Monday, June 23, 2008

The History behind the Quad Mamas

The history of me and my girls:
As many of you know, when I was pregnant...Jen Murray and Gen McNulty saved my sanity--NO DOUBT! We formed such a deep, soul-mate-type, friendship, that I have long dreamed of the day that I would finally get to hug their necks! (Last week, my dream came true thanks to our amazing hubbies--but I'll get to that in a few)
Toward the end of my pregnancy, I hooked up with Mari somehow through the beauty of the blogworld. The Goerlichs were also pregnant with 3 boys and 1 girl and were due around the same time as us! (Mari made it past 32 weeks of pregnancy because she is absolutely AMAZING!) It has been so refreshing to share this experience with another positive, upbeat, Christian mom at the exact same stage as our kids!

How the trip all came about:

I found out about a month ago that the boys had been secretly emailing about how to get us girls together since the first of the year!. (WOW!) Our hubbies knew how much we talk (everyday) and mean to each other. (Isn't that sweet?!) So, it started out as a girl's trip that turned into a couple's trip and I am SO glad! It was great to watch the boys playing around and hanging out together--just 3 other couples who "get you" and understand EVERYTHING you have been through!....AMAZING time.

What I LOVE about each of my ladies:

Mari D

Like I said, could we HAVE any more things in common?! 3 boys/1 girl/1 amazing husband & father/1 dog...Mari is one of the most positive & encouraging people I know. When she smiles, she seriously lights up the entire room! Mari has that natural beauty both inside and out. (BTW-She is absolutely gorgeous with zero makeup, barf right?! jk). She has a strong faith and does not take anything for granted. She and Chris are ridiculously fun (check out their video of missing their flight by 2 minutes!) and were a pure joy to be around. Chris seriously made me laugh so hard that I was crying. Mari is radiant and I love this woman like a sister.


Gen was the first family of quads that I found when I was pregnant. Someone sent me the McNulty blog and told me to check it out--it was HILARIOUS! I got so much peace and support from reading through her experiences--both Conor and Gen have the ability to laugh in any situation. Conor could be Joe's brother, so of course I love the boy! Several people have told Gen and me that we are long lost sisters! (I take that as a HUGE compliment) The girl CRACKS ME UP! She is so fun and full of energy. She has a heart of gold and would do anything for one of her friends--very loyal. Being around Gen felt so comfortable--like we have known each other for years and years. Gen is truly my soul-sista. My life is brighter because she is in it.

Jen Jen

I found Jen's blog while pregnant and was so uplifted by her positive outlook and complete trust in God. When I was having a bad day, she was the first person I would want to talk to--so she could help me keep things in perspective. Jen has a HUGE heart full of pure gold. She is so sarcastically funny and we always find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time (JINX! It is kinda an awesome way!) Its like we are reading each other's thoughts! And ladies, Brad is the sweetest, most thoughtful husband in the world--so if you want your man to learn something, tell them to take a page out of Brad's book! Jen is my rock and I love her like a sis.

(Yep, we sure do have the same swimsuit! And Mari's is dern close! Just another freakish way we are all alike!)

There is so much to post about and fun pics, so make sure to check out the other ladies' blogs as well!

In other news: Savannah's appointment went well yesterday and she will NOT be having surgery at this time! WOO HOO! We will have to do more testing in December! Prayer works! Thank you all so much!

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Anonymous said...

ok, where are the adorable matching suits from? Love them. It is so great to see that you can make friends for life through the struggles you have all faced! BEAUTIFUL

Anonymous said...

So awesome! i have been dying to hear how it went!!! You girls look so radiant! Looks like a ton of fun! Four amazing women!

Elyse said...

YAY for miss Savannah! Glad you had a great time!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

is that the one from old navy? if so, i almost bought it too, lol!

i love that you ladies have such an incredible bond and friendship, it must make such a wonderful impact on your daily lives. i admire all 4 of you and often look to you all for guidance when i am having a rough day. i am so happy to hear you all were able to get together and bond - it really sounds like you had an amazing time!

i am so happy to hear the news about savannah, how wonderful that she doesn't have to have surgery yet!

Kelly said...

LOVE the pix and stories. I know you do not have a sister so maybe your "quad sistas" is God's way of giving you THREE!

Glad to hear about Sav. We had Ash's MRI this AM and it went well but she WILL have surgery in July. At 9 months old. Aw.

Oh, and I love you all "Twinning it up" in your brown swimsuits. No wait, QUADDING it up!!

The McNulty Family said...

Ahh Ani! You made me CRY!!! I love you too and feel the same way. Don't know what I'd do w/o you. .. I NEVER want to find out!!!

Give little Sav and the boys hugs and kisses for me.


Emily said...

I am so happy for you and your friends that "get you" (makes me want to have quads so I can join the gorup- JK!!!). It sounds like a great trip. You have fantastic husbands to get this together for you all.
I am so gald to hear that Savannah is not going to have surgery. We will continue to pray for her.
Oh yeah, and the swimsuits are too cute. You have to let us know where you got them.

Jamie said...

My question is -- how are quad mommies so pretty? I wish I would have quads just so I could be gorgeous like all of you!

Unknown said...

So awesome! So excited for you all to have finally met up! I've made tons of friends just since having twins and that's not even close to the elite club of quads. What an awesome connection you all have and amazing friendship!

The Segrest Family said...

i have commented on here a couple of times, but it has been awhile! i HAD to comment here! strangely enough, i have known GEN (in blogworld) since before her quads were born (conor played soccer with a friend of mine- i count conor and gen as friends - we exchange Christmas cards even!) and i have been checking your blog since before yours were born (don't ask me how i found it!)
SMALL WORLD to see both of you on the same screen! haha! i love it! im so glad that y'all have eachother for support and guidance - and can i just say, you all are SO BEAUTIFUL and hard to believe you all have had 4 babies in your tummies at one time!?!??! awesome, literally awesome....

Les and Kimberly said...

WOW!! God has truly blessed you with a wonderful attitude on life and with friends. I feel blessed too with the life that God has given me - although I don't have any kids yet! My soulmate and I got married almost 9 months ago and it has been awesome! Thank you for sharing your life - it's definitely an inspiration!! I want to be your friend too!!! :) I'm actually in the Dallas area!!

Anonymous said...

Glad everything is okay with sweet Sav!!!! God is good!!!!! Glad ya'll all got away together!!! What a blast!!!!!

Casey's trio said...

I loved how you described your friendship and bond with each of these special ladies! How awesome that God brought you all together:)

Hugs girl,

Casey's trio said...

So happy that Sav's appt went well:)

TressaMOMof3 said...

It looks like you all had a blast!! I am glad you have found others with so much in common. I am SUPER happy about Sav!! That is great!!


Anonymous said...

Nothing better than God given friends that totally understand you inside and out! That is amazing! The bathing suits completely cracked me!
What a blessing about Savannah...continuing to pray!

spreadyourwings said...

great, looks like a lot of fun, and it's great that you found someone so awesome to share your experiences with on the same level!

can I ask you something personal, though? why do you place so much emphasis on the beliefs/faith of the people you hang out with in your blog? does it make a difference to you, if your friend is a christian mom, or maybe just a really great person that may be of faith different than yours? I am just curious. I guess I am just wondering if you'd have made friends with them if they weren't christian?

no disrespect meant. I love reading your blog and I am a long-time reader (lurker). and yay for little miss savannah, I am very glad to hear that she will not need surgery afterall! :-)

Laura said...

So glad to hear about Savannah! I loved reading about your special quad mommy friends. It says more about how great you are too reading your tributes to them!
I actually found you through Brad and Jenn. I worked a bit with Brad as he was working to support Jenn through her pregnancy (the momo part) and was totally amazed at what a devoted husband he was! Jenn and I have gotten to know each other after the birth.

I guess what I am trying to say I know you were in good company! Sometimes God puts people in our lives to help support us and carry us. It sounds like that is exactly what you and these girls have!

Lucky girls!

Andria said...

I think there's a lot of us moms that'd be willing to have quads for that kind of fun and everlasting friendship! (...God knows I'm NOT the woman to do this!)

You girls are adorable having fun out in God's nature. Love the stories... (...and Chris' video was HILARIOUS!) I'm glad the boys went with "y'all".

Jenn K said...

You guys look like you had a blast, and you deserved every second of it. I am so glad I have had a chance to connect with you girls, you are all so awesome! God picked you for a reason.

How awesome Sav doesn't have to have surgery!!!!

Love to that sweet little family of yours!

Suzanne said...

hey Q!

good question! MOST DEFINITELY i would still have made friends with them if they were not Christians. I have many friends of a different religion/faith/belief system than mine. I was just trying to do a post about the things that we have in common, and that happens to be one of them.

i personally, place a lot of emphasis on what i believe b/c it is who i am and it shines through everything i do (hopefully). in no way do i EVER mean any disrespect--just livin my life. :)

thanks for your well wishes!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing Godly gift of friendships, support and love. Through every journey God does supply ways to make it easier and fun.

Honeycutt Family said...

Isn't it awesome to have friends that feel like family?!?! What a blessing!
BTW--great pics and a great get-away! Way to go, hubby's!

Tamora said...

OHHH Suz!!!!!! Sounds like you had so much fun and what a blessing that you found these wonderful ladies! Yeah about Sav! I have been worried about her. We will continue to pray for her :*)

Jenny said...

ya'll make me wanna get preggers with quads asap so i can join your sisterhood!!!

so glad that savannah is doing well-bless her sweet heart! still praying for her!

Marty said...

It warmed my heart to read about your weekend. It is so great that the husbands thought of this. Way to go guys!
Praying for Savannah and all of the quad babies(and parents).

Marty said...

It warmed my heart to read about your weekend. It is so great that the husbands thought of this. Way to go guys!
Praying for Savannah and all of the quad babies(and parents).

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

I just have to say that you are AWESOME!! What an amazing friend YOU are to speak so highly of your friends! You have been such a help to me and I'm sure countless others in this blog world. You so deserve a great vacation with great friends and I'm glad you got to do it! :)

By the way-HILARIOUS about the matching swimsuits! :)


Stephanie said...

Hi Suz. I'm a new "commenter" even though I've been reading your blog for awhile now. I don't know why but I'm just now getting the courage to leave a comment. I'm from Houston and have a blog but it is by invitation only and I'd love to invite you to it (so you can see I'm NOT a crazy person) If you want you can email me at and I'll send the invite to you. I have 3 kids, 3 and under and your blog always seems to give me a boost if I'm havin just one of those days. Thank you!!

Looks like a fun trip you had. A well deserved weekend. Congrats to Savannah too! That is great. We'll continue to keep her and your family in our prayers! There is no better treatment than prayer!


What a great time! Glad you all got to connect! Q. Did you all actually buy the swimsuits on your own or did you match on purpose?::)Just curious..

Suzanne said...

ash, nope, we all bought the swimsuits on our own! we are THAT cool!, btw

mh said...

I want to know if hanging out with each other gave you all a sense of what it is like to be a quad... Since you are all about the same ages, in the same situations, did it feel to be 1 of 4? Do you think this is what the quads will feel growing up? Kinda nice to think that! They will always have 3 siblings who 'get them'

Love your blog

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

suz - again with the thoughtfulness! you are a sweetheart, thanks for the kind words! i think you may need to get an appt with the eye doc though, cuz me without makeup...yikes! Love you, sweet thang! Mari

Anonymous said...

Glad you all had a great time over the weekend. Time away from the kids is so vital to a marriage and spending time with great friends is an important emotional deposit to your soul. Also, great response to q's question. Cheering you on in Big D!!!

The Murray Crew said...


Joy Lin said...

Back in April my friend Chelley posted a comment to you about a friend who was dead-set against becoming addicted to strangers' blogs, but had read yours that day. I am that friend, and I now read your blog all the time. Haha! Love it!

Melanie said...

Oh Suz, looks like you had a wonderful time!!!! That is awesome how God brought you four couples together and now your friends for life...Amazing...

Melissa Halford said...

Oh you dawg! How much fun was that? I have some blog friends (multi moms too) that I am dying to meet one day. Looks like yall had a blast. And yea for Miss Sav!!! Prayer Rocks!

lauren said...

Looks like y'all had such a wonderful time! You are all beautiful quad mamas inside and out! I'm so glad that you've had these women to lean on through becoming a mommy of quads!

The Dyess Family said...

Aww! Sounds like yall had lots of fun! How did yall's hubby's break the news to yall about the trip?

I am so glad to hear Savannah is doing well!

Anonymous said...

u and gen look like sisters! and i love that all of u had the same bathing suits!

hope4more said...

Let me just say you are all gorgeous! Really, and what a cool relationship you all have built. Not to mention how great all of your husbands are to be so in love with you all to plan a surprise get together. You are all an inspiration, not to get to mushy on you or anything but truly amazing women with amazing husbands and children. Big giant hugs to you all.

I am glad to hear little Sav doesn't have to have surgery the little pumpkin :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know how anyone could have high order multiples and not believe in God. Quads are truly a gift from God. Anyway...That is so awesome that you and your quad-mom girlfriends got to get away and bond together. What cool hubs ya'll have to arrange all that. SO where were all the kiddos? With the grandparents? I can only imagine how nice it was to have normal conversations with people, who understand, and just be yourselves together...without all the multiple questions and hoopla that you get every day. I have to say...I'm jealous Suz. What a blessing it is to have those ladies in your life. Hey, are you in a multiples club? I'm sure you prob. are...but just wondering. I "planned" on joining one but that was before the quads were born. I had no idea all the medical problems I'd face afterwards and all that plus caring for Candi with her trach kept me from getting out and getting involved in one. Now, three years later, I wish I was cause I feel so disconnected. Ok, I really did not plan on writing a book, but there I go. :P

I'm so glad to hear that sweet Savannah does not have to have another surgery now. What a praise!

annalee said...

what a WONDERFUL trip!!!
i'm so glad...
a) your husbands planned it for y'all.
b) God brought all of you together
c) savannah doesn't have to have surgery right now!

Jessica said...

How amazing that you all got to meet:)..go hubby's. My friends and I were also in Tahoe this weekend. I thought for sure you planned the bathing suit thing. You all look great, amd I would never know you all had quads.

Liz said...

Like several others here have said...WOW. You guys all look AMAZING! I am totally jealous & envious. I've never had a multiple pregnancy & 7 years after my last pregnancy I still don't look as great as all of you do! Look at those lean, tan bodies! Way to go, girls!! I'm so jealous!

Our Happy Married Life... said...

Hi Suz, I just joined the blog world and wanted to comment on your blog. First of all, you rock! I love hearing all the stories about your sweet little ones. I have to admit, I'm obsessed with multiple births. I hope I have one some day. I was a nanny for twins in college and ever since then I have loved loved loved the mutltiple idea. I know you probably think I'm crazy. But, I've been stalking for quite some time and figured it was time to say hi.

boysmum2 said...

You girls are just the greatest. Youa re so lucky to have each other even if you do all live way away from each other. I follow Gen and Conor so know exactly what you mean about their fun spirit.
I am so glad you have such wonderful support to let you go away. My parents are overseas at present so we don't have time away from our 2 boys, but they are back at the end of the year and believe me I will be organising something at least every 3-4 months, I need the time for us. Keep smiling

debi9kids said...

I am so happy t hear that Savannah won't need surger right now! How wonderful! I will continue to pray for your beautiful little girl!
God is doing miracles every day! (my little boy that they said wouldn't walk is taking steps!!!)

Your trip looked and sounds so wonderful!
All of the ladies are so lovely! I have been reading all of their blogs for some time now and think they are all amazing women and I think you described them exacty as they seem to be.
:) Debi

C.Thompson said...

Big points for your hubby's for arranging the big event. I think that is so cool that yall finally all got to meet each other. Very neat!!

Jeannie said...

That is so awesome that you have quad moms in your close circle. I have a couple of triplet mom friends---and I do not know what I would do without them.

God blessed us yet again---with just the right friends, huh? :)

Lainey-Paney said...

that's all sooooooo great!
the swimsuit thing: Oh My Goodness!

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