Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sweet Savannah is HOME!

Adriane (the nursery decorating genius) and her MIL, stopped by to love on baby Ben the other day...Doesn't Ade look like a pro? She's due in January with Savannah Leigh's best friend! (SOOOO excited that she is having a baby girl!)

My two little baby boys, Andrew (L) and Ethan (R) by themselves up at the NICU...they will try to pass their car seat tests tomorrow (Wednesday). I see some little cheeks getting chubby!

Nurse Ashlie gave Savannah a pep talk to pass her car seat test and it worked! Now she is working on the twins!

She was so bright eyed and looking around during her first ride home! It was too cute! She had no idea what was going on! Brother Ben went with us to pick her up...

2 down, 2 more to go! So hard to believe! We are having so much fun "playing house" and bonding with our little ones as a family! (Especially before it gets a little crazy around here with lots of people in and out of the house!)

Crib buddies, yet again! They have been sleeping SO well together! They are very much alike in the fact that they are very easy going...sleep and eat.

After her first doctor's visit this morning...I just love dressing her all up in PINK! She is going to be SOOOO girly! ;)

Savannah meeting Shiloh for the first time! (Ben is kinda grumpy in the background)


  1. HOW WONDERFUL that you have 2 of them home! God is SO good! What a miracle that they are so healty and "chubby"!

    How cute...you're having fun playing 'house'!

    Y'all look SO happy! :)

  2. Hi there. I know you don't know me, but I found your site off my friend's blog. Since then, I've spent lots of time reading your blog and admiring your sweet family. Congratulations on having two of your sweet babies at home! I'll be praying for the other two! I look forward to reading y'all's adventures when all four of them get home! :)

    *Random sidenote: My husband and I were on our way to HU when his plans changed and he needed to attend a different college. I was going to major in nursing there. Now I'm an ER nurse in Memphis. :)

  3. I'm a new reader to the blog and loving watching your sweet story. I've got a seven month old boy and am loving every moment of mommyhood--even the ones when I think I'm going to pull my hair out. It's an incredible journey and you've been blessed times four. Our family will continue to pray for yours as you move forward in your amazing adventure!

    Congrats on getting the first half home....we're sending good thoughts your way for tomorrow's car seat tests.

    Courtney and Rodney (and baby Clinton)

  4. Too precious!!!! My baby AJ came running over when he heard Sav crying in the video. He just watched and watched. She is so sweet!! Congrats guys. 2 down 2 to go!!! My prayers are with you all,

  5. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Congrats on bringing your beautiful baby girl home! Little girls are so much fun to dress up.

  6. How Precious!! Congratulations!! Your family is in our prayers.

  7. congrats! wow you'll have them all home in no time. i'm sure it's nice to get them one at a time now though. shiloh is doing GREAT (regardless of what anyone else says...i went back and read the comment about her licking). she is just curious as to what they are and why they are making those noises. and my personal opinion (since apparantly everyone else gives theirs) is that you are doing the right thing by letting her see and smell them.

  8. Wonderful news! Way to make this McMoms' member's afternoon! I am so happy for you guys! The Ben and Sav, you and Joe, Ethan & Andrew and Shiloh all look fabulous! Please let me know if I can do anything for you!

    Jamie Pugh

  9. Yay, yay, YAY! Glad Sav is there to keep Mr. Ben company! Shi did so good meeting her...She is going to be your dirty-diaper-sniffer-outer! What a great job for her! Y'all enjoy each other!

  10. I have been checking all day to see if Savannah passed her car seat test! Yay!!!

  11. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I love the videos!!

  12. Yay baby Savannah!!! Now lets get the twins home!!!!

  13. Blessed four times over! How wonderful!

  14. Anonymous7:36 PM

    LOVE JOE'S VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. You look like a pro carrying the two through the front door! Ben's cry in the video is so adorable! They look so sweet together. Congrats!

  16. That is so sweet! I love how gentle Shiloh is with the babies. I can't imagine how thrilled you must be to get your babies home and know that all of them will be home in just a few days. Blessings!

  17. Congrats on getting your little lady home with your where she belongs! Looking forward to hearing about A and E coming soon!

  18. You are so fortunate to have prayed for a baby and been blessed 4 fold! :)

  19. Congratulations!!!

  20. Yay! So precious, I love the videos too!

  21. Congratulations! Little Ben's cries remind me of my little guys' not that long ago...we used to say he sounded like a little sheep!

  22. Anonymous8:44 PM

    YAY Savannah! Congrats mom and dad can't wait to hear the whole family is home.

  23. Anonymous8:59 PM

    So happy for you!! Thanks for sharing your story. Can't wait to hear the other two made it home too. Hopefully at the same time and soon!! Good luck on those carseat tests tomorrow. Your babies are really just too cute!!!

    God bless your family!!

    Mommy of five

  24. what an awesome little family you have! it's so great to see ben and sav home and doing so well. shiloh is a very good puppy sister!

    i've enjoyed following y'all's journey over the last few months, and i look forward to following it as drew and e come home and as your wee ones grow up.

    congratulations to all of you!

    -lori, a dedicated reader you don't know

    p.s. suz, you look absolutely amazing. i cannot believe how fast you've gotten your girlish figure back and recovered/rebounded from what sounds like a pretty tough delivery. here i am 20 months after i had ONE baby, and i'm still sportin' some baby weight. you go, girl!

  25. YEAH!!!! So glad Savannah is home with Ben! I love those videos! Suz, you look AMAZING!!! And seriously could Joe have a deeper voice? That is just crazy:) Ethan and Drew will be home in no time and I can't wait to hear stories about all four of them together! Do you have people coming to help and if so for how long? I'm sure you have answered that question in a previous email but I couldn't remember.

  26. Yea that Savannah is home!! That is so exciting. They look so small in your arms in the first video. It's so hard to imagine how small they actually are until you have a reference point. They are precious!!

  27. Welcome home, Savannah! Love all the pink on that girl!
    Looks like Shiloh is going to be a good big sister. I just love the sweet noises Ben is making.

  28. Congratulations! The little noises....I miss those.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Blessings to you all always!

  29. HipHipHooray! Congrats on having Savannah at home! I'm happy for the Steece Family!

  30. I was so happy to read this post! I'm sure Ben is loving his new crib buddy. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that the A & E pass their tests tomorrow:)

  31. Hooray Savannah!! Home sweet home with sweet Ben!!! Good luck A & E on your test!!!! Melanie Smith

  32. Anonymous10:54 PM

    YAY!! I am glad your baby girl is home! How exciting! So you can remember how tiny they are you need to take pics of them next to items that you will always know how big that was. I took pics of my twins next to a video case. lol And that was after they were home its hard to believe they were tinier in the hospital!

  33. Great news! Glad to hear Savannah is home and that E&A aren't far behind. Lovin' the videos especially with Shiloh and the babies.

  34. YAY! I hope tonight they just sleep SO well together and give Mommy and Daddy lots of rest! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Congrats you guys! We'll keep our fingers crossed for the twins... :)

  35. Welcome home, Savannah! I love the video of you holding 2 of your babies! So crazy and sweet at the same time! I love it all! So glad you're still able to keep us updated, since I'm thinking about you guys all throughout the day. You will love to look back on this later! Never thought I'd say this to someone who just brought two babies home, but get some rest while you can! :) Love you and am trying to think of a good time to come up (without James).

  36. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I have been reading your blog for months... a friend passed it on to me. I love the updates and seeing the story of your quads. You are quite amazing - congrats on having 2 babies home with y'all. Best of luck for the other 2 passing their car seat test and joining their siblings. You guys will be amazing parents - it's clear you have an immense amount of dedication and drive. Congrats.

  37. Thank you so much for keeping your blog updated. I think about you and your family every day, and I am always thrilled to see a new post. I am so happy for you.

  38. Anonymous12:55 AM

    I've never commented before, but how awesome for you guys! Yay! Your kiddos are absolutely adorable!

  39. Congrats on bringing Sav home!! She is a little doll! She has to be girly!!LOL!! She is the only girl! It is so fun to dress little girls with bows and pink girly stuff. Have fun. I love dressing my little princess. And now that she talks she tells everyone she is the princess so watch out!!LOL!! I will be saying a prayer that Ethan and Andrew pass the car seat test. I know things will be crazy with all of them home but I have no doubt you and Joe can handle it! God doesn't give you more than you can handle.

    Deanna Turner

  40. So...how was your first night at home with TWO babies?? :) I bet it was great!

  41. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Congratulations! I was so excited to see you got another one home. She's just beautiful and Ben is precious too, as are Ethan and Andrew! You look wonderful and Joe sounds great too! Have fun! Your friend in East Texas.

  42. I am so glad your precious baby girl is home!!!

    Suz--I love the way you are always accessorized! I just absolutely LOVE it! And you look FANTASTIC!!!

    And I, too, love Joe's deep voice!

  43. WHAT A TREAT TO FIND THIS MORNING (Wednesday).... Savannah is home, and two videos as well.
    Welcome home SAVANNAH!!!
    Suz-You look so good with your 2 in hand. I am so excited for you both, as I am sure Ben will love to snuggle with his wombmate, too. I will continue to pray that everything goes smoothly for the twins. One step at time and you will have a loud and busy house before you know it. I am so glad that you are able to pull back from the current choas and treasure the sweet memories of your babies.... THAT IS AWESOME... Thanks for sharing your moments with us and your whole bunch of babies too. Always praying for your bunch and in my thoughts daily! Thanks for taking the time to update all us curious folks across the world... YOU ARE DOING A GREAT AND WONDERFUL JOB WHICH I AM SURE IS BRINGING A SMILE TO GOD FACE...
    LOVE, Jo and Fam

  44. I know y'all are so excited to have her home. Congratulations!

  45. Ben does sound like a little goat! How cute! So glad you have two home now. Your Shiloh is such a good big sis!

  46. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Hey, Hey!!! "Hot Sexy Mama and her 4 Beautiful Babies"...I think this would be a great name for the blog!!! Suz, I really think you should consider an overachievers anonymous group....having 4 babies at one time, bringing them home so quickly, and looking great faster than humanly possible!!! Anyways much congrats and hope to see you guys down in Houston sometime soon...haha!!!

    Much love,
    Jodi, Ryan, Chandler and one on the way!

  47. that is so great that ben and savannah are together again! you are so brave letting shiloh close to the babies...i wouldn't let our lab NEAR mine...he was a good dog too, but i didn't trust him that much! :) is shiloh beginning to realize that there isn't as much attention for her anymore?! so sad for dogs when babies are born...and you had 4...poor dog.

  48. Congrats on bringing Sav home! So exciting! I love the picture of her with the pacifier. We use the same ones! It's so funny to see her with it because it looks so big in comparison to her head! My babies used to look like that too! But now they are SO big! I pray for you guys every day!

  49. Shiloh is such a good girl! She smelled what she needed to smell then she was done! LOL. She must think you're bringing a "litter" home for her!

    I think it's great to have these "firsts" documented like this through video. Adorable!

    Welcome home Savannah!

  50. I can't believe you have 2 home already! What was that 'end of Sept.' thing about??'

    And don't get your hopes too high about Savannah being girly - with 3 brothers she may end up being rough and tumbly.

    Just love your babies and we're still praying for you all at our little church in Waco!

  51. congrats on having 2 out of 4 home! half way there! oh, and i love the videos of shiloh and the babies!

  52. Goodness they are so cute! They will all be home soon.

  53. Yaaay! It really puts into perspective how small they are in that picture of Savannah with the pacifier--it's nearly as wide as her face. Too sweet. Just enjoy it, Suz and Joe. They don't stay small for long!

  54. Congrats!!!! 2 out of 4 in record time!!! Suz, you look FABULOUS!!! Thank you for documenting this was the world watches-you certaily have a talent for writing-and compassion to fill a house full of love. I'm praying for the twins and hoping they can pass those tests soon-and for some rest for the parents!

    Megann, Birmingham, AL prayer groupie.

  55. Anonymous4:28 PM

    They are all getting so big and they are just so precious! I love how you introduce Shilo to her new baby brother and sister. I think that is so important. And isn't she just the cutest sniffin' them all up to get to know them. She is a cutie pie!

    Can't wait to see Andrew and Ethan come home!!! Won't be long till all your little punkins are with you all at home.

    Best wishes...

  56. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Precious I am so glad she is home! I will be praying that Andrew and Ethan make it home really soon.

  57. woo hoo! they'll all be home soon! Congratulations!

  58. Anonymous11:01 PM

    So happy for you all. They are so beautiful. and you and Joe look so natural with them. We are praying for the twins to come home soon so you all can be under the same roof. Life will begin then with your family...God bless and we love you... Donna and Johnny

  59. AWESOME!! !/2 way there- I love the pink too. We are praying to stay healthy for our visit in Oct. I'm going to quarantine Hannah from her cousins and wear a mask at work- plus say lots of prayers. So we can come visit. The babies are absolutely precious. Congrats to Ade- Love Mo

  60. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I'm behind a few days! Congrats one bringing Sav home! I hope that E and A passed their car seat tests yesterday! You guys looks so cute all snuggly at home now! How is Shiloh doing with the less attention now? She will be a great guard dog (sister) for the babies!
    Thanks for the updates, I know that you are busy and probably don't feel like doing them sometimes ;-)
    Ya'll are doing a great job!

  61. I don't know you but found your blog and have been looking at the pictures. You do a great job keeping everyone updated!! Your babies are adorable. I am also a mom of 3 boys and 1 precious baby girl. I always have her dressed up in PINK. It is GREAT fun. Although mine were born at different times, I can still relate to 3 rowdy boys and 1 beautiful girl. Have fun!!

  62. Congratulations! Two down, two more to go. Love the pics. My favorite is the two of you with the two babes. Such a happy family!

  63. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I don't know you, but stumbled across your blog when doing research about Clomid and multiple births. I've been reading through your blog and feel like I completely know you.

    I know God will continue to bless you and provide the strength you need to raise your beautiful children!

    In God's Love

  64. Thanks for sharing your story with the internet world! I found your blog through links on other blogs. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your journey and am rejoicing with you as your family is reunited step by step. Praise God that your babies are healthy! I have been so blessed by reading your blog. I am an RN in Canada hoping and praying for babies too. I hope I make it through this journey as gracefully as you have and are continuing to do so! Keep up the posts.

    Philippians 1:6
    ...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

  65. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Congratulations!!! Can't wait to find out when Andrew & Ethan come home!! That's when the real fun will begin!! LOL!!! I can laugh & say OMG because I only have twins!! But seriously, everyone looks so wonderful - you have a beautiful family.
    God Bless & prayers to all!
    Cindy Broder, McMoms President

  66. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Congratulations! What a beautiful family!

  67. Anonymous5:45 AM

    I think Shiloh was starting to think, "Whoa! Humans have litters too?" So cute! :)
