Monday, December 10, 2007

Good tidings to you...

I'm so sad because we just don't have the time to send out Christmas cards this year (we haven't even sent out birth announcements for that matter!) terrible, right?! :( If we did send out Christmas cards, I guess they would look a little something like this:

This is the cutest video of Savannah laughing today! I was playing around with the babies after one of their feedings, and Savannah just started laughing SO HARD at I ran to grab the video camera. At the beginning there is a finger in the way, but it moves. Toward the end, check out Ethan's face. He is looking at us like we are crazy. (We get this look a LOT from E!) I don't know what makes her giggle so much, but it is adorable! (P.S. Aunt Judy, you will LOVE this!)


  1. No guilt, remember?
    Besides, That laugh of Savannah's is a gift to us all! In just a few months she'll be cackling!
    You guys make such a gorgeous family.
    A Christmas full of blessings, right?
    Love 2 U from the Murray Crew

  2. That video is too cute! There are so many times when I just stand in the hallway and listen to ours laugh histerically at eachother over nothing. It just gets better and better! Happy Holidays from the Barron Triplets!

  3. Hearing your children laugh is the greatest gift of all...especially when they giggle at each other at this adorable age! Thank you for sharing with us all!

    Happy Holidays,
    The A-Team

  4. What fun! You will find many other silly little games that all 6 of you will laugh and cackle over. This is the stuff that memories are made from! God Bless you all!!

    Love ya,
    Jamie Pugh

  5. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I'm writing to you seeking Prayer Warriors!!
    A friend and fellow Harding alumni was in a motorcycle accident over the weekend. His name is Brent Adams. His injuries from the accident include 2 broken shoulders, a broken eye socket, collapsed lung and 2 broken vertebra in his back. The family has created a blog:
    Please read his story and offer up your requests to the Father. The more prayer, the better.

    Little Rock, AR

  6. What a hilarious video! Beautiful photo!

  7. OMG That is priceless! She is adorable as are her brothers. That family picture is really nice. A framer for sure. Happy Holidays!

  8. Anonymous5:36 AM

    the little guy tucked in the corner is getting a kick out of the show too.

  9. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Birth announcements are HIGHLY over-rated!! We love the blog and watching them grow. Keep up the good work. Sharan, RN

  10. There isn't a birth announcement or Christmas card out there any better than this blog!

    I love what someone else said - No Guilt! Its amazing how well you are able to update this blog and I am so proud of you and grateful that you let us cheer you on from a distance!

  11. That picture is the most REAL of any Christmas photo I have ever seen. Gorgeous tree, beautiful home, loving Mommy and Daddy, and 4 sweet babies in your arms. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I agree with Tracy!!! There is NOT any Christmas card or baby announcement that could be better than your blog!!! I LOVE IT!!! Sav is SO cute!!
    Merry Christmas from the Smith's!!!

  13. They are so cute! I love Savannah's smile, how priceless! And the look her brothers give her are hilarious... Merry Christmas to you all!

  14. Wow - you do have you hands full. One for each of everyone's arm. I loved the video - nothing like a baby's laugh to put a smile on your face.

  15. I LOVE that picture of you all by the christmas tree!! The babies just keep getting cuter and cuter (if that's possible?!)

  16. Anonymous11:59 AM

    My 15 month old son was cracking up watching the video! Very cute!

  17. Very cute! I don't know how you have time to eat! Right now is all about survival and basic needs are the priority. Not sure if my Christmas cards will make it out this year either.

  18. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I check in you all every once in a while, actually we have an entire crew in Washigton, DC that checks in. At any rate, we thoroughly enjoy the blog. It's amazing you have the time to keep everyone updated and keep those babies so happy and healthy.

    The video clip is too much, it's darling that they entertain each other. Congrats on catching it to share with everyone.

    A very happy and Merry Christmas to all 7 of you! (including your pup)

  19. Girl..I'm just happy that you actually have time to post on your blog! Your babies are too cute!!
    Sara Jo

  20. This is the cutest video ever! I laughed so hard! They are too adorable and love eachother so much!! So sweet! They are beautiful and growing up so fast!
    Love the family picture! Looks like you've got it all under control...which absolutely amazes me to think about!

  21. Oh that is just to cute!! Was Joe there to see it?? They are getting so big and I didn't think they could get any cuter but they sure do every time I tune into your blog!! Thanks so much for sharing your family with us, blog addicts!! :-)

  22. hey - I only have two and I can't even find the time to get a card out - don't worry about it! I'm seriousely impressed that you all found time to get your tree up and upload a video to your blog! lol!! Love your Xmas picture of your family!

  23. Yes kuddos to you on continuing to post pictures, videos, and update all those that follow your story. Great photo and video btw. The laughs get better and louder! Glad you are all doing well. Babies must all be healthy so far during this yucky time of year. Happy holidays!

  24. Birth announcements? Hello! Could there be anyone who you know or have ever known on this planet who does not know you had quads? And I am with everyone else.. this blog can be your Christmas Card! Love getting to have this little window into your life. And someday you will love looking back on all this! Merry Christmas!

  25. That video made my 5 month old laugh and giggle. Too cute! They are getting so big!

  26. Hannah likes the family Christmas photo, esp Shiloh, she kept saying "Puppy, Puppy" then "Baby" They are getting so big! A good mix of you and Joe.

  27. Those giggles are the best! I still get excited over the kiddos laughter. Don't worry about announcements or Christmas cards just try to enjoy those babies.

  28. The picture is beautiful and so is your tree. Mine looks pretty pathetic but believe me I LOVE it. I let Andrew decorate all on his own this year. Yes we only have ornaments on the 1/4 of the tree but oh well, it's his and he loves it. Merry Christmas!

  29. I love the picture with you guys playing on the floor! And the sounds of babies laughing is the best sound ever! It can just turn around your day!

  30. Suz --
    I have followed your story since you first found out you were pregnant with the quads, but never left a comment before until now. I found your blog through a mutual friend of a friend. Really roundabout... Anyway, we subscribe to the Christian Chronicle, and I was so impressed by the write-up they did about your family this month. Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy the pictures and videos of your beautiful babies. You always look so serene and happy. Motherhood really agrees with you!

    Laura in Memphis

  31. I'm just amazed that your tree looks so beautiful! How did you get your hands free for that long? I ended up hanging ornaments and lights only this year. No time to string ribbons and be creative :o) Maybe next year. Of course, then our baby girl will probably be trying to eat the tree!

  32. Do what my mother does sometimes when she runs out of time and send out a New Year's card! Sometimes, it even turns into a Happy Summer card and she sends it in July! Ha! Or, just continue to blog and I think that will keep everyone happy! Love the pic under the tree!

  33. I have been following your blog. Your babies are absolutely adorable! And you look fantastic!! Especially for having quads!! Love the family picture!

  34. How cute! I can not believe they are getting so big.


  35. I finally got to see the video today. I just love Ethan's little slightly concerned, mostly baffled face, and then his little cry tucked in there too. They are precious!

    If you find a trick to getting the baby/dog/mommy/daddy picture, please let us know! Ours wanted nothing to do with a photo all together.
