Wednesday, November 07, 2007



For an update on what we are preparing for in these next couple of months...please read Jen Murray's blog. She did a wonderful job of explaining what RSV is and why our little premature quad babies are at such high risk. For all of you loved ones wanting to see my babies out and about...this is why they must be isolated until April 2008 and no one can enter our house who hasn't had a flu shot.

(Now, before you share your advice, fellow bloggers, keep in mind that this is not mandatory across the board for others in our situation...everyone is different...this is just what we have agreed upon with our pediatrician)

Murray Blog

Please read Jen's post and be praying for them. Our babies will receive the Synagis shots for the next five months...maybe longer.

Look how big my babies are getting!


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    So glad you see the importance of isolation! We did the same thing with our multiples. Many people didn't understand! Love your updates, they make me smile!


  2. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I would be isolating as well, small price to pay for the health of the babies! Love your blog, love your upbeat updates and love love love the pics. Marie (New Zealand)

  3. good for you! i hope that they do not get it. both of mine were full term babies and got RSV. It is scary and so dangerous...but even more so in preemies. My little guy will always be susceptible to pneumonia and other things because he got RSV and that at the same time. I do know it is so much worse and easier to get for your little 4

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    My full term baby got RSV at 4 months and it basically set him up for a year of illness. I hope the winter passes quickly for you and is illness free!

  5. Can full term babies get the shot?

  6. insurance companies are VERY shady about giving the shots to normal, healthy, full term babies...they are RIDICULOUSLY expensive. usually only certain preemie babies qualify.

  7. I totally understand your choice! Great parenting Suz & Joe! This is definitely the best thing. A year from now you won't even remember "isolation". The boys look great! I love their cheeks!

    Jamie Pugh - McMoms

  8. Amen girl! Keep those babies healthy and happy at home until April! I can't believe they are 3 months old already:) We isolated pretty strictly the last 2 winters. We've entered a whole new world this girls have gotten a good taste of the outside world over the summer and I'm wondering how in the world I'm going to keep them entertained when it's cold and rainy outside.

  9. Aww, got any updated weights on the babies? (don't need Joes!) LOL. They are looking plump and yummy! They are gorgeous Suz! Keep up the great work!

  10. Hey there!
    I understand where you are coming from. I work for a case management company and we precert everyday for Synagis. Please dont think we are bad if it does get denied, we have criteria to go by. If it were up to me, I would give it to everyone, believe me! Healthcare is so frustrating, belive me. We are in the process of invitro, adopting or other areas to get a baby that we so very badly want! I had cancer and since I had cancer, I am unable to have babies! Its frustrating but my insurance wont pay for infertiliy and I wasnt infertile til my cancer. Anyways, enough of blabbling! Just wanted you to know I understand everyones frustration and God is good, somehow, someway, we will get a baby someday! You have a great blog, keep it up! Love those babies!!!

  11. Praying for your family. It is worth it to stay put. My little Emma got it at 6mo (last year) and not even a case that needed to be in the hospital (almost). She has had breathing problems ever since. The least little runny nose goes into a secondary and on to breathing treatments (now at a higher risk for asthma as well). I only wish that I had been more informed on how easily any baby 6mo and under can get it. VERY SMART choices you are making.

    The Dovel House

  12. Anonymous6:13 PM

    STAY PUT! My youngest baby got RSV two weeks after she was born. Unfortunately, she got it from her brother who had a BAD case of Pneumonia when she came home from the hospital--we did not realize just how bad the pneumonia was until it was too late:-(. My baby girl had to be hospitalized for a week (during the new year--that was the WORST New Year ever!) Once we were home, we were isolated from the world for an additional 5 months. Now, whenever she gets a cold, I can't just 'wait it out', I have to get the nebulizer going to keep the airways open.

  13. Great choice!
    We isolated ourselves and my triplets last year and it kept them super healthy. They've never even had an ear infection to this date. But RSV is the really scary stuff, better to be safe then sorry!
    Your babies are beautiful - sooo sweet! I sometimes wish I had a fourth one!

  14. Good for you! I call ours hibernation. Last year I put a sign on the door to have people wash their hands immediately (never thought about the flu shot though. duh!) I also had a sign on my little man's carrier for office visits and other unaviodable outings that said
    "please wash your hands before touching mine"
    a polite way of saying BACK OFF :)

  15. Always do what is best for you and your family, and don't feel like you have to explain it to anyone! Hope everyone stays healthy all winter!

  16. We go for Synagis shot #2 on Friday and, yes, it was pretty difficult for us to get qualified but thank God we did.
    Love the Aggie gear!!!

  17. We too got synagis shots our first winter and isolated. Since we did not get them the second year we did it again. It was worth it!

  18. You are absolutely making the right choice! Our twins were 32 weekers and born in June...come the winter time we got the shots every month (thankfully we qualified) and stayed home! As a PICU nurse, it is well worth keeping the itty bittys home and isolated. As you know, it's not just the actual RSV illness that is so sets you up for bad repeats and asthma :( I love reading your updates! The kiddos are precious:) Find some comfy clothes, good movies, yummy soup recipes and hot chocloate for your winter hibernation:) Your doing a great job!

  19. You go MAMA! I think it is great that you and your doc are taking every precaution! Don't listen to anyone who tells you that going to church or the store won't hurt...those are probably two of the worst places during the cold months! Just hibernate as needed and keep the cubs healthy!

  20. I wouldn't venture out either, even without the RSV threat! We has the discussion at dinner with friends tonight about how hard it is to go out with babies. Is it really worth it?! It"s too much work, and we just have 1 each!

  21. Eeeek...every NICU nurse's worst nightmare...the dreaded RSV!! You go girl! Keep those babies inside and safe!! It's one ugly virus and I would totally do the same thing with my little ones! My sister isolated her twins and thankfully made it through the season without a sniffle! *big sigh* Don't ever explain why you do what you do...You're the Momma (and Daddy ;), of course) and y'all know what's best for your family!! Many prayers and thoughts coming your way!!

  22. They ARE big, Suz! They are so adorable and I can't wait to hold them again!

  23. Anonymous10:36 PM

    It's hard to get people to understand the isolation that preemie moms go into during RSV season. Good luck and let me be the first to assure you that it is possible to make it through until April! Last year I was in your exact position (with far less babies however!) and it was completely worth every second of isolation or ever questioning look I got from other mommies. -- I was less nice about my instructions to people about RSV and my preventions! I sent this out on my blog and via e-mail to everyone I knew.

    Good luck and here's to praying for happy & healthy babies duration of the winter.

  24. I totally agree about the isolation. It is hard, but oh so important. We did it the first year with our trio and they had gotten the shots and even still, one got sick. But I understand the shots help lessen the severity of the RSV if they do get it We were fortunate it was a mild case.

    The cost is ridiculous, but much less than a hospitalization.

    BTW - love the shirts. I spent a couple of yrs at A&M and lived in B/CS for many years. Miss it - especially Wings & Things, Cow Hop, and Chicken Oil COmpany. Ok- now I'm getting hungry.

    Take care.

  25. I just wanted you to know that I know what you are going through. My twins were born a year ago this month and just missed the cut off for the shots by a couple of days...they were born at 36 weeks. My son on the other hand was full term and ended up getting RSV and hospitalized (2 different years) it's not fun at all! I wish you're family and the Murray family the best of luck!!!

  26. Keep those babies in! We didn't really get our little one out and about until April either. He wasn't as premie as your 4, but he was still a premie! The shots will help them alot. Hope that yall have a wonderful holiday season!

  27. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Thank you for being so strong and holding to what you need to do in order to be the best advocate for your babies!! I can't stand it when people don't respect these wishes for any family with any baby, and feel the need to put pressure on to make the parents give in otherwise.

  28. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Great job Suzanne! My sisters babies had RSV and it is so scary for such tiny babies. Praying from them to stay healthy during the flu season and for you guys also. April 2008 seems a long ways off but it will be well worth it to keep them safe.
    Everyone...GET YOUR FLU SHOTS!

  29. I don't have kids, but I do work in Public Health (communicable disease control) and I say you stick to your guns with this! It's not a fun thing for babies to have and if I were in your shoes, I'd be doing the same thing. Many hugs and lots of prayers to you and your family. :)

  30. Anonymous9:40 AM

    You will be in my prayers!

  31. From a mom who almost lost her baby from RSV at 2 weeks. I totally understand. I will be praying for you and your boys through the winter months. If any one give you grief tell them to read my blog in December 06... it was the worst experience in my life! May God bless you and your Quads!!!

  32. Way to put your foot down! My fullterm kiddo got it when he was 4 months old and had all sorts of nastiness. He had to use a nebulizer for 5 months because it just wouldn't clear up. What's worse is that he got it from me! I had been exposed at work and we didn't realize I had it until I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. We were very worried because we were afraid we had exposed a preemie friend to it. (Thankfully not1) May God bless you guys as a family during this time so you can spoil those kiddos to your hearts content without any interference.

  33. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Good for you for sticking to your guns. Some people won't understand but your babies are so much more important than hurt feelings. And in the long run, it's just a short period of life. We were obsessive about that with our multiples too.

  34. I TOTALLY agree with you keeping them isolated. Andrew had RSV and it was awful and he wasn't even a preemie. We were in and out of the hospital. I would wake up at to him gasping for air. It was HORRIBLE!!!! He finally grew out of it but we are pretty sure he is going to have asthma.

  35. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Well isolation with the babies outside the womb is much better than the bed rest you have experienced! Enjoy those babies and keep them healthy! You and Joe are doing an excellent job....the picture is just precious! Your friend in East Texas, Pam.

  36. Anonymous2:32 PM

    We are in our second year of getting the Synagis shot. We got it because my daughter had a heart defect. She is now 18 months old and has had her surgery, but we are getting it again this year just for a precautionary. We didn't go anywhere last year during the cold and flu season. I didn't even take her to the grocery store. She got sick twice and I was nervous each time. I know the importance of keeping them away from others during this time of the year. The shot is costly (especially now since she is older and weighs more) and we are thankful for insurance!! It is ashame that it is has to be so expensive and not every baby can get the shot. It just doesn't seem fair. Anyways, we had our 18 month check up today and our pediatrician said RSV is everywhere right now. Keep those babies inside and with limited contact from ousiders!!

  37. Go on with your protective self!!! Those babies are waay too precious to take any chances. You do whatcha gotta do when it comes to being a mommy!

  38. Wow! Thanks for the info, Suz (and Murray clan). I had heard of RSV, but don't have any first hand knowledge of it. I had no idea how prevalent and dangerous it is!
    I hope that the next several months are fun at home with the babes and you continue to see those precious babies THRIVE! :)
    In Him,

  39. Anonymous6:17 PM

    YAHOO for you! We have two singletons who both got it. One at 6 months and one at 6 weeks. Our oldest son suffered *years* of asthma like symtoms, breathing treatments, croup, etc (from 6 months to 5 years old) all due to the effects of RSV on his lungs. By the way, our boys were full term, over 6 lbs and no family history of asthma. However, we had visitors continually and that's the only thing we can chalk it up to. Stick to your guns on this one. RSV is just a horrible virus.

  40. I love all of their A&M gear, especially the "A is for" shirt! I'm sure that you and Joe are as excited as we are to see a new football coach come soon HOPEFULLY!

  41. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Wow! I had never heard about this shot before. I totally agree with you. It's not worth the risk to have them around so many people.

    They are soooo cute!!!!! I really enjoy reading your blog. You have agreat family.

    Mommy of five in IL

  42. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I totally agree with you! I was nanny to triplets who were born at 30 weeks and they got the shots for 2 winters. We totally isolated the first winter and it seemed long and endless at the time, but that is now forgotten. The effects of RSV would not be so easily forgotten. God bless you all!

  43. My 32 weeker had the RSV shots and is the ONLY infant/toddler I know who didn't get RSV. That includes my other children. You're doing the right thing!! Being a good mom isn't always popular...premature children are special!!
    Julie in VA

  44. My baby (8lb 10 oz at birth)got RSV when he was two months old and it scared me to death--I can't even imagine how scary it would be with such tiny ones. Good luck with the isolation and I will pray for an early summer!

  45. Ick! RSV shots! We had them! Month after month! What a joy! BUT it was better than actually getting RSV!!! And, yeah, we didn't go anywhere all last RSV season either. We made everyone come to us and use lots of hand sanitizer!

  46. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Good for you Suz! I did the same thing will all of our little ones. Our twins have RAD so even though they are 2 now I am still annoyingly picky about keeping them as healthy as possible. Its a bit harder with one in school but we are trying. They were in the hospital in March for a week with pneumonia (which they got from a runny nose big sissy brought home). Anyway, I said all that to say.... GOOD JOB!!! Smart Mommy!

  47. Anonymous2:36 PM

    It doesn't matter if people don't understand. You are making a very wise decision. I had a fosterbaby 10 years ago (26 weeker with GERD). I asked that she get the Synagis shots and was told she didn't fit the Protocol. Shortly after she got RSV and was sicker with that than any of the other illnesses/surgeries/hospitalizations previously. The time will fly by and it'll be spring.
    Dixie in CA

  48. Hey Suz,

    Hang in there. We went through this last winter! I promise that next year will be SOOOOOO much better. It will be hard to be locked up for the next few months but totaly worth it. It will go by faster than you think.

    I remember being so scared when I was told about RSV and the kids started the shots. We did EVERYTHING our doctors told us and I barely let anyone in our house for the winter months (I have a huge family so that was hard). In the end.. despite my anal-retentive efforts...Russ still got RSV... right at the end of the season!!! It was AWEFUL!!! He had been off oxygen for a couple of months and ended up right back on it and in the hospital... I cried... a lot!!! He came home on O2 again and it was a nightmare since they were all crawling by that point.

    ANYWAY... I think you are so smart to stay in... it will be worth it and the kids can be out and about next year. The time truly does fly! Don't let anyone give you a hard time.. you need to protect those little lungs!

    oh, and this year... for my four... NO SHOTS!!!! YAHOOO!!!!

    Gen and family

  49. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Hey Suz and the gang! This is Carol from the surgery center. Keep up with you, but not much of a blogger! Just two comments: the babies are perfect and you are doing a great job and I would never forgive you if you did not adhere strictly to the synagis instructions. After 2 years in the pulmonary clinic with Dr. Pfaff (whom I hope you got to see), I am still amazed at the horrific problems that this much over looked virus can cause. Stick to your guns girl......oh I mean gig 'em aggies!!! Love ya Carol

  50. Both of my preemie babies eventually got RSV. I don't blame you a bit for keeping those babies inside. Being in the hospital is no fun. But, my 2 did fine - yours will to!

  51. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Wow they've gotten so big. Its amazing. Good luck to your whole brood.

  52. Suzanne,
    I went to High School with Dan & Joe and we have been praying for you and your family so much throughout this year. Just know there are people praying for you that you dont even know about! :) You are an AMAZING mother!
    Ashley (Haney) Evans

  53. Hey Girl!
    I finally figured out how to add a picture to my blogger profile. Yikes! What a pain that was. Hope all is well today! Are you finding some time for yourself? I know that is hard to do - but try to take a few minutes for yourself if only to go to the grocery store, or Target or something.

  54. Thanks for the link. ONE of my triplets was approved for Synagis, but the other two won't be getting it. Suffice it to say, we aren't going out until April either! Sigh...

  55. Suz and Joe- We did the same thing with our guys. No one came in the house if they had even a running nose. And I had hand sanitizer every where. The only time those little guys left the house was to go to see Dr. Hadeed every month or to go to the pedi for their well checks. We always went first thing in the morning or the afternoon when no one else was there. It paid off they did not get sick. It was hard to keep them at home but I had an awesome neighbor who would come over and sit with them so I could go run errands and my church was a great support. You guys are doing a great job! Look how big they are getting!! Have a happy holiday season!!


  56. Oh I can so relate to this RSV situation. My daughter was born 6 wks premature and weighing 4lbs...we did these shots for the whole flu season and luckily never got rsv. I will keep your little quads and you and your hubby on my prayers that no one gets sick this season or for the next few years.
    God Bless!
