Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Christian Chronicle


(We get this question quite often!...so read below! Women out there who are pregnant with multiples and don't even know where to begin, pay CLOSE attention!)

If you guys are interested in more of our story, check out the Christian Chronicle website! Tamie Ross came out to our house about a month ago, took lots of pics, and wrote a GREAT ARTICLE about the Steece Quads and all the help we are receiving! I don't know what we would do without our church families helping us out on a daily basis!! Such incredible, wonderful, self-sacrificing people...PLEASE READ!!!

These are all photos off of the Christian Chronicle website, taken by Tamie Ross.

Juggling all four...my hands are constantly moving! Putting a paci in one's mouth while patting another...it is never ending bliss!

Sweet Ladelle giving some good luvin' to Savannah

"Baby Central" as I like to call it! This is our upstairs living area that we have turned into "Babyville" (it used to house Joe's pool table...which now resides in the garage!) This is where we feed, burp, and play with babies all day long!

For MANY more pictures, please check out the site: The Christian Chronicle! You will get a VERY GOOD glimpse of what our lives are like on a daily basis. Our home is always filled with amazing helpers!


  1. wow. just wow. you and those babies are truly blessed. love all the pictures and that so many people are helping out with your adorable little clan :)

  2. Wow. You are all amazing. I wish I lived close enough to help, also. I've got 4 boys, though I spaced mine out a bit. ;) Enjoy, they really are miracles!

  3. I have the chills just reading this post. I am headed to The Christian Chronicle now! You, Joe and those 4 are so amazing! You must get that all the time.
    People freak out when they see me and my twins...I can't imagine the attention and comments you get. Seriously...how do you do it??

  4. I don't know you--my daughter, through Harding connections, found your blog and now I am enjoying reading all about your sweet family. So, just let me say, YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I get so tickled looking at you and your husband standing on your front porch and realizing that YOU FOUND THE TIME TO DECORATE!!! How much fun for all your friends to get to come over and love your precious babies. The pictures of the twin boys sleeping together should be a poster. God is good--all the time. I'll be enjoying watching these children grow and grow.

    Marianne Whitehouse

  5. Wow! I knew that having 4 babies must be no easy task... but oh my goodness! I guess I didn't realize HOW MUCH WORK it all is! I can see your church family is a big blessing. Your family is in my prayers.

  6. The article at the Christian Chronicle was wonderful. It is so true that God will provide all our needs and he has blessed you with a loving Christian family. Your little ones are going to grow up with lots of "adopted" grandmas and aunts with all those loving ladies around helping take care of them.

  7. Oh Suz! I am so proud of you! That is a great blog you wrote, and the Christian Chronical article is inspiring and awesome. GREAT JOB YA'LL!

    Jamie Pugh

  8. You don't know me, but I found your blog through Jennifer M. I have triplet daughters and so reading your blog brings back a lot of wonderful memories. My girls are turning 7 next week. Wow, do the years just go by so fast. Enjoy every minute of it, because wow does it fly by. Your blog is a wonderful way to journal the events. Congratulations and my philosophy is ....take it one day at a time. Good Luck!~Christine

  9. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I loved the article. I am so happy that you have such wonderful Christian people there to help with those beautiful babies. We didn't have a ton of help with our twins and there were days that it felt impossible! I can not imagine how hard it would be with FOUR babies if you had not gotten such great help! I will pray that God will continue to bless your family with all of the love and support that you need!
    How is the reflux doing??

  10. Great article!!! I am Church of Christ too! Small world.

    What would we do without our church families! They are always there when we need them! We don't even have to ask! :)

    Looks like you are enjoying your babies SOOOO much! :) They are so cute!

  11. Love all the new pics! They are getting sooooo big! 6 hours is AWESOME! I am glad they are good sleepers! It was a long time before Hannah slept 6 hours straight. I also really liked the article. What a blessing. Love Mo

  12. Suz,
    I LOVED reading this! Thanks for sharing it with us. Those pictures are wonderful, something to treasure forever. You are so blessed not only to have four precious babies, but such a wonderful group to help support you. God is So good! I'd be at your house in a minute if I were closer. There is nothing like lovin' on a baby! I love hearing how y'all are doing and seeing the babies grow. I can't believe how much they've changed. They're so BIG! Anyway, thanks again for sharing!

  13. The article was so good!!! They are so big!!! It seems like you guys have it under control with the guidance and help from God--what wonderful volunteers! Thanks for the update! We're still praying hard for you guys here in Alabama! Happy Holidays!

    Megann Cain

  14. Anonymous9:22 AM

    AWESOM story!

  15. Suzanne, that was a wonderful story! I'm so glad that people everywhere are able to help and you know we're certainly praying for you guys (mostly for your sanity ;)

  16. Wow, Suz. I haven't checked the blog in a while and I'm happily surprised to see new pics! They have grown sooooo much. Those boys are so cute and Savannah looks like a little princess! I'm super impressed that they are sleeping 6hrs straight for you! You both are amazing parents!

  17. I love the article! Out of all of the press your family has received I think that is the neatest one of all!

  18. Anonymous8:17 PM

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  19. That is so great that your church helps you out like that! The only help we've had with our trio was when they were first born, for about 2 weeks. We've been flying solo ever since! You are so fortunate to have such loving people around you. ^_^

    Loved the pics! You guys are busy busy busy busy!

  20. What a great article. God certainly takes care of us, doesn't he? I hadn't checked the site in a few days, but I see you've been busy!

  21. WOW! How exciting! You, your husband, and new babies are in my prayers and thoughts often. This is their first holiday season! I'm sure you must be thrilled - great pictures & great article!

  22. They sure have gotten big!! Great Job Momma!!! and u look awesome btw.
