Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our old stompin' grounds...

Well, I have been meaning to take the quads back up to see Dr. Tabor, the NICU, and the nurses on Jones 3rd floor (high risk OB- where I lived for 1.5 months) ever since they were able to get out and about in May. I was waiting for a good time when someone would be able to go with me...but realized that I just need to do it myself or it might never happen! So, yesterday after breakfast, I diapered, wiped-down, applied lotion, put 4 quads in cute clothes and into the burb, attached the hitch with the stroller, and headed to downtown Fort Worth (drenched in sweat, mind you! about a LOT of work! Ha!). As I was in the burb and realized that we were now 30 minutes into the quad's best nap of the day, I thought to myself that this MIGHT not have been the BEST idea! haha...but they ended up doing great!

Me and Dr. this guy! I don't know how I would have ever gotten through my high risk pregnancy and bedrest without Tabor's dry humor cracking me up every time I saw him.

I can't tell you what an amazing feeling it was to walk around the office and hospital while pushing my FOUR, BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY QUADS. It brought back so many memories--fond memories. Sounds weird, but the hospital was like my second home and so many people took such great care of me and my babies during our stays--I can't help but feel so proud to be back there. I was also able to chat with and encourage two ladies who were pregnant with triplets and on bedrest while I was there--very neat!

The staff at Tabor's office--LOVE THEM!

...and to walk back into the office where I was examined every week, hoping my babies were all still alive and healthy, not knowing what the future would bring...

Ben, Sav, Ethan, & Drew


It brings tears to my eyes. God has been so unbelievably gracious. Hang in there all you pregnant mamas with multiples! We're cheering you on!

post signature


Danae Jones said...

Hi Suz, my name is Danae. I came across your blog this week and decided to start at the beginning. Now I'm caught up! I'm 21, married, living in Arizona, and expecting a baby boy in September. Just wanted to say hi and thanks for opening up your live to your readers. I'll be reading along!

Anonymous said...

Amazing!!! God is so good and you are so blessed.....the babies are beautiful!!!!!! Can't believe they are almost a year old!!!!

Tracy said...

Awwww! I bet it was the best feeling to go see your "second home" and "second family" again! I love the last picture. It's like all of you are looking into the camera saying "Look at us! We did it!!!". So glad that everyone is happy and healthy!

The McNulty Family said...

Suz.. they GREW in just the last couple of days! Oh my gosh.. stop that!!!

JUST BEAUTIFUL!!! Those faces, those eyes.. I just want to move to TX and love on them with you.

How fun for you. Dr. T sounds like an AWESOME guy. He's lucky to have YOU as well. What a great experience for ALL of you.

You are one special lady and you are going to help so many other moms of multiples. I love that so much about you.. ALWAYS giving back. You ROCK mama.. oh, and you look HOT .. as ALWAYS!


Jody said...

Hi Suz,
This post really hit home for me. I was also on bedrest and in the hospital but only delivering twins! It is such a wonderful feeling to even drive by the hospital. Just knowing that God allowed so MANY miracles to take place under one roof just for MY family. It is the BEST feeling. It is one that you can't describe unless you have been there.

It has been a while since I have taken the time to comment but I have LOVED reading about what has been going on with you guys! So excited about your trip with your girls and even more excited about sweet Savanah's health! God is faithful!

Lots of hugs,

Your children are PERFECT in every way!

Stephanie said...

What a neat day for you and your kidos. Hats off to ya for taking your kids by yourself - you go girl.

amy said...

That's awesome! God is so good. Just when I'm worried about my twin girls (I'm 20 weeks pregnant), God reassures me. Tonight he did through your post, so thank you! So far everything is so good, but as you know after going through IVF and so much... it's hard not to worry. God is faithful though!!

Elyse said...

Glad you had a good trip with just the kiddos and yourself! Good on you to take the trip by YOURSELF! The quads and yourself look AWESOME!!!

Caits said...

I am sure the doctors and nurses appreciated you visit more than you will ever know!!!!

The O'Neal Family said...

I have loved "getting to know" your family through your blog. I found it a couple of weeks ago and I have enjoyed reading about your precious family. Thanks for being so open to sharing your life! God bless!

Stephanie said...

You look great and kudos to you for taking them all be yourself!! What great pictures and memories!! You are such an inspiration to many..keep rockin girl!!

Elizabeth said...

As always you guys look great!!! Can't believe how big the kids are getting!!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh my goodness, how cute you all look! i am glad your visit was a good one. as hard as it is sometimes, i love to travel back in time and see how far we have come. it has been long overdue for me to do that again. anyway, yay for you mama for getting out with all four alone!

Casey's trio said...

This post gave me chills Suz! I feel the same way about my peri and hospital staff who took care of us. I love going back to visit and actually have fond memories of the hospital and NICU. That may sound crazy to some people, but we were treated so well and developed bonds with so many of the nurses! I bet Dr. T and his staff just LOVED seeing you and the babies. It must make them so proud to do what they do everyday when they see 4 healthy babies and a beautiful mama strolling into their office.
Love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

I am so very impressed that you loaded the quads up and the stroller and headed on your way. And you always have a smile on your face! Joe is a lucky guy to have such a strong wife and mama of his children! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouraging words. My husband is a paraplegic and we have to do in-vitro, so your words and story give me a lot of hope. You have such a big heart and you are an amazing mother, and I admire the two of you very much. May God Bless you 4 fold, for the rest of your life :)

debi9kids said...

What a wonderful post!
You brought tears to my eyes.
I have been feeling very nostalgic lately and remembering my pregnancy days... I wouldn't want to be back there on bedrest again, but I am amazed at everything it took to have healthy babies.

Is it always triple trouble??? said...

i just wanted to second the dr tabor staff loved them oh so much they are some of if not the greatest in the world

Mom Guide said...

You guys look great! God is good. Almost a month until the big 1!

Anonymous said...

aawwwwwwwwwww!!!! What a great experience. So glad everything has turned out so good!!!!! The babies are precious! Thanks for sharing with us strangers that follow your blog.

Mommy of five

Andria said...

Gosh Suz, it doesn't seem that long ago...the kiddos look like toddlers!!!! Where's your babies???? I'm so glad they were so good for you. How nice that the office could take a time out for your visit. How wonderful! Such memories...and even I cry reminiscing on my child's birth story. You've got a lot of memories. And many more to come!!!

Moni Graf said...

It's amazing how you think each outing is going to be so much more trouble than it's worth, but it is SO worth it EVERYTIME! The quadlets look great, as always. Glad you had a good time with the other quad mamas in CA. I have to say I'm a little jealous....but in a good way. Think how fun it would be to meet up with them again AND the kiddos. Talk about mayhem!
Love from KS,

Joan said...

How awesome to be able to go back and visit! Good for you for just DOING it! They looked like they were happy and enjoying it.

BTW - where did you get those brown shoes the boys are wearing with the button on them?

Joan- Sacramento, Ca

Anonymous said...

Dr. T hasn't changed a bit even though it's been almost a year since we last saw him. Thank you Dr. T, and your office staff, and all the nurses at Harris Hospital, for taking such great care of our lil extremely pregnant princess (and son-in-law) last year.

We admire your professional skills and we praise God for those 4 wonderul, beautiful, healthy, growing, and crawling grandchildren.

Suz's grateful parents aka Papa and Granna


First of all, KUDOS to you for doing that ALL by yourself! And second, isn't God GOOD??!!!

The Drama Mama said...

Girl, I know the feeling when you think something is such a great idea and halfway in to it (or earlier) you are wondering what on earth you were thinking (it actually happened to me yesterday!). BUT, I know after you got there, you were excited you went. Not to mention, I know you gave those two ladies on bedrest motivation to keep on going! You're doing an amazing job, Suz!

Amanda's News said...

I'm sure those expecting mothers just loved seeing you and your healthy kiddos:) What a GREAT encouragement!!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful DR. and staff taking care of you back then. I'm still hoping to come down before #3 gets here. I'll let you know. MISS YOU:)

Chris & Kristy said...

Hi...My name is Kristy Hamm and I live in Birmingham, Alabama and I found your blog on friend of mines page and love reading your blogs and keeping with your family. My husband and I just found out that we are having twins!! We are so excited, but nervous at the same time. I read you blog daily because it keeps my spirits up when I'm down and reminds me the that there is a wonderful God watching over us and taking care of us and our babies. Thank you so much for sharing your lives. It really is an inspiration to others.

Amy said...

I have been reading your blog for a few months now, and last weekend decided to start at the very beginning. What amazed me is that you have this super GUSTO for life and you always have (I'm assuming it didn't just start when you began blogging! hehe). I know this might sound corny but anytime I'm having a bad day or feeling bad about something that's happened I can come to your blog and you instantly have cheered me. It's like being with a friend even though you have no clue who I am. (sounds weird when you put it down in writing). People love to be around people who are happy and joyful and I can truly say, I love to be "around" you (in a weird internet sort of way)... Keep posting and I'll keep laughing!

Tiffany Norris said...

That is so neat! I know they were all glad to see y'all, too. And I just noticed the "stadium seating" in the stroller. Too cool!

Alice said...

I don't know how you quad moms do it. I have two girls two years apart and it is hard for me to get out of the house on my own. You GO Girl!!!

Miss G said...

What a testimony! God is good! Kelly

Darron and Ashlie said...

sorry I missed you guys! Did you get a chance to stop by the NICU?


Neil said...

I've taken our twins back to the hospital (where I lived for 2 1/2 months and they lived for three weeks) several times during this first year. We were there at the beginning of this month, in fact, to commemorate the day I went inpatient, and are planning on taking them back on their first birthday in August. I agree that in a funny way it feels like home -and it's nice to go back and show everyone how well you're doing. Congratulations on finally making the trip!

Jennifer C said...

I'm so impressed that you got all 5 of you ready, packed, loaded, there, and all home again and you are still smiling! (and did you casually mention attaching a HITCH with the stroller inside? OH MY WORD!!!!!)
And to think I avoid taking my 2 to the grocery store! Seems a little easier now!
You have beautiful kids, Suzanne!

adoerr said...

Suz- My mother-in-law and I are dedicated readers of your blog and I just wanted to tell you that you have been an inspiration to me since I started reading about you, Joe and your precious babies. When I feel overwhelmed with my 4 month old I think about you - how strong, vibrant, gorgeous and brave you are - and things just don't seem so bad anymore.

I think you are a gift from God. And those four little darlings? Simply here to remind us all how great life is. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

Amy S. (DC) - mom to Emma St. Clair

Ashley, Kyle, and Baby Boy said...

i so enjoy reading your blog!
as difficult as it may be at time, you make raising four babies seem to be such a delight- makes me want multiples next!

Question for you: at 3-5-6 months, what kind of schedule were your babies on and how did you run your household? My 3 month old keeps getting off schedule and then I am confused for the rest of the day adn can't seem to get the house stuff done and meals cooked because he's up when i thought he'd be napping and vice versa! I'd love your advice and learn what your schedules were!

Also, my husband and I seem distant at times and closer at others. We love this baby to pieces but we seem to just crash at night and have not been strengthening 'us'. Would love your tips.

You can just post a comment on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Makes me cry thinkign about it! I still say you are my biggest hero taking them out by yourself, i am not nearly as brave. Who knows when i will be... Its crazy who we griped about being stuck in the hospital on bedrest when it was one of the things that made our lives so amazing (four healthy kids). God is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am 14 years old and have been reading your blog and many other quad mothers occasionally. I look up to you and inspire you, and am now starting to want multiples even though the chaos it brings. I also inspire your faith in God, and I was just wondering if you could maybe help me to share my faith better, in so school, or any other way without acting kind of different? I hope i'm not a both and hope to hear from you soon on your comment section of this blog! Thanks so much and I inspire you VERY much!

Shelley said...

Hi Suz,

I grew up in the DFW area, but recently moved to Indiana and have twins born the same day as your quads. I was proud of myself for getting out twice today with the twins. Now you just put me to shame! haha

I love reading your blog. You are a big inspiration!


Ali said...

I, as many others, have come across your blog from a friend's and am just in love with your family!!! You guys are so much fun to keep up with! You're such an inspiration to us Mommas... especially us trying to figure it all out with only one little one!! :o)

Anonymous said...

God is so good! What a great day for you and the babies. I think you were meant to do this outing alone just you and the cutie pies.

Hannah Elisabeth said...

Your babies are SO precious! I loved reading your blog and seeing all the things about you and your husband and what a blessing it will be to those precious babies to grow up with excellent role models!! I pray God will give you grace for each day! Keep on keepin' on! --Hannah (ATL, GA)--

Bethany said...

Maybe some day in your "spare time" (joke!) you can make a ministry out of encouraging moms who are going through what you have endured. You and those cute kiddos are proof prayer (and miraculous medicine) works!

Anonymous said...

What a great testimony you have with such cute, wonderful babies. I'm sure that you and the babies were a great inspriation to the women on bedrest.
Keep up the good, wonderful work, and thanks for your postive outlook, maybe it will rub off on some of us!;)

Jenn K said...

How awesome to see where you have been and where you are should go back every year.

They are getting so big, I can't believe they are almost a year old. Can't wait to see their 1st birthday pictures!!!!

I just love those little baby Steece's to Pieces!!!!

Joey and Niki said...

I must say I have read your blog for months and love following the Quads adventures. Praise God for your beautiful children!!

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

you've always got to throw a few tear jerkers in now and again, don't ya? what a great pic that you'll cherish forever. and way to go doing it all by scary but it gives your quad mamma sistas the courage that we can do it too!

Alissa and Brody Silly Nanna said...

You have some very pretty kids and don't know how you do it. I sure you have some help. My daughter is having another baby in Dec. and I can not wait. She has one already and she is nine and can not wait to a big sis. Well May God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Shout out to Jones! I had two babies there - wonderful, nostalgic experiences!

Kristen said...

I was on Jones 3rd floor for 1 1/2 weeks. I enjoyed all the wonderful nurses eventhough the rooms are very BORING! Dr. Tabor was also my dr. too! :) He took great care of us. We haven't gone to visit the office yet. We sure did send a birth announcenment of the twins. :)
Love reading your blog. I also have twin mom friends on the funny! It must be a multiples thing!

Unknown said...

awe, this is so sweet!!!

Amber S. said...

You got the quaddies all ready and out and about solo? You GO, gurl! ;-) How fun to get to go visit and reminisce about where you were just a year ago. The last time I went up to visit the ol' Jones 3 staff was when I was there to see YOU! (Of course, I didn't have to stay as long as you did...) Anyway, anytime you'd like to make it out to the Zoo with all of the kiddos, let me know. Gabe is still being good and staying in his place, so we're always up for it!

4under3 said...

What a wonderful group of medical staff you must have had. Doesn't that make all the difference in the world? Your quads look great!!

Anonymous said...

So neat! I have always wanted to go back and visit the hospital where I was on bedrest for 2 months with my twins, but it's over 2 hours from home and I've never had the time. This post makes me want to do it! Thanks for sharing!

Lainey-Paney said...

Awwwww. that's so neat that you went back & were able to share your words of wisom with some who are in similar situations.

Your babies are sooooo cute, and you are sooooooooooooo the woman for being able to get all of that together by yourself.
I'm impressed!

Anonymous said...

Dear Suz, Joe, and of course, the stars, those beautiful, lucky babies:

Your family is such an inspiration. To achieve so much and to welcome those babies into a family full of such love is simply heartwarming. Not to mention your amazing blog. Where you find the time is beyond me! Whenever I'm down I come read your pages and I am filled with warmth.

I think it's wonderful how you can share your trials and tribulations, and to have encouraged many in similar situations. It is so moving to see how greatly you're doing and that you recognize your blessings.

Congratulations on your beautiful family and your cheer and good humour. I am so happy for you.

May you be blessed with health and happiness and all that your hearts desire.

Love and good wishes,

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