Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Four Little Sweet Peas in a Pod

How cute is this??! My mom's elementary school principal made this Halloween costume for the quads, fully equipped with the handy dandy note! SO awesome! Thanks Tim!

I cannot even begin to tell you how difficult it was to get a pic of all of them, while no one was crying!

This is probably one of my favorite pics out of the bunch! Just a full-blown crying fit by all four children! (Very indicative of our household in recent nights!...tired much?...YES!)


  1. PRECIOUS!!!!! That is way to cute! Love the crying pic:)

  2. Soooooo cute! Love it the pictures.

  3. That has to be the cutest costume EVER!!!

  4. That is the CUTEST costume I have EVER seen!!!!!!! PRICELESS!!!! I love it! So darn cute;o)

  5. Oh also, that would make a great Anne Geddes Photo!!!!!!

  6. How wonderful! The costume is fabulous! Your family is so loved! Thank you for sharing!

    Jamie Pugh - McMoms

  7. Quite possibly the cutest little costume and pic ever! They are darling!


  8. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Sav looks SO FUNNY in the crying pick! I am laughing out loud! how cute! Did they get any candy?

  9. OH Suz...how stinkin' cute is that?! I guess "sweet" is not the adjective to use for the last pic huh? What precious babes. You must be so overwhelmed, yet overjoyed and overtired! Don't over-do it girl! Get those volunteers to work. I can't imagine how exhausted you are.

  10. That is absolutely adorable!!!

  11. Adorable, what a cute costume!

  12. omigosh suz, love that! i can't wait until mom and candice see that, they will have a fit!

    i love the crying picture, too. i know that's terrible but i think little babies look so precious when they are crying.

    i can't believe how much they all favor. i know they are quads and all, but they all look so much alike to me! they are ADORABLE!

  13. Yep, my favorite is the crying picture. I understand about the nighttimes! I guess they are starting to wake up now and let you know that they are alive and well :). Thank God for healthy lungs, right? :)

  14. That is great! And I absolutely love the last photo. I have one of my girls like that when they were younger and I think it is so cute...and funny.

  15. That is the best! I am amazed. When mine were that age just taking pics of one was a challenge! Great work mom, Grandma, Principal and all!

  16. LOVE IT!! So glad that you liked the bows and are able to use them. It does look Texas-sized on Savannah and I am a huge fan! Enjoy!
    Julie in VA

  17. Anonymous2:44 PM

    LOL That is the greatest costume I have ever seen. I love it!

  18. Oh. My. Gosh. That is adorable. Seriously.

  19. Anonymous2:51 PM

    They are to cute!!

    Glad the boys are home and well.

  20. That is crazy cute! But I love the last picture the best! What a sweetie Ethan is, just chillin' while his siblings scream their lungs out!

  21. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Truly the cutest thing I have ever seen!

  22. That is way too cute!

  23. Anonymous4:21 PM


  24. Seriously adorable! I am impressed with the handiwork! I can't even begin to imagine the stress of four crying babies at once, having done it with two its tough... you deserve a medal and a nice massage!

  25. Adorable pictures of the babies! I think little Savannah is going to rule the roost for the next 18 years. Look at her convincing angry face...

  26. Anonymous4:57 PM

    That's the cutest costume I've ever seen. I have twins so can only imagine half of what you deal with day to day but I wish you nights filled with sleep and days filled with cuddles.

  27. Anonymous5:12 PM

    That is so cute!!!!

  28. SO SO cute! Their cheeks are getting so chubby. Love it!

  29. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Hey Suz... I absolutely LOVE all the pictures.. I think in the last one they are crying because they really do miss their aunt susan and want her to come spoil them a little bit.. :) That costume is so precious--I can't believe how big the babies are getting. Take care and please give all the little angels a hug and kiss for me.

  30. PRECIOUS PEAS!!!! What a creative costume for quads!! Adorable pix!! Definitely keepers! Esp. that last one! LMAO!!

  31. OMG! That is GREAT! I love it! How sweet of your mom's friend to make that for yall! You have got to frame those pics.

    ...and the one of them crying...so cute

  32. Such cuties!!!! My girls were two peas in a pod their first halloween! It definitely is my absolute favorite costume for multiples and I think that yours are the most precious!!

  33. ADORABLE!!!!! How creative of your mom's principal!
    Love the crying pic--look how healthy they all are! ;)

  34. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I LOVE it!!!! Too cute!

  35. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Totally darling! Almost makes me love my veggies.

  36. Anonymous9:27 PM

    How cute!! It brings back memories of my twins' first Halloween! They had a cat costume that my sister-in-law bought for them...they wore it for a whopping 3-5 minutes...just long enough for me to get the 2 of them dressed in it & snap a few crying photos!! They were "wild" cats!!

    Have a great Halloween!

    Cindy Broder, McMoms President

  37. OMG that is priceless! I love it! What a great idea to make that. You are one seriously blessed momma! Crying and all.

  38. LOVE it! Savannah looks like she has the wailing cry down for sure with Andrew in at a close second. So glad the boys are home and doing well after their surgeries. Wishing I could bottle up some sleep for you and send it your way...

  39. That is the cutest Halloween costume I've ever seen!! So sweet! Even with crying babes!

  40. That is the best costume!!! What a great gift!! I love crying pictures! I remember you commenting on my blog asking if I ever have pics of Adalie crying and now you do of yours! Its not as easy to snap when they are "calling" but they make for priceless memories!

  41. That is the cutest, sweetest thing I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!
    They're beautiful!

  42. I LOVE this! SO CUTE!!!

  43. How precious! That is just too cute! And I love how it is personalized with their names! I have to agree...I like the crying pic the best! How fun!

  44. This is definitely the cutest thing I have ever seen! You have some cute little peas for sure!

  45. How stinkin' adorable! Happy 1st Halloween kiddo's!

  46. I love it! That is too cute!!

  47. What a wonderful memory this will be in a few years. You are one amazing lady to be able to take care of these little miracles of life. Thanks for sharing your pod with us....hehehehehehe.... Miss yah and check up often on your blog. THANKS ALWAYS!!!! and Hope you are getting some sleep... ;)

    Love, JoLee and Fam

  48. So, are you taking them trick-or-treating tonight? ;-) I bet you would be the hit of the night!!!

    By the way, LOVE the big green bow on Savannah's head. It is absolutely adorable!

  49. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Way too cute! What a great idea!

  50. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I LOVE YOUR SITE! You have such a gift for writing and its always a joy to check in to see how you're doing w/ your precious little quads. They are ADORABLE! I admire both of you for your faith and trust in the Lord...he is awesome!

  51. Sooo cute! I have a feeling that a full night's sleep is a thing of the past for you and Joe. But what a blessing - four babies to love!


  52. An Elementary school Principal had time to make that?!?! Wow - I'm super impressed!! That is one of the most creative outfits I have ever seen and your kiddo's look precious in it! Hope ya'll make lots of fun memories on their very first Halloween!

  53. SO CUTE!!! I've been waiting and waiting with much anticipation to see what they were going to be for Halloween! That last one looks like an Ann Geddes(sp?) picture. Happy Halloween to my favorite quadruplets!!

  54. absolutely adorable!

  55. Those are awesome! I love the peas!

  56. Oh my goodness this might just have to be one of my favorite pics ever!!!!!!

  57. That is the cutest thing I've even seen!
