Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween From the Steece House!

A HUGE thanks to my cousins Julie & Jason and Julie's mom who gave the little ones these adorable outfits! THANKS GUYS!!! We absolutely LOVED playing dress up! (Well, everyone BUT the quads! haha)

Mr. Ben looked SO cute in his little pumpkin get up! (The guys are totally going to kill me one day for these pictures!)

Benji, Drew, Ethan, Miss Priss...the Witchy Woman


Drew smiling, Ethan...not so much

E baby

LOOOOVE this pic of my little witch! Sweet Savannah is definitely QUEEN of the household...ranking number one with her all out temper tantrums! Look at that bottom lip! LOVE IT!

Joe, in between his baby bookends...Ahhh, welcome home babe! In less than one minute- two babies had already spit up on Joe's shirt! ;) Parenthood. It's grand!

Chub-a-dub-dub! Sweet widdle chunk-o-wuv!

I don't know what it is...but I absolutely LOVE baby pics where the babies are throwing fits! I think it is so cute! (not so cute at 3am...but precious in pictures, none the less)
Ben was FURIOUS with me! Such a cute little furious orange chubby punkin!


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Those pictures are too cute! And I love those crying pictures too, haha. Cute Halloween tights too! Love that you dressed up as well!!

  2. My kiddo did the same thing as Ben--screamed for all her pictures. Not such a sweet pea in a pod tonight. I think the pics turned out awesome though.

  3. They are absolutely adorable!! :-)

  4. So cute!!! Hope their 1st Halloween was grand!!! (well as grand as it can be at 3 months old)

  5. Hi, I know you don't know who I am, but I found your blog through Tiffany's. I was so excited to see your story because I used to work at Harris in the NICU. I quit there at the end of July so I just missed you guys. I am now working as a school nurse and am kind of missing the hospital. It was so neat to see that you had a good experience there. Congratulations on your precious babies!!!

  6. Your little ones are very precious! Happy "first" Halloween as parents! It's great to see you enjoying your sweet, little pumpkins! You look fabulous by the way and Joe seems to be loving life with his four bundles of joys! Best wishes to you and your family.

  7. They all look adorable...even when they are crying!

  8. Your comments are hilarious and appropriate! What those chubby cheeks on all of them! Ya'll are doing a great job with those babies!

  9. Those babies are ridiculously cute!!!!

  10. Anonymous12:26 AM

    I love all the pictures. They're growing so fast. You have four beautiful babies. Enjoy them!!!!

    Mommy of five

  11. Happy First Halloween to the quads! Next year they'll be able to go trick or treating! Those outfits are TOO cute!!!!!!!!!
    My husband doesn't get it but I love the crying pictures too!

  12. Anonymous8:21 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. LOVE all the pics, Suz! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on everything!

  14. Anonymous8:51 AM

    SO CUTE!!! They are getting so big. That is great. Cant wait to do the same thing :)

  15. Absolutely precious! You are doing so well at documenting everything. The kids will be grateful to have all these pictures when they are older. Now, on to Christmas and pictures with Santa Claus! ALL of my three kids, but especially the twins, SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER at the sight of Santa. So sad! Yet, kind of funny too! You are doing a great job! CONGRATS!

    Jamie Pugh - McMoms

  16. Those pictures are too precious! Great outfits! And I love your little comments and nicknames and everything for the babies. Mommy-hood seems to really suit you perfectly! :)

  17. I'm the same way! I think it's so cute when they are so mad...and you have the picture to keep forever! Babies are just precious in general...but even cuter when they are throwing a fit and showing off their personality and attitude! But you're right...cuter in pics than in person! Love the outfits!

  18. Anonymous11:41 AM


  19. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Where did you get the cute socks/booties?

  20. Aww! I have some of my newborn that I will post tomorrow. She did not enjoy pumpkin carving!

  21. Happy Halloween!!! They are absolutely adorable.. I love the temper tantrum fits too. I have one of those in my wedding album of our little munchkin throwing the biggest fit during our wedding.

  22. Anonymous5:08 PM do you always look so GOOD?!?!? Being a mom of quads looks good on you! Glad you had a fun Halloween with your punkins (and witch).

  23. Ha! Those are great! Looks like yall had a fun Halloween with the kiddos.

    And I must agree...the pics of babies screaming their heads off are too funny! They scream with EVERYTHING in them, don't they?! :)

  24. Anonymous9:19 PM

    they are precious!

  25. JUst to adorable for words,

  26. I don't even remember how I came across your blog... while up late with my own fussy 5 month old girl I suppose. But I have read back through many of your posts and your family is telling the world that God is good. Congrats on your beautiful babies.

  27. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The pictures are precious! Happy Halloween to you'll too! You have been truly blessed with these babies and God always knows just what to give us! I believe you have been blessed with so much patience and love he knew you would be able to handle these babies with love and grace! You in this comment means you and Joe! Continue with the good works and love to you all! Your friend in East Texas.

  28. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Ok I have taken all I can of these sweet babies pics. You promised me a rocking chair to love on all of them and I think it is time for Honey to come for a visit! Will call you soon. Blessings Sam D. aka Honey ( Dr. Brentlinger has looked with me everytime! HAHA)

  29. Oh my! Digustingy too cute!!! I love their booties!!! LMAO!

  30. Anonymous2:43 AM

    I love your babies, but I don't understand why anyone would want to dress up babies as gross things. I mean, witches and that, they're evil. I guess it's up to you but it made me feel really sad looking at this entry. Halloween and that, it's all glorifying evil. But anyway...

  31. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Interesting Anonymous, but I see a pumpkin, 2 ghosts and a cat. Didn't you mother ever teach you not to say anything at all if you can't say anything nice?

  32. Anonymous7:02 PM

    cute, cute, cute..... don't let anyone deter you from blogging about those angels. we can all be witches at times as you will notice in the comment from above. be blessed and enjoy them because they do grow up so fast. beautiful family. mmw

  33. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Anonymous....your comment made ME sad. Some opinions need to be kept to yourself. You can raise your own children how you see fit. Suz, your babies look adorable! I love the outfits.

  34. cute, cute, cute! they are so adorable! i just found your site a week or so ago, and i have enjoyed reading about your journey. i was a year or two behind you in the nursing program at harding. your story has been encouraging to me b/c my husband and i are currently trying to get pregnant and are having some difficulties. thanks for sharing!

  35. Anonymous1:12 PM

    hey man I love the babies too. I wasnt meaning anything nasty about the babies, it just makes me sad, the whole halloween thing.

  36. on that note...

    hi, you don't know me (you probably get that a lot), but i go to pleasant ridge church of christ. i heard a while back about a family at North Davis that had quads and needed some help. somehow i found your blog today and put a face to a name. anyway, if you still ever need help i would love to. i have a 7 month old girl who loves to play with babies. anyway, my husband is the youth minister at PR so if you want help, or just want a relaxing day off, that's how you can find me. o and my grand-in-laws kent and shirley bolding go there. seriously, we'd love to help.

  37. me again. meant to say this in my post. my sister is a photographer in weatherford (will travel) and is amazing. if you want a family photo shoot or something.

    you might already have a good photographer, but just in case! take care.

  38. SO CUTE! I'm loving the socks that look like shoes.
    I am a new auntie and tried to find some last month for my niece - where can you get them?!
