Monday, July 21, 2008

3 Boys---3 First Haircuts!!!!

We had a wonderful weekend visiting family and friends--I will be doing several posts this week with pics and such. Last Thursday, my dad and I took the boys for their first haircuts with Debbie (a longtime friend of mine) at Waco's: "The Cutting Edge". Although Ben had a kickin' sweet mullet-- we decided it was time.

Starting with the child who would probably behave the best---little Ethan was first.

"Umm...what are you about to do, lady?"

Sweet little Ethan was so still as Deb trimmed away on his baby-locks...

Tah Dah! How cute are those spikes with that face?...not quite a little baby anymore (sniff, sniff)

Next we have Andrew

Nice pick of the little man's uneven do

Drew was good in the chair, he was just extremely curious of what Deb was doing to his head (not a big fan of people messing with his head in any way).

He kept trying to look up/back and grab at the scissors/shears

"What's going on back there?"

My little man...gosh, he looks a LOT like Ethan in this pic!...2 down, 1 more to go...

Then there was Benjamin...we purposely saved Boo Bear for last.

"Don't hate me cuz you're jealous of my rockin' scraggly mullet"

Ben was fine at the beginning--gave him a comb to play with...distracted him for a bit...we thought we were in the clear!

NOPE! Here it comes...

"Help me! Why are you just standing there? Get me outta this chair!"

But it was short lived and as soon as Deb stopped, Ben was happy as a lark!

The little princess is growing her hair out--seeing as how her bros have all had longer hair than Savannah from day one! But she went along for the ride anyway--to lend her sisterly support!

A HUGE thanks to Debbie! I love you, woman! YOU ROCK! I would also like to thank Papa Hoag and Betty Willis for helping us juggle babies in and out of the chair! You are appreciated more than you know!

All in all, they did VERY well and no longer look like widdle babies! I cannot BULEEEEEV they are about to be one. This year has completely flown by (and yes, I know...the years go faster and faster from here on out) These are my only babies!- so every milestone is extremely bittersweet for me!

Oh, and be sure to visit Baby Blog Addict:


She is doing a Quad-a-thon on the Steeces, Goerlichs, McNultys, and Murrays! VERY COOL! Check out her blog and you can enter for prizes as well!

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Anonymous said...

The first hair cuts are the best and worst. I cried when my son got his first haircut (around a year)because it seemed to say he was no longer a baby. He is my first and only because of that all the little things people get to experience with each child seems to tear me up. Lol My husband saids I am just a softy. I know I am!!!! I tell him he would understand more if he carried him for the entire pregnancy and than gave birth.

mrs boo radley said...

Those photos are so sweet! Wonderful that you could capture the memories. Cuties, all of them.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

so cute! i actually saw the pic on my google reader the other day and wondered... james needs his haircut too, but i can't bring myself to do it!

Laura Marchant said...

I love the spiked hair up front! They look so cute.

Anonymous said...

So cute! They look like grown-ups!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures!

Where did you get the outfit that Savannah is wearing? It's so cute. :)

Allison said...

I just wanted to say that your hair is sooooo cute! (And of course the kiddos are too cute as well!) :)

GibsonTwins said...

They are so precious! I love the front spikes too, adorable!

Our twins are b/g and the boy has always had more hair than the girl- sooo not fair! She's never had her hair cut and she's 21 months old, trying to grow it out to be all one length, plus I have no clue how to cut curly hair!

Can't believe its already been a year!!

The Petro Family said...

My little one year old is too rocking the mullet. I have been praying that it would curl, but it is still straight as a board. Hey Suz, noticed you were wearing your rings? Has your allergy gone away? I know it can happen. Just wondering.

Andria said...

Aww! It looks like you handled that well! They are so handsome. And, missy, I request all-around head shots of you! Your hair is so gorgeous! I recently cut my hair short (and love it) but next time I go in, I wanna brave it to be like yours! You sexy-quad-mama you!

I look forward to your shine in the spotlight on BabyBlogAddict! Congrats!

Moni Graf said...

I think I would've let Ben sport the mullet 'do for a little while longer. I'm all about the "business in the front, party in the back" look!

They look great! Glad Sav went along to offer her opinion, too!

My Forrest probably could go for a haircut now, but I just can't bring myself to cut his thick, flowing baby mane.

He's sitting on my lap right now and he says:

Love from KS,

Unknown said...

such handsome boys! Glad the trip was not too tough on them! My little guy has yet to get a haircut - he's starting to get 'old man hair' in the back, but overall its not that long...should probably take care of it before summer is up though!

Beth said...

I absolutely LOVE your hair! I may have to use it at my reference picture for the next time I get my chance you'd want to take front, back and side pics for us would you?? :-) (and the boys hair turned out cute too!)

The Porter Family said...


I just found your blog the other day and I'm sooo glad I did! You are such an inspiration to future-mommies out there :)

P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair!...and your tank top!!

Love, Krystle

Quad Squad! said...

Oh, I got so teary when we first cut the boys' hair last summer! Jonathan and Zacahry had the cutest little curls! Alas!

Stacy said...

They are so cute!!!!

And speaking of first birthdays, I mailed something out to Sav this morning. You should have it by the end of the week.

Anonymous said...

The haircuts look great - but you're right they do look pretty grown up. Savannah's like my daughter who didn't have her first haircut until she was 2 1/2 (and really, it wasn't long).

I read your 5 favorite posts on Baby Blog Addict. The one about you not being able to wear your bikini reminded me of a blog I read this weekend - Quad mom at 29+ weeks. Amazing. Here's the link ...

The Drama Mama said...

OMG, I cannot believe they will be one soon...that is just crazy!

L-O-V-E the sweet pictures! Glad to hear you had a great time...can't wait to read more!

Shelley said...

We tried to cut my son's hair ourselves. BAD,BAD idea! We stopped half way through and now aren't really sure how to correct it. :-) I might have to sneak down to a professional to have it corrected (my husband is a huge do-it-yourselfer). Our b/g twins share a b-day with the quads. It's coming up fast! Happy early b-day!

Lindsay said...

I found your blog recently and have enjoyed reading about your journey. You are such an inspiration and your babies are precious!


Lindsay said...

I found your blog recently and have enjoyed reading about your journey. You are such an inspiration and your babies are precious!


Linda Frances said...

First hair cut just in time for their FIRST Birthday ! See you soon.


Elyse said...

How can they all be so cute all the time? Seriously! I am so glad they are getting LOTS of attention and LOVE the new pics!

Speaking of birthdays soon-I will ALWAYS remember theirs since one it is my birthday as well and two because they were in the local paper and I fell in love with the story!

You are an awesome mama!

Anonymous said...

Your babies are adorable and the parents are just as cute! My grandaughter sent me to your blog and I am so glad she did. I really enjoy it and I marvel at how you find the time to "blog".
It's great to know these precious babies are being raised in a Christian home. You both look like you are doing a fantastic job as parents.
There is another Texas couple who just brought their third baby home. They had triplets about 6 weeks ago. Their blog is I am sure they would love hearing from you with words of encouragment.

Anonymous said...

Aww, first haircuts. With my son the 1st haricut was a breeze..barely knew what was going on. Every haricut after that has gotten worse. He has curly hair that needs cutting often, about once a month and I dread it every time now. But the boys look really cute! Getting grown up looking now!

Anonymous said...

The boys look so grown up and super duper cute!! :)

Kimberly said...

Aw they all look like little men now! Absolutely adorable fun times! Your hair looks super cute, too. Did you get to get yours done as well?

Anonymous said...

Oh, did you save a piece of each of their hair? I saved a top curl of my son's hair at his first hair cut. It's in a baggie in his baby book.
The boys look soooo handsome! I think they did great with their first hair cut. In my opinion, it's better to start them out early so they'll be used to getting it cut on a regular basis. My son loves to get his hair cut and tells me "mom, I need a hair cut".
I agree with everyone else..your hair is beautiful.
Cathy in Frisco

Anonymous said...

Love it! Haircuts are hard physically and emotionally. One more milestone past. Love them! Love you!

Hilary said...

Too cute!! They are so big....have a great week :)

Margaret said...

SO SO cute!! My daughter had her first haircut last week and I can't believe how much older it makes her look! Pics on my blog if you want to see! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Suz,

I wanted to email you to ask you about the Quad Feeding/Activity table that you have, but I couldn't find an email link anywhere on your blog. I hope you don't mind me using the comment section to correspond with you! :)

I am currently 4 months pregnant with twins and my husband and I rent an apartment with very tight quarters. Originally we were going to get two high chairs, but a relative emailed me a link to the table you have, only made for twins, and I thought that might be a better alternative. My only question is -- how old were your quads when you began to use the table? Did you have high chairs for them when they were smaller, or did you move them straight to the table?

Thanks so much in advance for any help you might be able to offer me. These are our first children and there's so much more to consider when you're having multiples! I have learned a lot by reading your blog and jotted down some great ideas to use with my own twins.

~ Melissa :)

Sam and Mandy said...

A friend of mine told me that I MUST come read your blog a few weeks ago; well I did - I started from the beginning, and got addicted! What a great story! You have a beautiful family and I look forward to continuing to come back and check on your progress!

Anonymous said...

How in the world do you have such a great tan?

Anonymous said...

Any chance you meant to say "Betsy Willis" rather than Betty? She was my Accounting teacher at Baylor!

Tracey said...

Just found your site! Wow! FOUR! My brother as twin girls. I am the last of 8 children myself and the only one without kids yet, but we're in the process of adopting! Yah. Good luck.

Deanna said...

Suz, they are getting so big. I can not believe they are getting ready to be 1. Of course, I am denial that on the 12th mine will be 5 and starting kindergarten. Seems like just yesterday I was at Harris on Bedrest with Dr. Tabor and Howard doing everything possible to keep those babies inside me. And yes, the time goes fast after the first year. My older two will be 9 on the 17th that really makes me want to cry.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they are about to be! First haircuts and everything! Wow!

Nicole said...

Awwww! They look like little boys! Sooooo cute!

BTW, been following your blog for a while now, haven't commented but a few times. LOVE your blog, you have the sweetest babies, I love watching them grow. Thanks for sharing them.

The McNulty Family said...

Hey hot mama!

So grown up.. snif snif. I thought I told them to STOP THAT!!!

I love seing them on the webcam.. i just want to jump through the screen and kiss um and kiss um and kiss um. Cutest babes ever!!!

Love you.

Cindy said...

Ha Ha! Love that mullet!

Jeannie said...

love their new cuts! it's time for our, do you have to cute boys' hair alot! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, very smart boys! I think you should have let Savannah have a colour or some extensions though! Best wishes to you all.

Momma-of-5 said...

So fun! I just got the triplet's 1 year old pix taken, so now I can let them get their hair cut. However, like the Steece gang, Ava won't be need a haircut till she's 18.

Susan said...

How fun!!!

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