Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh my, Oh my! BIG babies!!!

Man, you guys have been so patient with me! Finally have updates on my precious, four, little baby blessings! I have updates and pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Savannah is out of her harness! (woo hoo!)
Both Drew and Ethan are on wedges now! (reflux)
Ben will only sleep in his blue swing! ( do what you gotta do!)
We are able to let the babies sleep through the night! Right now they go about 6 uninterrupted hours! (can I getta AMEN??! Hallelujah!?)
Thanksgiving was many things to be thankful for this year! I can think of FOUR things right off hand! ;)


Ben- 11 lb. 1 oz., 23 1/8"

Ethan- (our littlest squirt born at 2 lb. 7 oz!) 10 lb., 22 1/4"

Savannah- 10 lb., 22"

Drew- 10 lb., 21 7/8"

The pedi says that with preemies, they like to see them catch up with the "normal" curve by their one year birthday....well, 3 outta 4 are already in the "normal" range for growth and development! Ah WOO HOO!!! After only 3 months! (very proud mama!) God is good.


The Princesssah

E baby

Drew baby

Our good ole morning routine:

Following the babies morning feed, I set them all up on pillows and dance around, shake toys, and do my best to keep them entertained and awake! ;) Ben laughs and smiles and goos...Savannah smiles...Drew smiles occasionally...and Ethan looks at me like I am CRAZY! (but cracks a smile every once in a while when he thinks I'm not looking!) Drew, Ben, Sav, and Ethan

The little twin boys are OUT!

Sweet Sister Savannah...this was the day we had professional pictures taken! I can't wait to see them! It was pure madness in the Steece household! Our WONDERFUL photographer has to come back to get more images! It was just too wild! The babies were WORN OUT! (as were the parents! ;)

Thanksgiving 2007...Ethan, Savannah, Andrew, & Benjamin

My sweet baby boys! Ben, Drew, and Ethan...LOVE to play and watch their activity sets!

Boo Bear (Ben) little Aggie Elf! Sooo cute!

Ben is by far, the happiest little baby, smiling all the time! He just melts my heart! I like to think that he is a momma's boy...but he is a flirt! He gives those smiles away to everyone! Such a sweetie! (By the way...notice the blue swing? or should I say, Ben's new bed?)


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    they look great congratulations on beautiful babies and some well earned sleep, i am not sure how i found you but i am in Australia, and it is great you are all going well although have waited a while for a post and some piccies, thanks cheers Leonie

  2. You have four gorgeous babies! These pictures are so precious! I love Ben's smiles, too! That is the cutest family pic of y'all. Good to see your sweet chunky monkeys!

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Your babies are BEAUTIFUL!!!! I'm so glad they're doing well. God Bless ~ Jenny Maddox

  4. I have been keeping up with you the whole time. The babes are doing so great. They are just absolutely beautiful. I bet you are a wonderful mother. I can't imagine how great sleep must feel.

    Marcie Hydrick(Parrott)

  5. What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL family! You guys are doing so great. They are so big and that is a HUGE BLESSING!!
    Prayers for you,

  6. the only word that comes to mind is AWESOME!! and 6 hours of sleep with 4 itty bitties...oh man! i love checking in on the family. thank you!

  7. Your babies have just gotten so big!!! They are beautiful and doing great! What a great family you have. I'm so glad that things are going well for you all.

  8. First of all, Keaton is asleep as we speak in his blue swing. Sometimes, that is all that will work! I love how we all have the same jammies too. And check out those weights!!! Rock on kids. My kids are still below 5% and NEVER had fat rolls. I am so jealous! They may face forward in their car seats before mine do. What little chunks of love!

  9. WOW! They're getting so big! Congrats on how well everyone is doing! WHAT A BLESSING! GO Ethan he's right up there with everyone else! Glad to see you guys are doing well. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bath pics!!!
    Can't wait to see the professional pics and what they wear for Christmas!!!

  10. I love love love the picture of Drew and Ethan asleep on each other! AWESOME. Do they do that all the time?!
    They are getting so big! I love it, Ben is so chubby! :) What a blessing that is at only 3 months!

  11. What precious babies you have!!! They are getting so big and I'm happy to hear such a great report from the Pediatrician. Don't worry about your little man only sleeping in the trio spent many naps/bedtimes in their swings at that age and they all sleep in their cribs now. You are sooo right...get YOUR sleep however you can get it. I am very happy for you and Joe to get a six hour stretch at night now...isn't that a little slice of heaven??? It's amazing what a few hours of consecutive sleep will do for a person. Congratulations!

  12. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Sleep is a good thing isn't it? Your babes are just he cutest. I love visiting your blog and seeing them grow.
    BTW- my daughter slept in her carseat of bouncy seat for months!

  13. My little Hagen was the same way about the swing. He lived in it for the first 6 months he was home!! Congrats - they look great!

  14. Six hours? Even Sam doesn't give me that. I think were averaging 5. They are adorable, and you, my dear, look fabulous!

    If only we could rig up a secret camera in your living room to see your morning show. :?) We have a nighttime show at our house that involves dancing, singing, unloading the dishwasher and making dinner. It's a riot! Do you know the song Tingalayo? It's my best number.

  15. Suz! WOW! The babies all look simply fabulous! So alert and happy. And 6 hours is pretty darn good! Especially if it is the SAME six hours! LOL! Great job Mom and Dad! You are awesome. Flexibility is so important i.e. sleeping in the swing. I notice that everyone who has commented so far did this too, and none of them say they had a problem getting the kids to eventually sleep in the cribs. You seem to have the knack for the parenting thing. KUDOS!
    Love ya!

  16. I came across your blog thru a friends page and adore your family, even though we have never met. Your little ones are adorable. Way to go on the 6 hours of sleep! That is HUGE! Hopefully, you are getting some sleep too! I dance around and act goofy for my 4 month old son, Mason, and he just looks at me like I'm nuts. Glad to see you guys had a Happy Thanksgiving. Btw, WHOOP! Our Aggies kicked some TU butt!

  17. I can't believe how big these babies are getting. Six hour of sleep is totally amazing too!

  18. they are so gorgeous and chubby! congratulations!!!

  19. Yay, new pics! Love them! What a beautiful family!

  20. I've been visiting your blog since Aug. and just haven't posted yet. I'm a member of the Church in WarnerRobins GA and found your site through a friend of a friend...You and Joe are such a great Christian example. Those babies are precious. God has truely blessed your family. I can't believe how big they have gotten. Keep up the good work! :)

  21. Yay,new pics! They are so precious!! My little girl lived in her bouncy seat and still lays in it from time to time if she has a rough night sleeping. I'm all about doing what you have to do...sometimes it feels like a means of survival! ha, ha! She also loves her crib and sleeps in it just fine!! Kudos on the 6 hrs. of sleep. I remember everyone telling me when I was able to get 5straight hrs. of sleep, life would be so good! Enjoy your sweet little blessings!

  22. You have FOUR truly amazing babies! They all look so happy. I have been following your story and I must say I am totally amazed by you all. You have a beautiful family! Congratulations! I love your pictures!!

  23. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Amen for babies sleeping for 6 hours straight! The babies are so cute, and getting so big! I'm glad that everyone is doing good. Thanks for the update, and the new pics!

  24. The picture of the boys snuggling together is so precious!

  25. awwww... i love them. you look so pretty! can't wait to see you in like a week and a half- wooohooo!!!

  26. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Thank you for sharing the pictures with all of us! I can't believe how much they have grown and they look so do you both!
    The individual pictures are so cute. Ethan looks like he's chillin' and Drew looks like "How you doin'?"..haha
    Love it!

  27. I've been following your blog since before the quads were born. I'm so glad to read that things are going well and you are getting some sleep!!! Take it any way you can get it ;) The babies are all so adorable. You are so blessed <3

  28. The pic of the twins sleeping on each other totally melted my heart!

  29. AMEN! (for babies sleeping 6 hours) That is awesome!

    Your babies are just so adorable.

  30. My 7 week old loves to sleep in her swing and hey, we do what we gotta do! I LOVE the one of you and the princess. You look so pretty.

  31. Thanks for the pics and updates, Suz. I can't believe how big the babies are getting--it is so exciting to see them grow!
    About Ben sleeping in his swing: my Gracie slept in her carseat for the first 4 months of her life. The doc said it was fine. One weekend she just transitioned to the crib with no issues. Go figure! :)

  32. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Been reading up on you guys for a while since we've been trying to build a family for the last 18 months. You probably already know, but got my email from Christian Chronicle and here's the first article:

    Dear Christian Chronicle reader:

    We've updated our Web site with several stories, including these:

    -- GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas — Suzanne Steece was eight weeks pregnant when she and her husband, Joe, learned they were expecting more than one baby — four, to be exact. Members of the North Davis church in nearby Arlington didn’t know the Steeces very well. The couple had placed membership only a few months earlier, having come from the Bering Drive church in Houston and the Crestview church in Waco before that. But what they did know was this: A young family needed help. And so, six months later, the North Davis Quads were born. Read their story, see our online exclusive photo gallery and answer this week's related poll question at our home page:

  33. I can't believe they're already 3 months old. Congratulations on sleeping 6 hours straight at night!! That's AWESOME! I love the pictures -- how they each have their own little look. Very sweet. You guys are doing great!

  34. Oh my! What hunks you have... and a sweet little chickadee! I'm amazed at how far they've come! That singing, dancing entertainment must provide them pure energy! Thanks for the update! With 34 comments so far, us bloggers aren't stalking you, are we???

  35. Oh my, so BIG~ and adorable too! God is certainly good!

  36. Suzanne, I've come across your blog and of course was immediately interested. Your quads are precious! My husband and I are Aggies as well! I love reading your blog and seeing your Aggie Quads! Happy Holidays!

  37. I just read your blog from beginning to end. Every time I think I'm having a rough day with my 6 month old I'm going to come over to your blog! You guys are amazing.

  38. Yeah new posts!!! I am amazed at how big the babies are getting! They are all absolutely beautiful!! YOu do what you gotta do and it sounds like ya'll are doing great! 6 hours of sleep at that age...with should write a book! amazing!

  39. they are so beautiful! what a great job you're doing, mama! i cannot believe how good their weight gain is and i especially can't believe they're sleeping 6 hours at a stretch.

    thanks for the update!

  40. Ahhh, the aquarium swing. My singleton loved the stupid thing so much that the love affair didn't end until he was almost 9 months old. Thankfully, we only needed it for naps and when he was nast sick with RSV. My niece loves it too. We used to ask Braedon if he wanted to "sleep with the fishes." With my neice, we ask her if she's ready for some "Costeau time."

    For fussy baby moments, I suggest a vucuum cleaner and the swing ;)

  41. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Those are wonderful weights! They are so gorgeous. My daughter (9 months) still has to nap in that same swing.

  42. I can't believe how huge they are! My triplets are all under 8 pounds at 3 months!! (Ellie's only 7 pounds!) They are precious and beautiful! I love it!
