it will change although you will be ready for it when it happens. :) You look so great!! I am so jealous that your belly looks flat!

  28. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Wow, what beautiful children. Just one more to go. Then all four will be at home. Congratulations!

    congrats! I am sooo excited for you! Maya wraps are great for an extra hand. There are tons of ways to carry the baby when you are busy with a sibling. I loved mine! My youngest was very fussy and it was a life saver! You are truly blessed with such a beautiful family.

  30. 3 babies at home! Praise the Lord! Congrats Mom & Dad.

  31. What gorgeous babies---they look so sweet there together!
    Can't wait to see little Andrew in there with them!

  32. Wow! How wonderful! We'll be praying for more calmness and for Andrew to pass his carseat test!

  33. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I thought I'd just look to see if you had new photos of Sav & Ben, but had no idea you'd have photos of 3 babies!! YIPEE!! It's probably just a matter of days until you have the whole gang home!!
    Cindy Broder, McMoms

  34. Congratulations!!! I can't imagine that you have time to actually read these comments now, but if you do, just wanted to let you know that you look great! I had a measley one baby July 12, and I don't look nearly as great as you!

  35. I, too, am a reader of your blog everyday! I have a link to your site on my blog. I'm completely captivated by your story! I am so glad that you have been so blessed with four babies, who were born at 30 weeks (wonderful, BTW), and who have come home as early as 1 month old! Sweet! God is GREAT!

    I LOL at the comment about having another kid in your hands everytime you come home. Too funny. And, at the end of the video when E has his hand looks like he's thinking "Praise Jesus, I'm HOME with my MOMMA!" haha.

    God Bless!

  36. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I don't even know you, even though I feel like I do, and I'm so excited for you. One more baby to bring home, and I bet it'll happen before you know it.

    Enjoy those babies. It'll be hectic for a little while, but they grow quick!

    Mommy of five

  37. *Tears* SO exciting! They look wonderful! Hopefully, little Drew can join in the fun soon.
    I brought my little guy home almost a year ago at 4lbs 3oz. Your video flooded me with memories.
    I love the smile.....he knows his mama.

  38. congratulations, steece family! it is so exciting watching you guys get everyone home and watching them grow and thrive.

    thank you for sharing this amazing journey with us!

    -lori, a fan you don't know (does that qualify me for stalker? ;-p)

  39. I have absolutely no idea how I found your blog at this point (pretty sure it started clicking through links on my ACU friends blogs, but I could be wrong....) but each video of you bringing home a baby makes me cry. You guys are so blessed with those four healthy babies!

  40. ROCK ON!!!! One more to go!! Oh I pray he passes his test so he won't be all alone in that old hospital room!! I can't wait to finally see the pics of ALL FOUR of them home together. God bless you both. Shannon

  41. WOW! Savannah & Ben look so big and chubby next to tiny little Ethan!
    How much does everyone weigh now?
    I know Andrew will come home in the next couple of days, let the games begin!

  42. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I have been following your blog too. I have 6 year old twins. I love reading about each precious baby. I'm so glad Sav, Ethan and Ben are home and Drew soon to follow. They are gorgeous babies. You could bring one of Drew's NICU blankets home and let Shiloh smell it so she can be prepared for the next baby. Have you bought Podee bottles? They saved my life. My babies were about 9 weeks old before they could use them because they have to have strong sucking power. :)
    Also, for that sweet Savannah.. for beautiful headbands.

  43. Anonymous8:34 AM

    A HUGE congratulations for Georgia! I am so excited for you! I was away for almost 2 weeks without my computer (a welcomed change I might add), but I have so much to catch up on. The babies look great and so do the both of you! Love the new header as well!

  44. And the Heavens sang... AMEN!!!! I am glad that you got Ethan with the other sibs.... I know that you have got to be so anxiety for Andrew, being the last one now. Thanks for sharing as you always do with an open heart and a gentle and loving soul. I just can't seem to get enough of your bundles of love. I love the videos... In our thoughts and prayers daily... and miss yah more and more with every post.... and the heavens continued to sing....GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME HE PUT A SONG OF PRAISE IN THIS HEART OF MINE....Love, JoLee and Family

  45. Anonymous9:34 AM

    So how the heck do you look that good having just had 4 babies!! Now I know you had them 2 months early....but you had 4 of them!! You look awesome girl!

  46. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Someone posted your blog link on the Clomid Support Board on WebMD and I'm addicted! I just wanted to ask....did you conceive these guys with fertility meds?

    I have a 4 year old daughter who was born at 32 weeks. She is now one of the strongest, healthiest kids you've ever seen. It's truly amazing how quickly they catch up to full-term babies!

  47. Congrats on bringing home #3! I can't get over how healthy they are to be so small! All four of mine were bigger when they were born than Ethan is when you brought him home! God is SO amazing!

  48. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Your babies are so precious. Congratulations on getting Ethan home...
    The Lord is so good.
    Jennifer Williams-Louisville, KY

  49. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I watched the videos again! So precious... I did have to LAUGH out loud when I saw the white couch in the background. I hope to see pictures of it when the kids are 3! HAHA!
    They are beautiful!
    Amanda in Ohio

  50. A HUGE congrats on having three of your beautiful babies home now!!!
    I am praying for Drew to follow soon.

    I wondered if you could email me where you got your car seats, and pack&play. My sister is expecting (just one) and LOVED them when she saw them. My email is

    Thanks-and my prayers are with you!


  51. Congrats, I am so happy to see them doing so well! You are a beautiful family, and so blessed. I can't wait to seem them get bigger! My twins are 9 months old now, and huge. It goes by so fast, enjoy them while they are tiny!

  52. WOW! They must be doing so great to all be coming home! Is it me or was that the fastest month ever? Congrats! Can't wait to hear little Drew is home. Are you calling him Drew or Andrew?

  53. You guys are so cute! I love the videos and think that Shilo is too sweet!!! We'd love to get a dog but my four babies/toddlers are a bit crazy these day...a coulple years I guess.

    Anyway, I'm so happy to hear that 3 of the 4 are home. I know how hard it is to go back and forth to the NICU. I remember just wanting to have them all home ... like it was yesterday!!! In the meantime.. enjoy the quite. You'll be running quite the show soon.

    Please let me know if you ever need anything or just want to talk.
    XOXO Gen

  54. Anonymous5:57 PM

    So wonderful...3!!!
    Andrew will join soon!
    Can't wait to see all!
    God bless!

  55. Glad your babies are making it home now you just need Drew and you all will be complete. Congrats!

  56. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I'm another "stalker" who reads your blog often. What a BEAUTIFUL family. You both are an inspiration. Congrats on having three more to go!!
    God Bless the Steece Quads!
    Love, A friend in Plano, TX

  57. Such wonderfully beautiful children. I'm so happy to hear that they are almost all home and being such good babies for you.

    Just so you know, it should be ILLEGAL to look so good after having quads and riding the NICU rollercoaster.

  58. Praise God!!! Oh I am so excited for you!

  59. Amazing and wonderful. Thanks for finding the time to share even though you are getting busier and busier with babies. We will continue to pray and hope Drew is home soon too.
    Give am all a hug, and tell Joe howdy


  60. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Congrats! They are doing so well. I read your blog all the time, for i am 27 and expecting quads around february. Your blog keeps my spirits up. I know you are so busy but i would love the chance to talk to you if at all possible.

  61. I have been following your story for some time now. I found your blog through a friend of a friend... Your story is amazing. I wish you days of rest, smiles and joy. They grow sooo fast (mine is now 4 1/2years old)~enjoy every moment. Thank you for sharing your adorable family with everyone. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your cute foursome back together at home.

    Lindsey in S. California

  62. I've been reading your blog now through Marie Clement's page. I went to Harding from 1996-99 - Dawn Gaydos. Anyway, it's Sellers now, and I just wanted to say I'm so glad you almost have them all home. You've all been brought to our prayer groups at church, and I love reading your blog. I've got three of my own, and they are a blessing! Ya'll hang in there!

    Blessings and love,
    Dawn Sellers & Family!

  63. Hi Suz -
    I totally missed posting a comment this go round. I am so happy that Ethan is home, and I hope as I write this that Andrew is home as well. If so, I can imagine that you are oh, so busy!
    Anyway - as always, the Steece family is in my prayers. Hardly a day goes by that your story doesn't come up in conversation. The senior ladies at church ask about you guys every time they see me. You have been on our Prayer Warriors list for months.

    Blessings, and more blessings!

    Love ya!
    Jamie Pugh - McMoms

  64. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Has anyone heard if Andrew has joined his siblings at home?

  65. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Yes I have heard.

  66. I'm hoping and praying that the lull in posts means that you are loving up on 4 babies all under one roof!!! Keeping you and your family in my prayers as you embark on this incredible journey that God has blessed you with.
    Lauren in LA

  67. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Well which is it? Is he home or is he still in NICU?
