Thursday, September 06, 2007

Sooner than expected? Uh...YES!

Savannah will be discharged tomorrow (Friday) if she passes her car seat test today!

And the neonatalogist threw me a curve ball when she said that Ethan and Drew might be home by Sunday! WHOA! I think I asked her at least 3 times if she was kidding or not. Are we ready for this???

However, that is the best case scenario and they would still have to pass their car seat tests (which they haven't even tried one time yet)...they are just little piglets and are eating & gaining weight like crazy! I guess I just didn't expect it to be so soon!

So, I'll keep you updated! Thanks so much for the prayers and encouraging, positive comments! BTW, funny that many of you commented on Joe's deep voice! He gets that a LOT! ;) Its even better in person! LOVE it.


  1. WOW! Congratulations and best wishes to you as the adventure continues at home!

  2. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Ok, long time blog stalker here! I was pointed to your blog from a friend and have followed since May (I even read all the back blogs one day..took a few hours)! I think that you are great, and wish that I knew you and Joe, and feel like I do! LOL I even tell people about you and they think that I am a nut for following so closely! (I check a few times a day for updates) Anyway...thanks for sharing your life with the rest of us! You are so lucky to have such a great little family and they are all beautiful! Best of luck, and know that we are all praying always! your blog got me hooked on the blog world of multiples! From the mom of a single, good luck at are going to need it!!! Love every minute though.. in 2 years you will want that snuggle time back!

  3. Hey, I guess you won't have to be as torn about leaving babies in the NICU and being home with the others this way. Super news! They will be so fat and happy at home with their sweet parents. You guys are going to do great! Go Call that volunteer cordinator. We love ya!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That is great news, how exciting! You will do wonderful, one day at a time :) Ashley, Kaelyn & Shae

  6. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I am so excited for you and happy at how well things are going. Soon enough you'll be running around the house, and loving it!

  7. What wonderful news! I know the babies will be happier to be home with you, too.

  8. Congratulations!! That is so awesome, and you guys will do great!

  9. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I've always heard that parents of multiples just know which baby is which. Can you tell Ethan and Andrew apart?

  10. The Beautiful Blessed Chaos begins sooner than expected! I'm very excited for you & Joe. I'm praying for you!

  11. WOW!!!! That is fantastic news! I am so happy for y'all. I'm sure y'all are about to pop with excitement that all the babies will be home together very very soon! I check in with you everyday for the latest news, although, I'm sure your posts are going to be fewer and farther between when all four of the babies get home. But that's as it should be---you need to be a lovin' on those precious ones. Thanks again for including all of us in your lives. Take care!
    Brooke :)
    By the way, how is Ben liking being home? I bet he's missing his brothers and sister. Or is he thinking, I better enjoy this alone time now before the others arrive?

  12. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Wow, what exciting news!!! Don't worry, God won't give you more than you can handle!!
    Cindy Broder, McMoms

  13. Oh how exciting for you! It will be so neat (and loud and sleepless) to have all four home with you!

  14. Oh my goodness! That is GREAT news!! I can't believe it is so soon!! Your little ones are always on my mind and your family is always in my prayers!
    Joe talking to Shiloh is SO funny telling her to be careful! The same way we spoke to our pugs when we first brought Baby Dylan home!!
    It is awesome your family is coming together !
    god bless!

  15. That is so wonderful to hear! I know that you are ready to get those babies home, but not to soon!

  16. Um, already looking at all four coming home soon? WOW!

  17. That is great news!! I can't wait to see pics of them all together. I will be praying that everyone passes their carset test. Congrats!!

    Deanna Turner

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. AND YOU JUST THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO ADJUST WITH ONE AT A TIME.... NAH... THAT WOULD BE TO EASY!!!! I will continue to pray for everyone from the babies to Shiloh to the Grandparents too. IO hope in the long run that this be a smooth and memoriable experience to charish. I wish I was there to help you cart them home but it is what it is.... LOVE YAH GIRL AND ALWAYS HERE FOR YAH!!!! I am so excited for you both and nervious..... XOXO from SouthTexas... Please tell them that cuz JO sends her love and give them a small snuggle for me, too....LOVE, JO and Family

  20. i was so going to comment on his voice but i didn't want it to come out wrong. i totally didn't expect his voice to be that deep. i'm not sure what i expected him to sound like but that wasn't it. funny!

    i'm so excited for you. i'm sure you're freaking out a little bit but how much fun will it be to have them all home. can't wait to see all 4 precious babies at home in their cribs.

  21. Great news about the other 3 rest up after "just having one" at home. Blessings, Linda L.

  22. Exciting news. You guys are ready...there's no better way than to jump right in:) I remember back to one of your previous posts about Joe talking to your belly and the babies totally moving must have been the DEEP voice! Too funny..

  23. Suz-
    From a complete stranger who feels like she knows you...

    You handle all this beautifully! Not only are you recovering from a c-section (been there done that) and having one baby at home and 3 in the NICU, but you are dealing with people who pick apart your life to DEATH online! I mean, how you responded to the questions about how Ben was sleeping and how your dog did/didn't lick your baby... seriously, it is NONE of our business, but you are so classy!! Just wanted you to know that it is noticed, and that you are an incredible Witness of the love of God to family, friends, and strangers. Keep up the good work, and we'll be looking forward to the whole CREW being home!

    Oh, and my 14 month old and our 65 pound dog are BEST friends. They kiss each other (under supervision only) and it is too cute to watch. In fact, just posted pics of that yesterday for all to see. Thankfully, I don't have that many strangers reading mine! :)

  24. Ready or they come!! Woohoo! Great News! How blessed you are!

  25. Wonderful news!!!

  26. Anonymous4:54 PM

    WOW! How exciting and scary all at the same time - IF you get a chance when they come home - let us know how it is... I haven't had my B/G twins yet and would love to hear how you are managing!

    May God continue to guide you and bless you in this new adventure. I will specically pray for the two of you - that you would be renewed in your marriage in the everyday and not loose site of each other when you have so many other demands coming your way!

    Grace & Prayers from Phoenix, AZ

  27. Suz...

    I am a friend of Jodi's who just left you a comment above and I agree with her totally! Whatever you decide to share with all of us reading your blog is frankly, in my opinion, priveledged (did i just spell that right?) information that I am just glad that you share with us :) But bottom line, YOU are the mommy and mommies know best. Don't ever doubt anything that you do or don't do. These are your babies and you know what's best for them :)

    I cannot believe that you may have all 4 babies home by the beginning of next week!! HOLY COW! That is so great!! And just remember, God doesnt give you anything that you cant handle, so you and daddy Joe can certainly handle this and are ready!! Good luck! Have fun :)

  28. Hi Suz! I knew it! I told the ladies at church this week that I was sure your babies would all be home within 10 days. Absolutely phenominal. You are the poster child for having quads!

    KUDOS to Jodi who commented above about people who have been critical or questioning about sleeping positions, Shiloh etc. I was almost upset yesterday by the person who was being critical about Shiloh. I personally think that you and Joe have great instincts and loads of common sense. You are handling everything admirably. Even though we haven't actually met - my 2 visits with you on the phone, and all the emails, and blog stuff - well, I am just so darn proud of you!

    hugs to all of you!

    Jamie Pugh

  29. Somehow you'll muster up the energy and will be ready for your adventures with all four at home. I think whether you have one baby coming home or a half dozen, you do what ya gotta do. Stay strong, try to keep a smile on your face, and keep your camera fully charged!

  30. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Hi Suz and Joe... I can't believe that all the babies might be coming home so soon....You guys are going to be wonderful parents! (Sure are cute ones--you both should be models..haha) We are loving all the pictures of the babies..Can't wait to love on them soon.. Take care---We love guys..

  31. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Oops--that should of been we love You guys......bye

  32. Ok, so I've been a lurker on your blog as well for a while now. Someone told me about it, and asked if I knew you. I graduated from Harding's Nursing School, too, but I was ahead of you by 2 years (graduated in May 2000). Anyway, I have truly enjoyed reading about a fellow Harding Grad, and all about your experiences. God bless you and Joe as your awesome journey continues! I'll continue to keep up with your blog.
    -Jennifer Joyner

  33. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Of course you are ready!!!! You guys did great rooming in and you are so wonderful and loving with all of them!!! You are going to be the greatest parents and feel so much better with all your little chickadees under one roof! Call me and let me know if you need me... :-)
    nurse ashlie

  34. You guys are doing AMAZING! Your little ones are coming home so soon b/c of PRAYER and the love you are pouring over them. It's true!!!!
    There is nothing better than introducing your new members of the family to Shiloh! That was one of our favorite things to see...besides BEN'S SWEET CHEEKS!!! Shiloh is going to do great with your little foursome!

    Praying for you~

  35. You guys are doing AMAZING! Your little ones are coming home so soon b/c of PRAYER and the love you are pouring over them. It's true!!!!
    There is nothing better than introducing your new members of the family to Shiloh! That was one of our favorite things to see...besides BEN'S SWEET CHEEKS!!! Shiloh is going to do great with your little foursome!

    Praying for you~

  36. I sat and watched the video with tears in my eyes of Ben coming home. What a blessing. I can't believe he is home already!! What a hansome boy he is!! I can't wait to see the rest of the videos of all of them home!!

    PS Boy Joe does have a deep voice I NEVER would have expected that one!

  37. Hope you don't mind but I stole your "Born together, friends forever" saying! I totally gave you credit though!

  38. OH!!!!! I am so excited for you and Joe!! You are going to be great parents (and I don't even know you, I feel like I do though;o)....You are truly incredible and like I've said before...THANK YOU for sharing your life with us!!!!! Can't wait for updates!!! Melanie Smith (Brandon, MS)

  39. That is such great news!! All your babies home! I can't wait to see the amazingly adorable pictures you are going to create.

  40. Suz
    I'm so happy for you guys! Our first one is coming home tomorrow! and her sister and 2 brothers should be home within the next 10 days! so i TOTALLY understand the sooner than expected feeling...where has the time gone? praying that all continues to go well for you all!
    Jenny--quad momma in Indiana

  41. What wonderful news! I love reading your thoughts, you are so positive and your happiness is truly inspiring! Enjoy those sweeties. I am excited to read about life as you begin this new phase of this wild ride!!! Congrats... you are doing great!

  42. Oh and love the new LOOK on the blog front!

  43. Praise God! I am so happy for you! I will be praying for you and Joe!

  44. What wonderful news!!! You and Joe are going to be pros!!! You will be able to handle this with the help of family, friends, and God. I'll keep praying for guidance and strength!! You guys are awesome!

    Megann from Birmingham, AL

  45. What a blessing and a surprise!!! I will continue to pray for you and Joe as you embark on the beginning of this wonderful/crazy adventure! I'm sure the two of you will do great...and, lean on family and friends for help too! Heck, if I lived closer I would be there to help out! We'll be thinking and praying for you here in Indiana!

  46. Anonymous12:04 PM

    WOW What wonderful news! I am so glad they are doing so well. I will email you since I am going to be going on vacation - I can't wait to meet you all :)

  47. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Wow! Good luck. Thats amazing. Hang on to your hats its gonna be quiet a change with four little ones. I'm sure you'll do great!

  48. WOW! That is spectacular! How wonderful that they are all doing so well. Keeping my fingers crossed that all 4 babies are home with mom & dad!

  49. Wow! They'll all be home soon. At least you won't have to travel so much to visit. They'll just be down the hall!

  50. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I have been following your blog and I just had to tell you I am so thrilled for you guys!!! I am a mommy of a 11 month old! It keeps me busy - I can't imagine being blessed with 4!!! It's so amazing! I am so excited to see your little punkins coming home and doing so well! God is good!

    Best Wishes!!! Congratulations!

    Mitchell's Mommy in NY

  51. Anonymous7:19 PM

    that is really great great news! i hope they are all ready (really ready) and that so are you and Joe! God bless you and your BIG little family

  52. That's amazing Suz. Can't wait to meet them all! You'll be nice and settled by the time we come to visit, right?

  53. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Praise God for answered prayers!
    What a sense of relief that you must feel about not having to make the trip to the hospital to see your kiddos, now all you have to do is walk down the hall!
    Take care, and accept help that people offer you (that's the best thing for a new mom). But you guys will do great!
    Thank you for sharing this amazing experience with the world, it is truly awesome to see God's work through you and Joe.

  54. Anonymous10:59 AM

    What awesome news. I don't even know you an can tell you two will be great parents. What beautiful babies.

  55. Suz- That is AWESOME NEWS- Do you have people lined up to help you? Can't wait until October- Mo

  56. Anonymous11:55 PM

    I hope everything went well taking Savannah home Friday and that the others can come home tomorrow Sunday! Best wishes for a nice transition.

    Mommy of five

  57. Love ya I am so happy for you I hope all is well. Both of my boys have been up twice tonight so I can not even imagine how tired I would be with 4. I know that God gave 4 at once to the right couple you are so strong. Love ya a ton.

    By the way would you kiss each one of those tiny feet for me. Love ya.

  58. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Hey Suz----Those babies just keep getting more beautiful every day!! They are all so cute..Hope the car seat tests go well so all your precious angels will be home with you and Joe soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. Love you bunches !

  59. Anonymous2:58 PM


    A friend of mine sent me the link to your site - it was so fun to go through and read your blogs! We have multiples - triplets - AND - a set of quads in our extended family. The triplets are now in their teens and the quads are 8 - and all of the parents STILL have their hair! :) You guys will have a blast with them..will nurture them..will love them..and will feel emotions that only those who have children will feel - you get that times 4 - which is extra special! Just remember - when you put them all in their cribs an hour before bedtime just so you guys can have a glass of wine at the end of a long day - it's perfectly OK. :) On a side note - you actually posted a video of the quads in our family. They are the ones hysterically laughing - they are 8 now - all blond identical girls. They were also on a Target holiday commercial last who knows what is in store for you guys! God bless you and be with you always as you raise them. With His grace you guys will look up one day and see 4 beautiful adults coming back for holidays and birthdays! :)
