Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Aggie Quads

Updates: My dad just finished his two week "vacation" at our house, helping with the babies. Needless to say, it wasn't much of a vacation and more like WORK! He was great though and we appreciate it! My mom is still here for another 4 weeks helping out and sweet church ladies have been coming over every day, taking shifts, and helping out tremendously! (especially while I'm going to all of the doctors appointments each week!) Grandma Steece, Uncle Dan and Dani, came to visit and help out a week ago and we had loads of fun with the camera as you will see below. My Aunt Susan came this past weekend to help my parents with the quads, while Joe and I went on our first out-of-town trip! Woo Hoo! That's right folks...Joe and I left earrrrly Saturday morning to drive to College Station for the Texas A&M/OSU game and tailgated all day with our friends and Joe's fam. It was so much fun and we truly appreciate all the people who came over to help while we were away!

Here are some pics that we took in our backyard a week ago...you knew it was only a matter of time before we took the token pics with Texas A&M gear on!

How sweet is this little face?? I caught Savannah with her thumb up, in the "Gig Em" pose! NO LIE! By the way, in these pics you will see her Pavlic harness. She had "loose hip joints" (not dislocated...just "loose") so she has to wear this brace for a couple of weeks.

Savannah, Ben, Andrew, & Ethan...supporting their future alma mater.

Having fun...being dorks! Look at Ben! He is a whole pound heavier than everyone else! (Ben=8.1, Sav=7.3, both twins=7.0)

Savannah, Ben, Drew, & Ethan
Drew has a longer, narrow forehead...while Ethan has a more rounded, shorter forehead (but I have to admit...it is getting much more difficult to tell them apart!)

It is still amazing to us, that we have these four precious miracles!

Dan and Dani with the quads

Sav, Ben, Drew, E with Grandma Steece

Savannah, Drew, Ethan, Ben


  1. Love how Drew and E each have a hand on the sibling's knee next to them! LOL. Cute as ever Suz! Congrats on your "away time", or play time. So nice to have such support! Bet you missed them! You parents look like you're having WAY too much fun with those precious babes! How amazing!

  2. Love the A&M onsies and socks, we are OU Sooner fans, but gotta start them young, we did, now our 4 year old runs around yelling "Boomer Sooner" it's awesome!! Keep it up. They are getting so big and are so precious! Love the pics and your updates!!

  3. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Great pics! You are so lucky to have such supportive family!!

  4. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Great photos! So glad you guys got a night out with your friends and family. You will need those moments more than ever now but thank God you have a great support system. I can't believe how much they have grown since the last pictures!

  5. Suzanne

    my little girl had to wear the Pavlic Harness for 6 weeks. She was born right before the quads. It's a pain but it will be the best thing for your little one! Good luck

  6. Awesome update Suz! Thank you so much! Everyone looks fabulous! So, have the babies really essentially doubled their birth weights??? Unbelievable!

  7. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I am glad you have such support, I am sure that helps tremedously! The pics are TOO CUTE! Thanks for sharing them with all of us. We are still keeping you all in our prayers! -Rackley5

  8. Your babies are sooo adorable!!!

    The twins...I have twins girls that are 10 months old. One forehead was a little wider. We honestly had to a paint a finger nail for the longest time! Now we can tell them apart...but only if they are both looking at us...otherwise I would have no idea who is who!! GOOD LUCK!!! :)

  9. What cuties! They are getting big! That is always good news...yeah for you guys. So glad you have help. I can't imagine, but you (and Joe) look good and like pros already!
    Have a blessed day...

  10. Savannah looks absolutely adorable in her game gear! Looks like everyone is growing well, and yes, Ben looks HUGE compared to the others!!! It's most definitely a result of his prime real estate in the belly. Ethan and Drew's forheads look the same to me!!! I don't know how you tell them apart! ;-)

  11. Anonymous1:48 PM

    So cute! They are amazing!!!
    Casey & the Gerwer babies

  12. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Those are the cutest little Aggies ever!!!! Even if they did beat my OSU Cowboys. How wonderful you and your husband had a get-away date.

  13. Anonymous2:33 PM

    THANKS FOR UPDATING....check everyday...have you worked on the birth story at all? You are so blessed.

  14. cute, cute, cute, cute...one for each of them. I'm glad to see y'all are doing so well. And congrats on getting away with the hubby.

  15. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Good look with the palvic harness. I had twins last year and my daughter had to wear it for what they told me would be a couple of weeks. It ended up being 2 1/2 months. All worked out well though. The only thing was is that she spit up so much that harness reeked after a couple of weeks. Your pics are beautiful. Have fun.

  16. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Just precious! You and Joe look wonderful also. So glad you hear you'll were able to enjoy a weekend date! Makes going home more enjoyable too! You two have been so very blessed. Thanks for the updates I enjoy reading about your wonderful family. Your friend in East Texas.

  17. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Such cute pics.

    Good luck with the harness - I know how awful they can be (but they are effective).

  18. Anonymous4:08 PM

    You guys are the cutest family ever. Hands down! :) I just love the new pictures. God bless you!

  19. So cute!!! Glad you had away time..Every mommy and daddy need that;o) You have such a great looking family! Melanie Smith

  20. They are getting so big!! Congrats on getting a little time for you and Joe. They look great and so do you and Joe. That is great about their weights they are the size of a normal newborn on their adjusted birthdate!! WTG!! Keep up the good work mom and dad!! And of course, all those wonderful helpers!! You guys are truly blessed.


  21. As a member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2005, all I have to say is WHOOP! :) So cute!

  22. Suzane, It is marcie hydrick, parrott. You may not realize, but my whole family has been checking your blog to keep updated on them ever since you were pregnant. Shawna let us all know and ever since we have been praying for you and keep checking on your precious little ones.

  23. You are both doing so well. Lucky to have all that support and be able to get the time away, it is so important and helps with the bad times when you know time out is ahead and comign your way.
    They all look so cute and have done so well. One day you will look back on these years and laugh at what you thought of them. keep smiling and take it one moment at a time.

  24. hi i love looking at your blog
    i found it though amy sossamon she has you listed as one of faV.BLOGS
    i am her datuter,kaityln's freind
    you update soooo well!!~the jebsens

  25. Anonymous8:22 PM

    cute pictures!
    they are growing so well.

  26. Proud Member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of '04--WHOOP!

    Way to start them out young. My niece was well supplied with A&M outfits and I'll have to steal them back when I have girls of my own. My mom was one of the church ladies helping out during the A&M game. Luckily she has been exposed to the craziness of Aggie football, otherwise she might have been scared away!

  27. SO cute!!! I love Ben's tongue sticking out in the last pic!!!

  28. They really should be poster children for Texas A&M's next magazine cover! TOo cute!!! I'm sooo glad you guys were able to get away to rest and recharge! That's wonderful!!! Keep sending me pics! I get the biggest thrill of having a sneak peek!!!

  29. I'm a longtime lurker (and a Longhorn, to boot) stepping up to say congratulations on your gorgeous, healthy family. The pics are fabulous and bring back happy (albeit slightly foggy) memories of when my twins were wee.

    Don't you wanna roll your eyes when well-meaning strangers tug your arm and tell you that babies grow up so fast? Me, too, but I'm telling you: it's the gospel truth. Enjoy every minute of it!

    Best wishes...

  30. Anonymous5:18 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Thanks for the pics! They are gorgeous!

  32. It's great to see you all so happy and healthy and enjoying those precious miracles!!! I've followed your blog for quite a while now but I do not believe I've ever left a comment...I was introduced to it through the Murray's blog. Best wishes to you all! Congratulations!

    Kiley Schnarr
    Mom to Logan, Brooke, and Chase born 05/15/2006

  33. Hey I found your blog through a friend and wanted to let you know your quads are adorable! I love the pics of them in their A&M gear (even if I lean toward the color orange!).

    Oh and as a testament to the Pavlic Harness, I wore one when I was Savannah's age and my parents said it made a world of difference. No evidence of it is left today and I am 24! God Bless!

  34. The are definately precious and the pictures are too cute! The last pic cracks me up! Savannah is now getting to be on top and squash the others..pay back is good! It looks like Drew is trying to push her off of him...HA! You can definately tell she is a girl by looking at her. She is darling with those cheeks! Congrats on the day away!

  35. They look wonderful and I am so glad that you got to have some couple time.... It is amazing how we all need that time to keep us sane.... Thanks for taking time to share your babies with us and your team spirit. Always in our prayers and longing for updates.... YOU HAVE GOT TO BE BUSY!!!!
    ---JoLee and Fam

  36. They are too adorable and are getting too big!!! I am so glad to hear everything is wonderful in the Steece household... BUSY but wonderful!!

    Lots of love!

  37. I love the picture of you and Joe, holding your quads, and just looking at each other and smiling. It is priceless! The two of you are in for such an adventure.....as you already know!

  38. Sooooo cute (despite the Aggie attire) :)
    HOOK 'EM HORNS!!!!
    Matt, Jen, and Grace

  39. I don't know you guys, but those are the cutest little babies. And might I just add that you don't look like you were ever even pregnant!!! God bless you guys!

  40. Your babies are so precious! They are the cutest little Aggies I've ever seen! Gig 'em!

  41. ohhhh!!!! They just melt my heart! Love the new pics. What a beautiful family you have. thank you so much for sharing!
    Blessings to you all always!

  42. My how your life has changed in 2007. Can you believe it? I was just thinking back to the first time I spoke to you on the phone. You were about 4 months pregnant and still working. Now, you, Joe and the Fab 4 are about to celebrate your first Halloween together. This time next year - you may have 4 little walkers! God has certainly blessed you in so many untold ways.

    Keep up the good work! Your positive attitude is amazing.

    Take care!


  43. I found your blog recently through a friend of a friend and read your archives of your pregnancy and quads arrival. It's a small world. Your first grade teacher was the principal at the school where I student taught in Waco (I went to Baylor.) Your family is absolutely precious!

  44. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I love your blog. My first is due in December and I already have his little Aggie bib ready to go and mine from when I was an infant. You being able to handle 4 is giving me the confidence I need to handle 1.


  45. toooo cute
    love it great pix

  46. They are looking great! Keep up the good work!

  47. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Hi Suz and Joe....Please give all the babies a big hug and kiss from me. I sure do miss them already. It was so much fun last weekend getting to love on them.. :) Take care and have a great weekend--You're family is toooooo cute and so very precious....Love ya bunches !!!!

  48. Almost makes me want to be an Aggie... almost! I thought you guys went to Harding?

  49. So cute! They are filling out nicely, pretty soon they'll be 'lil baby chunky monkeys. Its so nice that you hae all that help.

  50. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hook 'em Horns!!!!!!
