Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Professional Pictures!

Ruth Williams is INCREDIBLE! You guys MUST go check out her website! And if you are in the DFW area or anywhere close (even if you live far, far away) you MUST use her as your photographer for all of your professional pictures! She is so incredibly talented and is such a beautiful Christian woman...heart of gold! She will be coming back soon to finish the rest of the photo shoot! It gets kinda hectic with four babies and takes allllll day long! :)

Here is a taste of Ruth's talent!

For more sneak peeks of the STEECE FAMILY PHOTO SHOOT, please go to Ruth's webpage. There are SOOO many other favorite shots that I didn't put on here because I want you to go look at her blog page and her formal website! Let Ruth know what you think of her work!!

Ruth, thank you SOOOO much! Beautiful pictures! I just can't stop looking at them!!! ;)


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    The Professional pictures are so neat, what beautiful children! If you & I lived closer, I would SO be over helping you! God bless!

    Shannon ( Kansas City)

  2. Those pictures look awesome! What a beautiful family! God has surely blessed you.

  3. these are so absolutely beautiful!

  4. Those are GREAT!!! You will love those forever! I think I just found my photographer for my 2 year old!

    Seriously, they turned out so cute. How you will decide which ones to get and which ones not to get is beyond me! ....Just buy them all!

  5. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Oh, Suz and Joe!

    Picture perfect! Ben, Savannah, Ethan and Andrew are just precious! :)

    Thanks for all of the blog updates! Not a day goes by that I don't say a prayer for the Steece Quads and think of your beautiful family!

    Amy King

  6. oh my! I'm afraid I'd stare at the pics forever! Simply beautiful! How will you ever decide which ones to order?

  7. They are absolutely beautiful...the pictures and the sweet babies!

  8. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Beautiful!! Momma, I love your smile as well. God gave it to you so you could allow others to see the joy in your heart. I have yet to find a complaint in any of your enteries since you had the babies...God knew what he was doing when he gave you 4 babies. Keep on smiling that smile, It is always so great to see a mom in love with her babies and her husband... and most importantly with God. We see that... keep it up!!
    Oh, by the way...these pictures should be added to the quad hall of fame!!! Im so addicted to your blog. Its always so interesting and inspiring!!
    Blessings to you this day....
    heidi in IN

  9. WOW! Those really are beautiful! How in the world will you decide which to order?!?!?!?!

  10. Wow....those are gorgeous! What can i say...they are photogenic like their momma! Let us know if she posts more proofs. Would love to see them.

  11. wow you guys look great and she did a wonderful job. i added you to my blog cuz i have been going through my sisters blog to see yours ever since you were about to deliver. your children are amazing and you are so upbeat... we have been trying for three years to have a baby and sometimes that can bring discouragement but your story is amazing. and i will always keep a positive attitude... i freak out when i think i could have twins one day! haahah... but children are truly a blessing and gift from God and your children are living proof of that.
    congratulations... God bless!

  12. The pictures are gorgeous-what a treasure!!!

  13. Wonderful pictures! I can't imagine what an ordeal it must be to photograph 4 babies!
    And love your haircut! I've been trying to make mine work like that for months.

  14. Wow! Yours is the second post I've read today about higher order multiple photo shoots. I'm loving the pictures! Her website is also beautiful.
    What I wouldn't give to have four babies to photograph at once! They are too sweet! I enjoy two but four? I'd be in heaven!! I think your photographer enjoyed herself, and I bet she's looking forward to coming back for group shots!
    Have fun!
    (BTW you look beautiful too!)

  15. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Her pictures are amazing...I love the black and white photos. And there is something so sweet and precious about baby feet and hands. I. Love. Them.

  16. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Her pictures are amazing...I love the black and white photos. And there is something so sweet and precious about baby feet and hands. I. Love. Them.

  17. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Your pictures are beautiful! I found you through someone else's website, so I've been following your story for a while now.

    I live in Tyler (not to far from you!) so whenever children come along for our family, I will definately be calling your photographer!!

    Going back a bit, thanks for posting your delivery videos. As someone who has no clue, it's nice to see unedited video. You and your husband are such an inpiration, and I truly enjoy reading your blog!

  18. Those pictures are amazing!!!! My playgroup, consisting of Sunni @ The Flying Mum and Amanda @ Baby Bangs meets every Thursday. When you and your four precious babies are up to it, you should join us.

  19. WOW! The pictures are FANTASTIC! I'm a long time reader of your blog! I have so enjoyed following you and Joe and your four precious babies on your journey! Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us!!!

  20. Those are great pictures! Well done!

    Jamie Pugh

  21. What neat pics! What I really want to know is how you manage to have hair nails that look that good!?! I always look like heck, and I'm just chasing one baby!

  22. What gorgeous pictures:) Wow! I'm popping over to Ruth's site right now to check out the rest.

  23. Simply Precious!

  24. What gorgeous pictures - Suzanne - you look beautiful as do your sweet babies! I love reading your blog - I believe your attitude is such an example to everyone around you to see the brighter side to life! Thanks for always being such a "pick-me-up"! :)

  25. I'm sure I'm repeating everyone, but those are absolutely gorgeous!! Your babies look so sweet in each picture! I'm so glad you were able to get some great pictures! You look beautiful in them, too! I have to say, the picture of your profile, where you're smiling, reminds me of your picture for the pamphlet for the mall brochure! Ha! For some reason I saved that in my high school memories box and went through it a couple of years ago. Those were some good times! :)

  26. Anonymous1:52 PM

    It's the fifth one from the bottom on her website.

  27. What gorgeous photos! Of course they'd have to be gorgeous with such a beautiful family but your photographer did do an awesome job. I really love the pic of your little one's sweet little baby feet...PRECIOUS!!! I checked out her blog site...very impressive!

  28. I can't believe how quickly your little crew are catching up. My peanut was only three weeks and one day early. She was 5 lbs 5.6 oz at birth and by four months was 12 lbs 1 oz, 22 1/4" long; Ben is catching up with her. I'm sure like she did they will all do a big leap here soon. Kaitlyn went from the 3% to suddenly at 6 months being in the 50%. By the way, I love the pictures. She really does wonderful work. I wish we were stateside so we would at least have the option of going to her.

  29. They are beautiful!!!

  30. aaawww. how wonderful. We had our photographer out today. We had our hands full with just two, so you must have been very busy trying to get all four.

    The babies look great. Nice work! And congrats on their amazing weights!

  31. She takes such beautiful pics and your kiddos are so beautiful too!! What blessings!

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  34. Beautiful! Of course, you guys have some great material to work with!

  35. Beautiful pictures.

    Just noticed your blog counter. Ever thought of putting up some ads? I'm sure the $$$ could be put to some good use, although I know that isn't the reason you ever created this blog.

  36. I am new to your blog and I have to say you have a beautiful family. You and your husband are truely blessed. Love the professional pictures! Absolutely great!

  37. Anonymous1:22 PM

    The pics by Ruth are absolutely wonderful....also, congrats on your upcoming 3/4 millionth view by people interested in your blog.

  38. too cute just precious.

  39. Yep....Ruth is the bomb!! Pictures are amazing!!


  40. Brilliant and gorgeous babies. I am in awe of her stunning work and your adorable babies. Happy 4 months.

  41. It may be time to add a 7th digit space to your visit counter! Amazing!
    And the pics are incredible!

  42. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Beautiful pictures! I was watching Barbara Walters Special last night of 2007 most fascinating people and I thought of you and your husband Joe, I don't thing any of those on lastnight could compare with you two! I guess Barbara hasn't heard you story yet! I love it, keep'em coming! I'm Fascinated! Your friend in East Texas, Pam.

  43. Beautiful pictures! You guys look so familiar to me & I noticed the Aggie football helmet in the background of a picture - did your husband play football? If so, what years? I played softball at A&M from '98-'01.

    God Bless yall with all the kiddos. I'll keep checking back now that I've found your blog through a friend's blog.

  44. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Just saying "hello" from one quad mother to another! I have GBGG quads that are 2 years old. How did we manage to carry 4 babies in our stomachs at one time?! I will never know! Congratulations! Our foursomes would make a perfect pairing someday!


  45. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Awesome pictures! I would have loved to have had those types taken of my kids when they were small- back then it was Olan Mills and/or Sears.

    Ruth takes beautiful pictures, I would have never been able to afford her!

  46. I have been reading your blog occasionally and I just want to send a "shout out" of blessing to you and your family! God bless! The pictures are beautiful.
