Sunday, September 09, 2007

Those Crazy Car Seat Tests...

1. Savannah gets tested tomorrow (Monday)
2. Andrew failed his test yesterday
3. Ethan failed his test yesterday
4. When babies fail a test, they will wait 3 days before testing again
5. They are all ready to come home...just have to pass their tests first!

We are holding up well with Ben! He is such a good baby--he is spoiling us rotten! All he does is sleep all day..we just wake him up every 3 hours to feed him. I am getting a little tired from driving back and forth to the hospital when Joe gets home. I think it will be exhausting, but so much easier when all the babies are HERE and I'm not having to split my time between the two locations! Here are pics from the past week.

Andrew & Ethan keeping Savannah company the day after her crib buddy left.

Compare this pic to the last pic and see how much the babies have grown, just within a couple of DAYS! Drew broke 4 pounds! and E is right behind him at 3 lb. 15 oz.

Shiloh is checking things out...I wonder what she is looking at?

Oh...its baby Ben!

Aunt Sandra and cousin Jen giving the twins some good luvin'

I LOVE this outfit! Andrew in his little "pony-boot-onesie"

Gettin' bigger! Andrew, Ethan, and Savannah


  1. I'm an RN with background in M/C Nursing and also a grandmother of identical twin girls. My daughter is in McMoms and that's how I found out about your quads.
    I'm so excited for your family. I remember how my daughter felt when she was pregnant and as she became a mother of multiples. She adjusted well and so will you.
    Good luck this week and may all the babies be home by week's end!

  2. Hey! What a lovely surprise to log in this morning and see your newsy post full of pictures! Everyone looks just great! I will be praying for the babies to pass their car seat tests, and therefore have their homecomings this week! I know that you will be glad to have a respite from the back and forth drive. Hugs to all six of you!

    Jamie Pugh - McMoms

  3. Our twins came home from the NICU in the same "pony-boot-onesie."
    They are definitely getting bigger and stronger...and ready to come home. Will make it all that much sweeter!

  4. Gosh, they are just so sweet!
    Prayers for those babies to go home with you soon!
    Thanks for the update :)

  5. Anonymous11:09 AM

    They are growing and are so precious! Will be praying they all pass their car seat tests so yall can all be home together! Oh and I just noticed Shiloh's collar...Texas A&M? Hilarious, and very cute :)

  6. Thanks for the update!

  7. Thanx for the update. Love the pics, and heres hoping that Savannah passes her car seat test. How is your belly holding up? You look great.I also wondered when you found out that you were having quads did you have to go get a new house or was your current one big enough? Denise

  8. What great pictures of the little ones! I miss the days when my twins were that little and slept so close. They all look so sweet!

  9. Ugghhh...the carseat test holding up the show. I'm happy to hear that Ben is doing well at home and LOVE the pic of Shiloh looking over him in the pack-n-play. She will make a great guard dog! The babes look so sweet all snuggled up together.
    Hope you have some straight A carseat tests next week!

  10. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Congradulations!! You will have them all home in no time. Have you finished the "Birth Story" yet...I know you are busy, but we are all anxious to hear all the details. Also, YOU LOOK GREAT!!! Any chance of seeing a post-baby belly pic?? :) Congradulations again!!!!!

  11. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Love the updates. As a mom of twins that spent 6 weeks in NICU, I understand how hard it is to leave your babies AND divide you time at home.

    Here is the one piece of advice I dearly loved...disposable bibs. I can't tell you how much time and energy it will take you just keeping bibs clean and handy. So, here is the company I order from.

    Hope this helps!


  12. Oh they're SO cute!

  13. such sweet faces! you look great!

  14. Anonymous4:56 PM

    They are looking so great! And you look fantastic! Prayers that they pass those tests soon! Lots of love and prayers!!!

  15. I went to a baby shower today and half of us were talking about the Steece quads! ....And we don't even know you! Funny huh? :)

    Lovin' the pony/boot onesie!!! That is adorable!

    Big Ben looks so cute all swaddled up in his pack-n-play.

    Thanks for the updates :)

    By the way, tell Joe that I'm glad that his aggies finally pulled it off yesterday!!! In tripple overtime! My goodness! whew

  16. Oh...but also tell Joe that I said "HOOK 'EM"!!

  17. Anonymous6:01 PM

    yeah...dying to hear the birth story!

  18. Praying that ALL babies will be home soon so that you can sit and watch them all sleep in ONE place. Its all in perfect time and its the Lord's time. As always you and Joe are doing an outstanding job! Blessings to the Steece family from the Dovel house.

    :) Melissa

  19. Anonymous6:35 PM

    You look amazing. The kiddos are getting so big, thank you for keeping us updated!!! Can't wait to see them all at home and Shiloh guarding them.

  20. Love the new pics! It way less tiring when they come home than going to the hospital everyday. Did Joe get to watch any of the great Aggies game yesterday?

  21. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Say it aint so....somebody DID NOT ask to see post-belly pics! Are you kiddin' me???? This sweet girl is nice enough to share her life with us and her sweet babies, please do not ask something so unreasonable and bizarre! Suz has been through enough, I don't think she "owes" you anything more. I'm sure Suzanne will handle this gracefully, as she does with many unreasonable comments, please know that you are gorgeous, Suz. Please try and not worry about all this talk about your looks or belly. I'm thinkin' those sweet babies are consuming more of your thoughts lately.

  22. Hi Suzanne,

    A mom of preemie BG twins here -now 9.5 months old - my little guy had that same cute pony outfit too! I remember him drowning in it at 4 lbs and now I don't think he could get a leg in it - he's huge! Congrats to you on such beautiful babies and good luck with all you have ahead of you!

  23. Suz, they are getting so big!! They all look great and so do you!! Thanks for sharing pics of them. I was just sitting here thinking poor Savannah with all those boys!! We have the same problem at our house but Madyson has learned to hold her own with 4 brothers! I am sure Savannah will do the same. I will be praying she passes her test tomorrow and that Ethan and Andrew pass there's also. I know how tiring it is to go back and forth to the hospital everyday. I did it for 3 weeks after I brought the boys home. I was exhausted. It is hard when they are all home but at least you don't have to leave the house.


  24. Yes, it will be so much less stressful when they are all home. I remember feeling like I was at the end of my rope getting up to the NICU once I had Sister home. It was so hard. But once all three of mine were home I got to relax, stay in my jammies and just be mom. It was much easier for me. And soon enough it will be for you! I cant wait to read the post when all four are snuggled together under one roof. So wonderful!

  25. Bummer on those carseat tests! ERRG!I can't wait to hear the GOOD NEWS when they all arrive home. Ben is looks very comfortable. The others have really grown and look very ready. You DO look great Suz, you are so amazing! I love getting updates w/pictures. Thanks for spoiling us!

  26. Concentrate on this sentence.....

    "The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."

  27. Good luck with all your babies passing the car seat test so they can come home soon. Love the pics!

  28. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Why can't they come home in car beds??

  29. So many blessings to be thankful for.... The babies all blossoming into 4lbers, you looking amazing for the lack of sleep, Shiloh has stepped into being a guard dog with out asking, and you have so many prayers going up for your situation it is truly God inspired. Thank you so very much for sharing your new family with us all and all the little but busy details!! Always praying for you and can't wait to meet my new cuzins. They are so handsome and beautiful!!!! It should be a crime...hehehehehehehehe I resently had the chance to hold a new born at church...sitter for an hour.... it is amazing how listening to them drink their milk all the little sounds and movements they make... NO I DON'T WANT ANOTHER is just a reminder of how GREAT and AWESOME God is.... With all our love and blessings for continued progress...
    JoLee and McKaskle

  30. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The pictures are precious! I know you'll are excited to get them all home and love on them all at once there in the comfort of your own home! Babies look great and so does mom! Take care and thanks for keeping us udated! A friend in East Texas.

  31. SO do you rom in witheach baby before they go home? And if so do you take the others back to the hospital to room in too? Who knew just getting home could be so complicated?

    Good luck with all of it! I hope you have some troops ready when they do finally all get to come home!

  32. They are just too cute!!! They are growing so fast!!! I hope they get to come home soon.

  33. Howdy! I have found your blog from a friend of a friend who mentioned it at Bunko tonight. So I got on to see your little blessings. I myself am an Aggie class of '01 and my hubby too. I even grew up in College Station. We have had the heartache of not being able to conceive. We have been working hard for 16 months now. I just wanted to let you know that even though you don't know me, that you are giving me hope for a family of my own. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may you continue to have many blessings. Smiles & Gig'em Katie McKinney

  34. Isn't it wild that your story can touch so many people. Now if all of those people would show up to babysit! LOL.

    Didn't get to know you at Harding, but in reading your blog, I know that God picked very able parents for these four precious angels. Remember a clean house and perfection is overrated...and it's okay if you don't shower until hubbie gets home. LOL. They grow so fast and before you know it they'll all be starting pre-k!

    Take one day at a time, and you'll do great. You're in our prayers and a subject of much dinner conversation. Those babies are being lifted up to prayer daily!

    Our thoughts,
    Dawn & Jon Sellers & Family
    (Bree, Zane, & Braden)
