Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Posting...Promise! ;)

I'm working on my new post right now!!!

HAPPY PROPOSED BIRTH-DATE to the quads today!!! October 9 was my original due date! Fortunately, my babies just wanted to get a head start on life and have an extra 10 weeks in this world! ;)

OK...downloading pics right now...check back!


  1. Happy Day! Yea! So happy for all of you! I can't imagine what your life must be like with 4 sweet babies.

    I updated my blog today too.

    Take care! Looking forward to the new post! THANKS SUZANNE for taking such good care of your Blog Fans!

  2. Eagerly awaiting! ;) Wow, to think you may have been carrying those babies this long? And they're HOME!!!! Yep, they just wanted a head start!

  3. SO EXCITED! I've been checking religiously.

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    FIIIIIIIIIINALLY!!! Haha! I know you are busy, but us followers love to see your tots!!
    Amanda in Ohio

  5. Can't wait to see the new pics! They are growing each and everyday I bet. I know Izzie changes daily!

  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Looking forward to it!!

  7. Happy Due Date, how wonderful there healthy and home already

  8. *-Reader from the start...first time commenter-*

    I know it was strange for me whenever my twin girls original due date came. How could I have gone on without them for that much longer?

    Happy Due Date Day!

  9. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Love that silly picture!! Mari Goerlich shared your blog with me and I am so happy to hear that Savannah is OK. I absolutely believe in hearing the whispers of God. I know He was with you that evening! God bless you all!

  10. Anonymous7:22 PM

    So you don't know me, but I'm a friend of a friend and my sister-in-law (who just had twins about a month ago and had close to the same due date as you) have totally watched and checked and enjoyed your blog. Blessings blessings on you and your sweet little- okay, not so little- family.
    Whitney Prosperi
