Friday, October 26, 2007

The boys are home and doing well!

Hey guys...sorry I haven't blogged in a is beautiful chaos! The boys did great! We were blessed with the BEST surgeon, Dr. Vaughan! Such a sweet, wonderful man. Joe and I stayed overnight with the boys...they wanted to monitor them b/c they were preemies. Crazy how much easier it was to wake up and feed only TWO babies, instead of four!

Anywhoo...all is well...we are home, sleep deprived, and loving life! I will post more of the birth story soon. (it just takes a LONG time to edit the videos and upload via youtube...but it WILL get done!)

Oh, and by the way...our little babies are getting SOOOO big! Ben is 9 pounds 8 oz. Andrew & Savannah weigh the same at 8 pounds 14 oz. Ethan weighs in at 8 pounds 8 oz. I can't believe it...they are almost 3 months! We no longer wear preemie clothes. :( (sniff, sniff)


  1. Awesome news!!! Thanks for posting! I guess the need for preemie diapers is gone too. But, the newborn packages have MORE diapers! Won't be long until they are in size 1. I was realizing today that the quads are nearly 3 months old. Seems super hard to believe. Thanks for all you do to love all of us bloggers! Take care of yourselves!

    Jamie Pugh - McMoms

  2. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Thanks for the update! So glad all went well and the gangs all back together again.

  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    So glad to hear that everything went well for the little ones. WOW! They are getting big. Isn't that just incredible? Keep up the great work!

  4. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I am glad their surgeries went well and they are back home. :-)

    That is good they are gaining weight and getting big. I am so happy for you all that they are doing well. They are so precious and cute.
    Jennifer Williams-Louisville, KY

  5. I can't believe how big they are!!! How time flies. Enjoy every second- time only goes faster in the future. Good to hear that everything went well. I know it is soooo hard for anything to happen to your little ones. Love checking up on all of you! Ashley

  6. yeah! so glad that things went well! sorry you are sleep deprived. hang in there. they are getting big!!! isn't it crazy

  7. Horray for answered prayers! I CAN NOT believe its been almost 3 months!!!!!!
    I need a new picture of the 4 to see for myself this added weight (or I'll use any excuse to see those sweet angels again).

  8. I am so glad the boys did so well and I can't believe those weights! YAHOO for your kids. They will be passin up K & E for sure! Isn't it so sad when they move on to big baby clothes? I miss all the preemie stuff still. Can't wait for more pics. Love on those babies for us!

  9. Anonymous11:16 AM

    hey suz, glad to hear all is well.I had such a great time in Dallas,I'm already missing the quads. That just means I'll have to make more trips to vist.
    Give my love to Joe, kiss the babies, and enjoy life!!!!!!
    Love Big LO.

  10. Anonymous11:16 AM

    hey suz, glad to hear all is well.I had such a great time in Dallas,I'm already missing the quads. That just means I'll have to make more trips to vist.
    Give my love to Joe, kiss the babies, and enjoy life!!!!!!
    Love Big LO.

  11. I am so happy for all of you. Your babies are beautiful and you seem to be adjusting so well. Thank you for updating your blog and being such an inspiration to so many people.

  12. That's wonderful, Suz!!! I'm so glad to hear that. I'm also glad that they're gaining so much. I want to see pics! I'm REALLY wanting to get up there and see them again. Love you all!

  13. Hello, we are friends with Eric and Amy and we’ve started a new website ( Check it out. If you like it, we would love for you to post it as a permanent link on your blog so that others can view it as well. Thanks so much, Lance and Heather

  14. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I remember packing away the preemie clothes; well, the newborn ones too. I'm saddened yet thrilled with each new stage Kaitlyn passes into.

    I'm glad to hear the boys are well. It sounds like they are all growing wonderfully too.

  15. So glad Drew and Ethan are home with the rest of the fam and are doing well. I miss them! Thanks again for sharing your family with us.

  16. Wonderful to hear things went well, and that those precious bundles are growing!

  17. So happy to hear your precious little boys are home. I checked and checked waiting to hear the good news. Your family is truly amazing. Thank you for sharing your story and giving us all a smile. You and your family are always in our prayers.
    Cade's Mommy

  18. You probably know already, but at least I've found that if you run your videos through Riva's editing thing it uploads quickly as anything on youtube afterwards.

    So glad to hear everything's ok :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Suz,
    Glad to hear the boys are doing so well. I can't believe how much they all have grown. It sounds like y'all are settling in to a routine (if such exists with 4 babies.) :) By the way, a good friend of mine is in Harris on bedrest for another 1-2 weeks with placenta previa. Any suggestions on a goodie basket I could take her or something I could do for her?
    Thanks, Becky

  21. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Good deal, glad to hear everything went fine. Still loving your stories! Keep up the good work and loving them babies! Your friend in East Texas.

  22. Great!!! So glad things went well!!! I can't believe they are nearing 3 mths!!! Have a great week! Melanie
